Israel: Government Approves Release of 200 Terrorists

terrorist.jpgThe cabinet on Sunday, in a matter of minutes, voted to approve Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s latest good-will gesture to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

In fact, the ministers did not wait to hear the opinion of senior security/intelligence officials, but immediately raised their hands in support of Olmert’s latest call to release murderers back to freedom, permitting them to strike out again in the future.

The ministers, bar four, voted in favor. The three Shas ministers and Shaul Mofaz opposed the move. Shas’ Eli Yishai called it madness, stating the move was “disastrous” since once again, Israel is releasing terrorists while Gilad Shalit languishes in Hamas captivity.

While the two murderers in the group have already served many years in prison, Yishai stated that the move also signals one needn’t pay for one’s crimes, and prison sentences are not viewed as a punishment for one’s heinous acts.

Yishai also stated that if we are compelled to constantly show good-will and release prisoners, then Jewish prisoners such as Ami Popper should also be included in the list.

Nevertheless, without hesitation, the decision was made and Olmert received his latest vote of confidence from his cabinet, permitting him to once again carry out a good-will gesture to Abu Mazen who promises nothing in return.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Good-will gesture? ABSURD! That implies Israel did something wrong and is trying to make amends and it further implies the terrorists are willing to accept any “amends”.

    Olmert is unfit.

  2. Why is olmert still making decisions? This is absolutely understatingly crazy. Please- why cant anyone DO SOMETHING about it.

  3. Lev Malochim v’sorim b’yad Hashem. It’s the only possible explanation. Our job is to daven, and our hishtadlus (if you live in E”Y) is to vote.

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