Singer Lipa Schmeltzer revealed that a major singing engagement scheduled for Thursday night was abruptly canceled due to publicized videos of him entertaining wounded IDF soldiers.
The event, titled “An Evening with the Bas Ayin,” and hosted by a prominent Kiryas Yoel businessman, was slated to take place in Monsey, marking the Yahrtzeit of the famous tzadik.
Lipa took to social media, posting a video of himself at the kever of the Divrei Yoel of Satmar, in which he shared the news with his followers. He mentioned that the businessman had faced pressure from his mosad to revoke Lipa’s gig.
“The mosad said they have nothing against me, only the fact that I just sang in Israel for the wounded,” he said.
He also called upon his fellow Jewish singers not to compromise their principles for financial gain.
This development comes on the heels of singer Beri Weber issuing an apology for leading the Hallel prayer at the vasikin minyan in front of the White House, just prior to the March for Israel rally held last Tuesday. Beri said that he had not been contracted for the rally itself but had been engaged by a private individual from Teaneck who aimed to promote the concept of davening k’vasikin.
As always, when the mob comes for people, it comes at them for the dumbest and most ridiculous things, and in the most shameful way possible that is guaranteed to make a massive chilul hashem.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
71 Responses
@ Avakoy,
What makes this page a chilul hashem? Yea, the crazier chareidim are just smothering us chilonim with their love and reverence for rage, pity and self disgust. Keep it up YWN, you’re helping those about to go off the derech to escape the chareidi purgatory.
Who would conceive a mindset that belittles and defames the soldiers protecting chareidim from the ravaging hordes intent on the rape of their mothers and sisters and destruction of their only Yiddishe Medina, whether Zionist or not.
This page isn’t a chilul hashem, it’s a kiddish hashem, an invitation to focus on the perfidy of chareidi and what they plan for chilonim if they’re successful.
YWN: stirring discord for few more ad clicks. stay classy
@YWN: Can you honestly look at the comments on this page and deny that it’s an absolute chillul Hashem? How are you okay with this?
We dont have to live w the reality of a Zionist Medinah. We need to shun zionism as our holy Rebbes did. “Big people don’t change minds.”
In any case, the event where Lipa was supposed to perforn was for a הייליגע מוסד,על טהרת הק׳. Bad enough they booked him but to kp him after dancing w flags and w the IDF? What a double standard!
And how Lipa made a mockery out of himself by the holy Rebbes קבר, will forever go down as utter absurdity.
Lipas a good guy. He means no harm but his Zionistic agenda shod not be tolerated let alone promoted.
At least some still stand for the truth.
Everyone is missing the point here.
the Zionists want to replace the Torah with their idealogy.
No one can defend that.
However there is no better option today then Zionists.
The British mandate authorities in palastine were worse and the Turks weren’t any better.
The anti zionists today are of out of touch with reality.
“…The slap we received from הקב”ה is definitely working to bring non frum yidden closer to Torah and Hashem…”
You think so? I’m not frum but occasionally pop in here to see how the crazier fringes of the chareidi world assail the integrity of chilonim. To my thinking, there are only to hashkafas in the chareidi world — Crazy and crazier.
Only a crazier might surmise that the horrors of Oct.7th was a slap from HKBH . More than likely, this was a lesson to force chareidi society to join the military because after Hamas is wiped out, every yeshiva bochur will lose all his subsidies if he doesn’t enlist. The non-frum have had enough of the crazy and craziers.
Circle is absolutely wrong. Quite the contrary, chilonim like me will never join the ranks of the frum when we see idiocies like the above.
It’s obviously not about an avayra otherwise they could not employ anyone
It’s only political
To override achdus for politics seems unjewish specially at a time of war
Is it also a chillul Hashem??????
Gersh – You ever daven at the Kosel? 🙂
Are these last comments from out of space? Date and time seems to be on Shabbes.
Learn or say Tehilim instead of all these Narishkeiten
@Lazerc – Your sentiments are appreciated. Your love for Yidden and kovod for their leaders inspiring. We can learn much from you in both area.
