NETANYAHU TELLS BLINKEN: We Swore To Eradicate Hamas, NOTHING Will Stop Us

Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday said he met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken shortly after the shooting attack in Jerusalem, and explicitly told him that Israel will continue its fight to eradicate Hamas.

“I have just concluded a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, shortly after Hamas murderers murdered people here in Jerusalem. I told him that it is the same Hamas,” Netanyahu said in a video statement.

“It is the same Hamas that perpetrated the terrible massacre on October 7th and the same Hamas that is trying to murder us everywhere.

“I told him: We have sworn, I have sworn, to eliminate Hamas. Nothing will stop us.

“We will continue this war until we achieve the three goals: Freeing all of our hostages, completely eliminating Hamas and ensuring that no threat like this will ever come from Gaza again.”

7 Responses

  1. Why hasn’t Blinken cut his trip short & not already returned to USA for לוויה of his Henry Kissinger ז”ל since he us now occupying that same post

  2. May Hashem give Netanyahu the gevuras hanefesh to withstand the pressure of the immoral nations and indeed continue to destroy Hamas עד גמירא.

  3. He had to say this, because Hamas just flagrantly broke the truce, waging its terroristic war against Israelis while at the same time avoiding any retaliation. Time for reality check. The Israeli government is powerless. The Israeli army is powerless. Only Hashem can save us. Keep davening!

  4. The only way he can guarantee that from Gaza will come no terror, if he removes every single Arab out of Gaza.

    As long as there are Arabs there, you cannot guarantee you won’t have terrorists attacks

    If you need a reminder, look at Jerusalem attack this morning

    All Arabs need to be moved to Arab countries

    Kahana was right!!!! Nuch Ein Mul!

  5. Olam Hafuch! Everything is the opposite of what Bibi says. All he does is collapse under American pressure. He is not prosecuting the war against Hamas. Ceasefire after ceasefire! He is not creating a disincentive for hostage takers. Israel needs better!

  6. R’ Elchanon Wasserman, zatzukel, (another victim of terrorism) said that the Arabs are no more or less than shlichim of Hashem’s dinim. Even if the IDF manages somehow to eliminate every single Hamas person, if Hashem feels His children need further chastisement, הרבה שליחים למקום.

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