WATCH: Gazans Say Hamas Terrorists Beat Up Merchants, Gauge Prices Of Food

(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Residents of Gaza have shared their experiences with the Center for Peace Communications regarding life in the region amidst Israel’s war to destroy Hamas.

Interviews with Gazans revealed criticism towards Hamas terrorists. One resident described the militants’ intimidating behavior, noting their aggressive actions such as shooting in the air and assaulting local merchants. This resident questioned the absence of humanitarian aid, saying, “[Hamas] is driving around in jeeps, shooting in the air, beating up merchants … and where are those trucks [of aid]?”

Another resident recounted an incident at a market where they observed unusually high chicken prices. Upon inquiring with nearby Hamas police about price controls, the officers acknowledged the prohibition of price gouging but advised the resident to simply not purchase the chicken.

The growing concern among the populace was summarized by a resident who expressed fear about Hamas gaining more strength and becoming increasingly oppressive, stating, “Folks are saying if they’ll stay in power…they’ll grow stronger and more oppressive.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. If this is more than propaganda, then the Israeli strategy is to have free elections in Gaza (my suspicion is most Gazans support Hamas, which is why no one is suggesting turning the governance over to those elected by the people).

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