If, my dear brother, I may correct one thing about which you wrote. While many things do indeed change – even certain halachos MAY change given changes in circumstances, etc. – The Shalosh Shevuous do not change. Taking Eretz Yisroel by force (i.e. before it is time to do so evidenced by the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkeinu and the return of Malchus Beis Dovid) and establishing a “Jewish State” is against the Torah. For all intents and purposes ALL the Gedolim prior to ’48 held that way. The apparent split in their hashkafos was NOT in whether the State is a good or smart thing. It was only regarding whether once its establishment is a foregone conclusion, how do we deal with or DO we deal with it. The original “Agudah” maintained their long-standing view that we don’t deal with it, we don’t recognize it. They became the Eidah HaChareidis. Their member who felt it need be delt with from within became what we now know as the Agudah Party. Of course those with that hashkofah now have many names (e.g. Degel HaTorah, Shas, Agudah, etc.). But to believe it is a Jewish State or that – until now – they existed for the benefit of the Jews (Torah Jews), is a mistake.
You should not come to the satmer rebbi’s tzion and announce that you’re going to continue singing for the IDF, if you wanna do it do it, but don’t announce it here, its an unbelievable chutzpa and a despicable פגיעה בכבודו.
To all my Holy Brothers and Sisters who all stood at Sinai and about who CHaZa”L say, “af al pi she’chata, Yisroel hava.” Shalom u’vrachah to all who have posted here, and to all those who have not. A Gutten Erev Shabbos Kodesh!
There is really nothing to be gained by trying to convince someone of something whose entire life depends depends on them not being convinced. Yet, my love for all Yidden, all of whom possess a neshamah which is a cheilek E-loka mi’maal, does not let me remain silent.
I must first say that some of the sentiments posted here pain me deeply. As one who has known well members of the “old yishuv” (The Eidah HaChareidis), those who knew the Great Satmar Rebbe ztzvk”l very well, who has made lifelong friends with present and former residents of both Williamsburg and Kiryas Yoel, and as one who has read several biographies of the great Divrei Yoel, I can say with 100% assuredness that while he certainly did not support the establishment of the State of Israel (and this was the opinion of most of the Gedolim of that time), and while he did not allow his followers to vote in NATIONAL election (although he did absolutely permit the participation in local elections), he would never refuse to daven for a Yiddisheh individual who was in any sort of danger. Anyone who waves the banner of hatred and internal bigotry claiming they are supported by this great individual is at best mistaken and at worst creating his own religion.
1) “Yitamu chata’im min ha’aretz.” Chazal teach us, al tikri CHOT’IM (meaning the sinners), eleh CHATA’IM (meaning the aveiros). Chazal are teaching us that we daven for the removal sin, not of those who commit the sins.
2) Avrohom Avinu, Yitzchok Avinu, Yaakov Avinu, and Moshe Rabbeinu were all asked to defend the Jewish people to the Ribono shel Olam. The reply was always the same. NO! But when Rochel Imeinu defended them – them being those who worshipped all sorts of foreign idols and committed all sorts of sins, her pleas were accepted.
I find that people in my community who feel they have to make a statement by sitting down if the tzibur says tehillim for Klal Yisroel or if a mishabereach is made for the safety of the soldiers – those individuals who rant on about the Medinah and tzionies etc. Those people are usually dealing with personal issues or just not personally happy and this gives them a good chance to gripe about something.
Reb chonon::
Reb Elchonon Wasserman’s son, Reb Simcha who opened some 5 yehivas in his father’s name Ohr Elchonon, opened a yeshiva in Jerusalem and he lived his remaining years in Jerusalem.
Reb Sholom Dov Ber of Lubavitch was the 5th rebbe, the last rebbe, Reb M.M.S. encouraged Jews to visit and live in Israel.
What was before the state changed. Only a few sects did not change their mind sets.
But we have to live with the reality that there is a Jewish/Zionist state.
Politics and religion, two strange bed fellows.
Dear Friends:
You could accomplish much more for Klal Yisroel by trying to deliver messages of achdus rather than machlokes.
Firstly, Zionism the movement has been dead and gone for decades. The anti-Torah people in E”Y are generally leftist secular Jews and even they have stopped protesting and joined Klal Yisroel in this dark and difficult time, but apparently certain heimishe mentchen are too frum for the Klal and have found a way to shame and create division when Hashem is calling on us to unite. Secondly, since when do we exclude people from the mitzvah of bikur cholim? These chayalim are not kofrim, they are doing the hishtadlus needed to defend the lives of millions of Yiddin living in E”Y, many of whom are lomdei Torah and shomrei Torah U’mitzvos. Tone-deafness doesn’t begin to describe these cancellers – to cause rifts in Klal Yisroel at a time like this is unforgivable and yes a shanda.
