Pro-Hamas Professor Charged Over Killing Of Jewish Demonstrator In Los Angeles

A suspect was arrested Thursday in the killing of 69-year-old pro-Israel protester Paul Kessler in Thousand Oaks, California, nearly 2 weeks ago. Kessler was waving an Israeli flag near a demonstration on Westlake Blvd when an individual participating in the pro-Palestinian protest allegedly struck him in the face with a megaphone. The force of the blow caused him to fall to the ground and hit his head, causing fatal injuries.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office announced on Thursday that it has arrested Loay Alnaji, 50, over the killing, and will be charging him with involuntary manslaughter. The charge could land Alnaji in state prison for up to 4 years, felony probation, and a fine up to $10,000.

Alnaji is a professor of Computer Science at Moorpark College. On his Facebook and YouTube pages, Alnaji praised Palestinians, including, “O Allah, release the captivity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque … Sooner than later …. Oh Allah, don’t deprive us of praying in it before we die,” and “Oh, God, give victory to your weak servants in Palestine, and everywhere … O Allah, bind their hearts with bond of patience and faith.”

He has also reposted a video on Instagram of radical Islamic activist Shahid King Bolsen (who is an actual murderer) comparing Hamas to civil rights icons.

“If someone asked me to condemn Hamas I would say, what’s the rush? Let’s let history decide,” King says in the video. “You condemned Nelson Mandela until you didn’t, until he was a hero. You condemned Mahatma Gandhi until you didn’t. Let’s wait and see because you might change your mind on this one too.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. The moral confusion is at an all time high. Even Nazis in the moment were convinced they were making the world a better place. That justifies nothing and why we need leaders to be clear on morality. Equating antisemitism with islamophobia only distorts the issue more. Antisemitism is the input. Islamophobia is the output. Hard stop.

  2. Total sicko! Go figure, Professor Pera Adam himself, twisting the young naive minds of college students. To paraphrase the Chofetz Chaim, you can turn them into professionals with fancy suits but they stay the same “pera adam”.

  3. Was this the piece of trash that was picked up last week and then released? Or is this a new piece of trash? Is anyone surprised? Religion of peace? Bull excrement!

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