WATCH IT GO DOWN: IDF Blows Up Building Housing Hamas “Intel Division”

IDF Paratroopers Brigade troops conducted an operation in Gaza City’s Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, where they captured a Hamas outpost and the offices of the terror group’s intelligence division, according to the military.

During the operation, the forces seized “intelligence materials, technical equipment, and significant information about Hamas’s underground infrastructure.” Subsequently, the offices of the Hamas intelligence division were destroyed.

In the course of the raid on the Hamas outpost, several terror operatives were killed, and a workshop for manufacturing drones, mortars, and other weapons was discovered.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. hope they can do that too in the massive underground tunnels and bunkers were Hamas hides with their weapon, missiles and plenty of food too.
    TOTAL destruction of Hamas, or we will see them come back to attack us again and again.

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