Me thinks Satmar are like a tinuk shenishbar
Lost the plot
We owe such hakoras hatov to the army for protecting us even if you don’t agree with the state after the fact one can’t deny that they died and got injured for the sake of other yidden
The only thing that saves Satmer is the indisputable Chesed that they have… they are always first in Giving Tzedacka, and honestly speaking that is one of the most complicating aspects… on one hand they Hate the state of Israel “ basically Iran Vs Satmer who hates Israel more?” It’s very conflictive… I personally had incredible experience with Satmer (and over all I think that they are good kind heartedly people) about the Zionist issue I believe that they have to do some fixing.
Keep singling LIPA…..we will all hear you
Ridiculous, Shanda, and Chilul Hashem, let me predend for a moment that I agree . . .
But YWN team, PLEASE explain me the Kidush Hashem of posting the desecration of Shabbes by the Israeli war cabinet and the addressing the nation of the head of the JEWISH state on Shabbes….
Have you lost your senses, are you mad???
Is it that everything done by anti Zionists considered Chilul Hashem, and blind support and reporting from Israel and it’s actions is Kiddush Hashem? Really?
It’s always amusing to see how many Yidden think we’re different than the rest of the world & immune from what always happens in a group.
Once a group grows large enough people who disagree realize they can do their own thing & still be viable. This causes the groups to slowly go their separate ways. BTW, these moves to a more open world view or more progressive ideas ARE ALMOST ALWAYS led by the artists, dreamers & creative types, as we see here.
Whether it’s Chasidim who want more isolation & Chasidim who want to be more open to the outside world (the OOT day school I attended is getting more & more Chasidish boys whose parents want them to speak proper English, get a strong secular education, & interact with boys from MO & Yeshivish homes.)
Or in the Yeshiva world where there are those that believe lifetime Kollel is the only option & college is absolutely Assur, while others believe “Torah im Parnassa” is the proper derech & there are Charedi Yeshivas that not only “Allow” college but have programs specifically designed to help talmidim become highly educated professionals. Same in the MO world the developing divide between the RWMO crowd & those trying to push the envelope of Orthodoxy with things like partnership Minyanim or a woman employed by a Shul who is not called a Rabbi but in every sense of her duties is in practice an “Assistant Rabbi”
There’s always going to be pushback & as we’ve seen throughout history the Rebbe’s don’t always play nice. But I think this will works itself out & everyone will find their place. The reason Chasidism was successful & grew was because there were so many different sects with different ways of serving Hashem that every Jew could find a Chasidus that appealed to them.
Hakatan: Ehat makes you think I am talking about Chabad This article discusses grand productions in honor of other rebbes and tzadikim.
It’s always amusing to see how many Yidden think we’re different than the rest of the world & immune from what always happens in a group.
Once a group grows large enough people who disagree realize they can do their own thing & still be viable. This causes the groups to slowly go their separate ways. BTW, these moves to a more open world view or more progressive ideas ARE ALMOST ALWAYS led by the artists, dreamers & creative types, as we see here.
Whether it’s Chasidim who want more isolation & Chasidim who want to be more open to the outside world (the OOT day school I attended is getting more & more Chasidim whose parents want them to speak proper English, get a strong secular education, & interact with boys from MO & Yeshivish homes.)
Or in the Yeshiva world where there are those that believe lifetime Kollel is the only option & college is absolutely Assur, while others believe “Torah im Parnassa” is the proper derech & there are Charedi Yeshivas that not only “Allow” college but have programs specifically designed to help talmidim become highly educated professionals. Same in the MO world the developing divide between the EWMO
WOW…Listen UP
Big difference between “Not Hiring” And “Cancelling”
Malbim Pnei Chaveiro takes this to a new level. Shaming a person in front of thousands of jews. Causing such a pulic shame ???
You would be hard pressed to find a Posek who would endorse such an action in a public forum such as was planned.
For sure Satmar Rebbe would NOT approve. So many stories of his interaction with people who thought different than him. NEVER DID HE DO THIS TO A SHOMER TORAH YID.
Note. I have seen 45min video of Beri.
