Israel: Campaign Underway to Release Amir

amir.jpgSupporters of the move insist if Israel released Samir Kuntar, then a pardon may also be granted for Yigal Amir, who is serving a life sentence after being convicted of the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin in 1995.

The organization, calling itself “Committee for Democracy” is launching its campaign with a film entitled “Free Yigal Amir 2” in the hope of enlisting support for the release of Amir. Proponents of the effort met on Sunday following the latest cabinet decision to release another 200 terrorists and security prisoners as a good-will gesture to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) by Israel.

The activists behind the film, including Avigdor Eskin, Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gavir, maintain that Kuntar and others “with blood on their hands” have been released and therefore, Amir may be released as well.

Ben-Gavir told reporters “we do not agree with Amir’s actions,” but added that the champions of democracy will undoubtedly agree with the film’s message, and they will vote to release him as they did Kuntar and other murderers who have served prison sentences.

The film will also include an attack against President Shimon Peres who continues to pardon Arab terrorists and security prisoners but refuses to do so for Jews serving prison sentences for their violent acts.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. It is curious how some people choose their causes. When we laud those who murder others whom we disdain we are off the derech . . . and acting too close for my comfort like, l’havdil, the Palestinians.

  2. Look, I do not condone Yigal for what he did. Although, one can argue that Rabin would have been sentenced to death in the time of the Beit Din for giving away land that G-D promised to the Jews. But that was something for a beit din to decide in another time, not a rougue yeshiva boy -despite his noble intentions. Of course the left-wing Israeli courts care more about human rights of our enemies than upholding Torah law.

    Having said that, Yigal should be set free. If the irreligious and morally corrupt liberal Israeli government can release terrorists with blood on their hands, they can pardon a Jew who, despite not having the authority to do so, may have actually saved many Jewish lives by opening up more eyes to the phony land for peace garbage.

    Good luck!

  3. This terrorist “good-will” gesture is a farce of the criminal justice system. People are not released when there is no evidence of any rehabilition or thought by experts that they will not kill again.

    How about a good-will gesture to the citizens of Israel and keep these killers in jail.

  4. Whether or not you agree with the logic of exchanging prisoners, no one will give Israel anything for Yigal Amir. Furthermore, the logic employed by those asking for his release is faulty. Because, in extenuating circumstances that you may or may not agree with a society released murderers in exchange for something else, does not imply that they should now release all murderers for absolutely no reason. Even if this is limited to terrorists, no state has a compelling interest in releasing all terrorists, that is just ridiculous. If the Dati Leumi right desires to have their own terrorists back, perhaps they should make a serious offer, like stopping to protest at settlement withdrawals, in exchange for Amir. If they see themselves as no longer a part of the state, they can kidnap Israeli soldiers and try to exchange them for Amir. If this is going too far for them, then perhaps they should reconsider their own adversarial stance towards Israel and her institutions and stop agitating for the release of the murderer of her democratically elected Prime Minister.

  5. veryinteresting “How about a good-will gesture to the citizens of Israel and keep these killers in jail”.well said but since when did the Israeli Gov. care about Israelis

  6. So the relationship between the more extreme zionists (most of whom are Shomer Shabbos) relative to the Israeli “elites”, is equivalent to the relationship between the Palestinian terrorists and the Israelis. This suggests that maybe the non-zionist Hareidim are actually quite clever, since an Israel so divided has little chance of long term survival (unless the left-wing secular elite can reconcile themselves to the fairly religious zionist right-wing).

  7. There’s a more primary problem in that there’s a strong sentiment suggesting a mistrial in this whole case. There’s an entire body of documentation purporting he was actually framed and on how this trial was rushed through. ‘Google’ Amir with some keywords, and you’ll find a whole movement advocating his release on grounds of an improperly conducted trial, and a blatant lack of evidence — so typical of this secular (as in wanton) excuse for a State. This secular ‘know-it-all’ ‘do-no-evil’ society that passes as the ‘powers-that-be’ in Eretz Yisrael right now need some serious cross-examination themselves for their cavalier methods of inflicting one-handed ‘judge-and-jury’ decisions that are continuing to ruin, nebach, so many lives on all segments of the populance. G-d help all of us. Amain.

  8. you sound like self-hating jews! he should be released before any terrorist. i’m not saying he should, but if israel is in the practice of releasing murderers, why is a jew not better than our enemy?

  9. While they are trying to get amir out we should also push for Jonathan Pollard. He’s been sentenced to serve a life sentence were other spies from not so friendlier countries would have been long free.

  10. Rabbi Schnichelle, I will say this real slowly as you seem to deliberately miss the point A R A B T E R R O R I S T S A R E R E L E A S E D I N N E G O T I A T E D T R A D E S – This does not mean that I am advocating the one-sided trades the Isralis are doing, nor does it assume I am even competent to judge such things – It is meant only to point out that it is materially dishonest to talk about the release of Samir Kuntar as if it were a gratuitous gesture.

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