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Yair Lapid Calls To Oust Netanyahu As Prime Minister

It took a few weeks, but opposition Leader leftist Yair Lapid has now called for the removal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, suggesting that another member of the Likud party should replace him without the need for a new national election. Lapid cited the loss of public confidence in Netanyahu, particularly after the events of October 7 when Hamas launched attacks in southern Israel. He expressed the view that it’s challenging to conduct an extended military operation under a prime minister who lacks the trust of the public.

Although Lapid did not specify a particular Likud member for the role, he mentioned that there are several lawmakers within the party who believe it’s time for Netanyahu to step down. He also indicated that his Yesh Atid party would be willing to join a broad government led by Likud if it were under the leadership of another party member.

In response, the Likud party criticized Lapid for engaging in political maneuvering during a time of war and attempting to replace the prime minister who is currently leading the operation.

Labor chief Merav Michaeli expressed her support for Lapid’s call to replace Netanyahu in her remarks.

YWN reminds our readers that war cabinet minister Benny Gantz – who was in the oppositiin until the war started – is opposed to Netanyahu being replaced now.

Gantz said calls to replace Netanyahu in the middle of the war as “nothing less than crazy.”

Gantz firmly believes that the time will come to fully examine who’s responsible for the failures that led to the October 7 Hamas assault on Israel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. Despicable man. this is nonsense. So bibi needs to resign couse of Hamas!!!??? imagine president bush should resign after 9/11 or president Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor attack.

    and if some has to resign it should be the defense minister Yoav Gallant. he is in charge on the defense Israel.

  2. More rift? Achdus is key to Hashem’s Divine Providence, to bring mashiach, just look at the events leading up to the attack, what kind of hatred and lack of unity the country was experiencing.. come on Lapid

  3. Despicable man. this is nonsense. So bibi needs to resign couse of Hamas!!!??? imagine president bush should resign after 9/11 or president Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor attack.

    and if some has to resign it should be the defense minister Yoav Gallant. he is in charge on the defense Israel.

  4. “He also indicated that his Yesh Atid party would be willing to join a broad government led by Likud if it were under the leadership of another party member.”

    Aha. So there you have it. For this draft dodger, it’s all about HIM getting back in power. What a lowlife narcissistic grubby little privileged man.

  5. And let us not forget, that in a time of war – the only one with War and Combat experience is Benny Gantz. He is the only one, Not Lapid (who didn’t even do Military Service, but continues to push for Chareidim to join), Not Michaeli, or any of those who want Bibi out now.
    I’m not saying that when the war is over, there should be what to discuss, but while in middle of war, you don’t want a political crisis.
    Only Benny Gantz, who was a commanding General etc. understands the importance and severity of the situation.

  6. If I was told that this ferd Lapid had orchestrated the Oct 7 attacks just in order to unseat Netanyahu, I wouldn’t be one bit surprised. This man is probably from the lowest in our nation. A self serving idiot. He could care less about Jewish blood, all he cares about is HIS political career.
    And, mind you, I’m not quite sure how it’s a Prime Ministers fault that the army and intelligence community utterly failed. Happened to be while he was PM, so what?

  7. To Torah Yid from NY:
    I like your comment. Thank you
    To Uncle Mo:
    The second part of your comment was on the mark. Thank you
    To the commenter “He is the epitome of division”:
    Well said-Thank you
    Actually, because we are not united, that is the reason why Hashem did not stop hamas.
    The generation of King Achav, they were united together-they loved each other-Frum & not-Frum.
    Hashem made sure that not even one person got injured during that generation because they all got along.

  8. Not cool
    An enemy of am yisroel
    to cause lack of unity at
    a time like this when all
    eyes should be on the war

  9. I am wondering if let us say that Mr. Lapid if one of his grandchildren was one of those abducted and is being tortured as we speak, would he also say the same thing that let us waste 5 months of precious time and elect a new prime minister and after 5 months we will gladly and slowly enter Gaza and look for the 245 hostages ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Mr. Lapid please answer the question.

  10. I think Mr. Lapid is bored. Someone needs to feed him a kosher meal, put Tefilin on him, and introduce him to Torah study. This is not a time to find things that divide us. This is the time to see the good in the status quo and work with it. This war, its cause and its consequences, are tragic, but they have given us the opportunity to unify around a common goal for the common good. Aren’t we naturally a nation that rallies around the Torah in unity? Or are we a nation whose tendency is to magnify our differences?

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