Olmert: 1701 Has Brought Peace to the N. Border

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting was quick to defend United Nations Resolution 1701, the resolution that brought about a ceasefire during the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

While defense and intelligence experts have repeatedly stated that since the war Hizbullah has significantly improved its military abilities, Olmert proudly defended Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and her efforts which resulted in the ceasefire agreement.

The UN resolution did bring the fighting to an end, but the major component, calling for the disarming of Hizbullah, has been ignored. Nevertheless, despite the significantly increasingly ominous threat along Israel’s northern border, Olmert once again defended 1701, which he insists has brought peace to the north.

Labor Party Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a former defense minister, criticized the UN resolution and cited that since the war, the Hizbullah threat has grown, explaining the terror organization has succeeded in rehabilitating itself and surpassing its former capabilities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. And once the arab mamzeirim start shooting missiles over the broder – Olmert must be put in jail as a traitor of ALL the Jewish people, and must be treated as the nazis judenrat!
    Death, in the courts, by hanging!
    Or do our courts wish to give the arabs ALL of Israel, except for Tel aviv?

  2. And once the arab mamzeirim start shooting missiles over the border – Olmert must be put in jail as a traitor of ALL the Jewish people, and must be treated as the nazis judenrat!
    Death, in the courts, by hanging!
    Or do our courts wish to give the arabs ALL of Israel, except for Tel aviv?

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