PALESTINIAN MOM: “It’s Beautiful To Have Many Kids & Push Them To Death”


In a shocking video translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a Palestinian female TV host shared a “beautiful idea” on a Libyan TV show.

“Why do Palestinians give birth to so many children?” she asked.

“I heard a beautiful answer!” she said excitedly. “We give birth to so many children so we can push them to death, to martyrdom.”

The Palestinian guest then interjected with a nostalgic story about his late grandfather who used to say: “They [Israel] have nuclear bombs and we have ‘offspring bombs.'”

“They use the children for the resistance,” the woman responded. “They sacrifice them for martyrdom.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Sick! And getting sicker… absolute deranged evil murderers. Reminds me of a “joke” I heard along time ago about 2 “Palestinian” mothers watching their kids in a playground, and one says to the other “amazing how quick these kids blow up…”

  2. “I heard a beautiful answer!” she said excitedly. “We give birth to so many children so we can push them to death, to martyrdom.”

    And we will always be here to help you in your sacred mission.

  3. Consider the famous line: You don’t win wars by dying for your country, but by getting the other guy to die for his country.

    They may get bored with it. The Germans and Japanese were fanatic about dying for their country (the Americans were glad to help them), and now we have trouble getting them to life a muscle when we want them to be at least a little bit warlike.

  4. Strange way to give parents nachas…
    But I don’t believe they genuinely rejoice when their kids die. Look at the pictures of adults crying over children in Gaza.

  5. מה חידוש יש בזה??
    Why on earth do we care what this scum bug has to say? YWN what is this about?? If you would ignore this piece of filth, nothing would change; this is NOT NEWS

  6. and who if foolish enough to think there are ANY innocent resident of Gaza or the other Palestinian areas?

    Palestinian mothers crying over dead babies? Who said the babies are dead? The shrouds may be covering shmattas! They lie about everything.

  7. Basesther, yes I see the videos of them “crying” and with the vast majority of these parents their “pain’ over their dead children the whole situation looks so fake.

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