His davening is inspiring, Heimish, and most importantly there is no mention of the “Medina” at all. NO waving of flags. NO comments at all about soldiers or the war. It seems illogical to criticize that Tifilo..
This type of shaming needs to called out. Are we heading into Goy Land??
Unfortunately “MY Voice” is a foolish one. Of course Lipa sings for anyone who needs it. The idea that helping Yidden who we need to have tremendous hakoras hatov to for being moser nefesh to save other Yidden somehow espouses the idea that zionism supplants the Torah, comes from a “witch hunt” mentality. an insanity that is sweeping small-minded people everywhere. True zionism today is very rare among chilonim, who don’t know about Torah, and don’t think that they need something to replace the Torah. But if bashing anyone you can pretend supports zionism gives you a lift that you personally don’t get from learning Torah and doing mitzvos, then you need to bash people for your own gratification.
sounds like lipa can join satmar bikur cholim, they like helping jews of any type.
FYI. By and large, the Sefardic kehilot are pro Israel, and we fully support the troops. The issue of religion is viewed separately. We may or may not agree with any particular party that runs the government, and the religious Sephardim do not support the secular aspects of the government or of the society, but that does not stop us from supporting the state and the troops, and it offers us the opportunity to advance our values and goals, as well as to love the ones that are not there yet.
I thought satmer liked bikur cholim.
All of you arguing about whos perspective is right or wrong regarding Zionism.
One has to wonder if the anti Zionists really understand how their point of view causes so much more damage to the overall Benei Yisrael than it does for standing up for an opinionated belief.
Do you really think every other great Torah mind who resides in Israel is less than your Torah minds?
You leave no room for the general halachic disagreements we have (like Glatt Kosher vs Bet Yosef, or Kitniyot/Gebroksts) as if Hashem is sitting up there thinking that either way matters so much. It is our pettiness and pride that keeps us living in this Galut. Give it up! They slaughtered OUR babies, children, women, and whole families yet here we are discussing the halachic point of view of supporting our people! What a shameful generation we are, we don’t even deserve Moshiach! Shame on you all for holding halachic opinion over Achdut of Benei Yisrael! You think the stringencies or leniencies of our way of lives really matter in the grand scheme of things?! What a shameful generation we are, we bring our own destruction again and again with out inability to see the bigger picture of Achdut! A father is unconcerned about which of his children’s opinions is right if all it does is cause division! WAKE UP! Stop this pettiness, this utter ignorance, choose Achdut. If there is anything we can learn from Oct 7 (As if our history doesn’t tell us that anyways) its that everyone of us is a walking target, regardless of which Rebbe or Halachic point of view you agree with! What ignorance we display over and over again, its astounding! Korach fell into the earth because he felt his point of view mattered more than the Achdut of Benei Yisrael, yet here we all are in our disgusting pride attempting to make ourselves better than another of our own brethren! We have become a joke! A product of the cultures that murdered us, enslaved us, raped us! As if those surpass our true identities! SHAME ON YOU ALL! SHAME ON SATMAR AND ANYONE ELSE TO CHOOSE NOW TO PUSH THEIR HALCHIC AGENDA! SHAME!
It’s a very interesting dichotomy. Weber felt the need to apologize and Shmeltzer did not. In both cases it was about their careers. Weber’s target clientele are not the crowd who are hiring MacaBeats or 8th Day for their kid’s bar mitzvah, so he realized that he had redefined himself so-to-speak by “performing” at this event, and he had done even worse, because he desecrated (in the eyes of his target clientele) the davening by making a “secular” or “Zionist” show out of it. So he apologized with a weak excuse, hoping to minimize the damage.
Lipa is a bit more difficult to understand. He is a “drama queen” by nature, and his claim to fame is the fact that he “feifs un” the whole world. So what better way to feif un than by going to the Satmar Rebbe’s kever and playing the “victim” (he is likely sincere in his intentions, by the way, I know him personally and he is a very good guy, but the whole shpiel fits with his persona). His major clientele are not put off much (or at all — even the guy who canceled him only did it due to outside pressure) by his singing for chayalim, so he’s fine by ignoring any “publicity” from this canceling. But his “feif un” mehalech fits with what he did, and what he did will neither enhance n or deter his singing career.
