HERO: Senator Fetterman Unwaveringly Defends Israel Against The Squad’s War Crimes Accusations

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

In a Tuesday interview with CNN’s Abby Phillip, Senator John Fetterman fiercely defended Israel against allegations of committed war crimes in its response to the Hamas attacks on October 7th, stressing the need to crush Hamas to ensure peace for Israelis.

Fetterman, known for his strong support of Israel, faced pointed questions from Phillip about the Israeli actions in Gaza since the terrorist attack. When asked if these actions amounted to war crimes, Fetterman responded emphatically, “Of course not. Of course not.” He highlighted Hamas’s role in initiating the conflict, breaking the ceasefire, and its attack on Israel, which resulted in 1,200 casualties, most of them civilians.

The Senator was also questioned about the Palestinian casualties, including thousands of civilians and children. “One death is too many. It is tragic,” Fetterman acknowledged, but unwaveringly defended Israel’s objective to dismantle Hamas, which he again said is essential for achieving peace.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. This is a real case-study worth studying.
    Usually people who are okay with opening the border even if children get abused, okay with people burning down stores, are the same people who will be first to condemn Israel and stand with Hamas, regardless if Hamas wants to kill them too. Just like they’re willing to destroy their own country without any logic.
    And those who get it on those issues should be the ones who get it on Israel and Anti-Semitism.

    But how do you explain when the rolls are switched, when you have a conservative Republican on the wrong side, and a progressive democrat supporting Israel? Really, what’s פשט?

  2. Sort of embarrassing that 2 months ago the YWN posted this HEADLINE –

    STUPID STUNT: Brain Damaged Senator Promises To Wear Suit If GOP Funds Government, Supports Ukraine.

    Maybe ask him mechila.

  3. Good to hear, but still worth remembering that even if the IDF were to succeed in totally wiping out Hamas, if Hashem decides that His favored children still need to be chastised for not obeying His instructions to them, harbeh shlichim le-Makom.

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