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HY”D: 3 More IDF Soldiers Killed, Including Son Of Israeli War Cabinet Member Gadi Eizenkot

The IDF announced the deaths of three additional soldiers killed amidst the fighting in Gaza, bringing the IDF’s ground operation death toll to 89 and 417 since October 7th.

The soldiers were identified as:

• The son of Gadi Eizenkot, the former IDF Chief of Staff and current member of the Israeli war cabinet, Master Sgt (res.) Gal Meir Eizenkot, 25, a soldier in the 699th Battalion, killed during battle in northern Gaza.

• Major Sgt (res.) Jonathan David Deitch, 34, a soldier in the 6623 patrol battalion, killed in battle in the south of the Gaza Strip.

• First class Sgt (res.) Maor Gershoni, 24, a commander in Battalion 8173, ‘Etzioni’ Brigade (6), killed yesterday (Wednesday) in a battle in the north of the Gaza Strip.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Gadi Eizenkot tried to destroy the life of a gibor named Elor Azaria. Azaria’s two friends were lying in a Hebrom gutter after being stabbed by a Hamas terrorist. Azaria had been trained to identify potential threats such as suicide vests and Azaria neutralized the terrorist who had stabbed his two friends and tried to murder him as well. Eizenkot in an effort to turn this poor soldier into an opportunity for potential constituents (as he was leaving the military for politics) brought the full power of prejudice and military against this poor young man. The young man’s father had a stroke (R’L). And if it were up to Eizenkot the boy would have served a 30 year sentence for murder in killing the terrorist. That a commander would ever be held responsible …perish the thought! Middah kneged midda b’olam was never been nullified! I truly mourn the Eizenkot chayal but I believe something like this was inevitable. Mesira never ends well.The Israeli people saw the treachery and cried out!

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