As far as the Satmar chassidus that were the obvious catalysts in both situations, there’s no shanda here. That’s what Satmar believe, so they do what they think they must. In Weber’s case, he realized that he is no longer in the Rebbe’s favor (as well as ultimately realizing the negative impact on his career), so he did what he needed to do. In Shmeltzer’s case, he probably has not been in the Rebbe’s favor (nor the previous Rebbe’s favor) ever, so all they could do was cancel him, and he did what he felt was his right to do.
Pretty simple when you think about it…
Here we go again with one group thinking they have a monopoly on Torah and Hashkafa. I hope you all realize that you have the same talking points as Hamas. Orthodox Judaism does not require one to reject Zionism. Feel free to argue. But if you can’t recognize that you are a stellar example of what Achdut is not.
Supporting Zionism or the country based on such is the real shanda.
Supporting the Jewish (עושי מעשי עמך) people suffering there is what we need to be doing instead.
Concerts, kumzitz and other events are utter rubbish.
These iconic and over-idolized singers do nothing for our yiddishkeit whatsoever. Au contraire, they’ve introduced secular music and culture in our society. I wish they’d all just go away. Lipa stated many years ago that his goal is to introduce songs with “more than just three chords…” I’m not even going to comment on that individual’s IQ level. But I do ask, why are these people even allowed to set the tone for K’lal Yisrael? Worse off, when we rightfully push back, YW uses inflated phraseology in its headlines such as “shanda” to provoke emotions. SMH.
@sorry btw its not in kidushin but in kesibos Daf 112
tzadikim of previous generation were all opposed to zionism. Including rabbi elchonon Wasserman ztzl, the closest Talmud of chofets chayim, and rabbi of many lakewood roshei yeshivos. As well as reb shalom dover of lubavitch ztzl Yes we pray for all yidden Including IDF soldier’s, but to go dance with them is over the line zionism.
“my voice” put it well. The shanda is YWN’s gross disregard for the massive chilul Hashem and mass hasasa vaHadacha that is Zionism.
The incidents here are not “mob rule”, as YWN indicated but rather logical reactions that reflect Hashem’s excruciating pain over Zionism.
Nobody was discussing Chabad here; that’s not the point.
mi kamoch yisroel is so very nice we need more people like now
the first thing thats done when you want to bury a story is pull the loshon hara card
its the latest fad
everyone is busy loshon hara loshon hara
sometimes its a mitzvah to expose the nutjobs in klal yisroel
like neturei karta and the like
a few misguided nuts dont have to control the masses
@myvoice what changed from before the recent events Lipa has sang for chayalim many times in the past. If it only about Hashkafa why did the hire him to begin with.
@nanachisntbreslov if it was because of their shittah why did they hire him in the first place this war is not the first time that he sang for chayalim and if this was hashkafik they shouldn’t have hired him in the first place.
@chash you claim to be familiar with satmar and I find that surprising as if you truly were familiar with them you’d realize that there are two sides to satmar there is the community on a public stage that does a lot of public chesed and has many wonderful organizations and there is the satmar on the private stage that has complete disregard for anyone not part of the community and only care for what’s best for them.
It’s amazing how they have picked one “mitzva” of not having a Medina and made it chock velo yaavor that they won’t even have anything to do with someone who is even suspected of supporting it. (Even though there is no mekor in Torah and none of the poskim bring it down. It is from a Gemara in kidushin and mind you the same Gemara says that one who lives outside of Israel is comparable to one who has no g-d but that part of the Gemara they conveniently forget.) however they have no issue supporting people who are pro gay marriage which is an issur deoraisa and applies to goyim as well.
The truth is the only conviction they have is to themselves. And how it’s supports them if there is no publicity they won’t help you in anyway they will throw you to the curb and spit on you.
I personally am anti the Medina but I happened to live in Israel for a few years and worked for satmar people during the summer. To them it didn’t matter that I was anti the Medina or that I didn’t have anything to do with the government the fact that I wasn’t satmar and I lived in Israel made me the biggest rasha in their eyes. I was spit on I had my tools damaged by their kids and I was called all sorts of names it didn’t matter to them that my hashkafa was totally in line with theirs regarding the Medina.
All I can say is good for Lipa for bringing to the public the way they act in private and perhaps maybe now they’ll start respecting people of other opinions even in private even if only to prevent embarrassment of it becoming public.
Furthermore this is not the first time Lipa did an event for soldiers in Israel and if the real reason is because they honestly didn’t want someone who has anything to do with the Medina to sing for them they should have never hired him. The fact that only after he sang recently for injured soldiers in Israel they cancelled on him shows their true colors as people who have a complete disregard for the suffering of other yidden who are not part of their club.
I disagree with anyone knocking people who jump to help Klal Yisroel especially in its עת רצון. If we truly want what Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants we must ask ourselves if He would rather we stand for His Kavod at a time that His children are being killed, kidnapped and who knows what. We must ask if the time to fight against Zionism is now during war against the scum of the Earth or is the correct time when our brothers and sisters are not in danger. There hasn’t been Achdus in Klal Yisroel like this in too long a time. It is the Satan trying to ruin it. Don’t fall prey to the Satan. I highly doubt the Satmar Rebbe is or was against Kiruv. Perhaps by Lipa and Beri doing what they do, they will bring people closer to Hashem. In that Zchus maybe Moshiach will come and all suffering for Klal Yisroel will be over. Maybe if we didn’t try to shove our beliefs on people through strength instead of working on our Middos, our Bein Adam Lchaveiro and ultimately our Bein Adam LMakom, the people who don’t yet know Hashem and His ways will find their way through the love and support of their brethren. May Hashem protect all His children in Eretz Yisroel and all over the world.
crazykanoiy is right on, I would add deifying live ones too.
American Jewry is holding up Moshiach and that includes yeshivish mo chasidim and chabad
The ones sowing seeds of division at this time will reap their just reward.
By the way, Satmar Rebbe, Reb Yoil Teitelbaum helped every yid! No matter who he was and what his beliefs were. He wax against the organizations that did not align with his hashkofos but that is different than the individual in need! Helping a yid in distress is not against the teachings of The Heilige Satmar Rebbe!
It’s amazing who in our generation is stepping up to the plate to be an example of a true Yid! Kol hakovod! May our leaders learn from these leaders!
i think ywn should apologize for using the term shande its a badge of honor
Regarding the vosikin minyan by the rally of which Beri was a part, to my understanding it is assur to daven in an open place such as a field or parking lot. I’m sure there is a Chabad house that could have been used for davening. Coordinated with a Shliach would have been easy enough. There is no reason to turn tefilah into an act of political activism.
Can anyone also think for just one min?
If ANY celebrity wld be caught only OBSERVING a NK rally, wldnt there be an outcry to essentially BANISH them off the face of the earth?! ABSOLUTELY!
While NK rallies are creating a chilul Hashem, so is dancing, swaying away w the IDF. NOT SINGING FIR CHOLIM. And singing הלל alongside a pastor isn’t wise to put it mildly. (It was known the pastor will attend) although he purely wanted to endorse ותיקין davening.
Didnt Rav Sorotzkin call this rally חזיר טריף?! Why do Litvish leaders get away w it? They’re not SATMAR.
And the Litvish Gedolim came out full fledge against the Zionist rally.
But its Satmar thats gonna wear the SHANDA label.
SO Be it! And with PRIDE!
If u wanna perform for erlicha Yidden, u cannot be at least openly enthused in Zionism. No sorries on that
But Whata glaring double standard!
People have to separate Zionism with the individual yidden (even if this yidden believe in Zionism)
The Satmer rebbe Zt’l did it countless times, he would help individuals and even chinuch Atzmoi (anonymously), because Reb Yoel did everything L’sheim Shomayim (unlike others who are unfortunately HOT HEADS, and love to make Machlokes.)
We Daven for the day there will Sholom between all Yidden
Deifying dead tzadikim and rebbes is a bigger avodah zarah than tziyonus.
@MyVoice K 🙄
Lipa Schmeltzer did nothing wrong.
The people who cancelled him are very wrong.
The anti-Zionists do not know when to stop, and that creates many problems.
The slap we received from הקב”ה is definitely working to bring non frum yidden closer to Torah and Hashem.
What is it going to take to bring chassidishe and yeshivashe oilem closer to other yidden?
Do they really believe their hate brings נחת רוח to the רבש”ע ?
I am very concerned as to what it will take to get that part of כלל ישראל to have אהבת ישראל.
You live by the sword you die by the sword, they made a decision to do a booking now they live with the fallout, no big deal.
The fact that they are not allowed to hold by their shittah amongst ostensibly frum Jews is an embarrassment to the Torah. Nothing more, nothing less. This response by the mosad is not borne out of Torah.
This is complete Lashon Horah. YOu can argue and debate Satmar shita, but their sensitivity to zionism is just that.
Lipa was cancelled not for “singing for the wounded” but because his stance can be seen as passively supportive or at least indifferent to the zionist cause.
Satmar has been at the forfront of showing how one can support brothers without showing support for their cause, which is antithetical to Torah.
While Lipa does think he is doing the right thing. and perhaps he cannot understand the nuances of Satmar approach. It does not make this accusation of his correct.
And the fact that YWN is not able to get to the bottom and understand this, is revolting.
I hope you correct this error.
P.S. same goes for Berri weber.
He was NOT “forced to apologize”. He was asked to clarify and take care that in his support for acheinu bnei yisroel, he not accidentally give the impression, as we see so many mistakenly doing, that they are supportive of zionism.
I myself am anti-zionist. i am not a satmerer (though i respect them immensely!) just a boy from brooklyn, And YWN has to stop buying into to this anti-zionism = wishing harm to israelis garbage.
Yes, Many antisemites use anti-zionism as a cover for antisemitism, but some really are just anti-zionist!!!
The Satmar organizations are on the frontlines helping klal yisroel b’chol tefutzos ha’aretz. zionis or not.
But they are VERY PARTICULAR of making sure not to in any way promote the ideology. Even while helping those who stumbled in it.
Lipa don’t stop doing what you do.
Don’t bend to the radical mobs.
The Erev Rav is no new concept, a group of crazed extremists canceling Lipa for his support for the Jewish people in Israel is beyond gross.
Lipa, your support and will only grow and gigs will only increase.
God bless you
Thank you Beri Weber I was there it was amazing! Thank you Lipa you are doing a lot more than all your detractors are doing for klal Yisroel for sure and you should be proud of yourself. Just ignore all the naysayers and do what’s right.
Wow, two sides of the coin (I’m not referring to the commenters but the article itself). One side thinks we’re not doing enough and the other side thinks we’re doing too much.
Rabbosai, be accepting of each other’s opinion.
Lipa. I always thought the world of you, even when you were “off” it was obvious that you were in pain. Now you just went up 1000% percent in my eyes. Your message is in sync with everything we know from the תורה הקדושה.
Typical cancel culture. Putting down others with pure intentions just because you don’t agree with their שיטה.
Love the “Achdus”
Not that there is anything wrong singing for the Israeli soldiers per se, they are Jews and to some extent there might be hakaras hatov, but if the reason you are singing for them over other Jews in unfortunate situations is because you feel that they are members of the Israeli army, and you identify with them because you are a Jew, that is embracing the secular Zionist kefira ideology.
Nobody was forced. They wanted to protect their careers.
They also felt empty and horrible dancing with Israeli flags and singing הלל alongside a pastor.
Theyre good people that fell prey to the נסיון of our דור which is ציונות.
This wasnt an OZ of support This was beyond what any erlicha yid wld/shld ever do.
If its ok with all of you what Lipa & then Beri did, cuz its a free world, y isnt it ok when Torah abiding Jews do NOT want anyשייכות in it?!
A shande?
What a double standard!
They can continue their professional life but erlicha people see it as a terrible breach of core principles and do not want them performing by their affairs. Its the השפעה u dont want from people coated w Zionsm.
They are definitely good Jews but hopefully made a mistake.
It’s comical why supporting Zionism became the new norm.
Go back in History, the Rebbes of Belz and Munkach, wld turn over in their graves. But Satmar is the culprit.
Btw, The Bobov Rebbes words so staunchly anti Zionist, fell off the radar. Why? Cuz the hatred to Satmar is still sizzling.
No Yeshiva world, it’s not the mob. It’s true Torah Jews that want to stand steadfast in their convictions and not be swept into the torrent of Zionism that the recent events have unfortunately unleashed in the world.
We are so intolerant of the שיטות of others. What a חלול ד’. I am a follower of the right wing גדולים as well, but I have room in my heart and brain to understand others as well.
Please don’t stop giving us more לשון הרע and רכילות . I’m sure it’s worse than someone canceling an event. You need to continue because galus isn’t long enough.