MAILBAG: An Open Letter To Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – PLEASE Mention “Hashem” ONCE In Your Speeches

To the Honorable Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant,

Watching the bravery of our IDF soldiers from afar, I stop to wonder – how are they so strong, brave, resilient, and quite literally unstoppable? The IDF soldiers are like no other; they are united, working as a team, caring for each other, staring death in the face to protect the Jewish people and its land. I wonder, if the average soldier is so exemplary, what it must have taken to become the defense minister! Clearly you shone out from other soldiers and have thus risen to your honorable position.

How one can take the fate of Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel on his soldiers is unfathomable. With the amount of responsibility you have, I can’t imagine how you can sleep or eat! Clearly, God has given you superhuman talent to be in the position you currently hold. May God be with you and all of Am Yisroel!

I am but a humble house wife with no accolades of bravery or heroism to speak of, but sometimes the young and foolish can recognize what the elderly and accomplished have missed. Sometimes, it’s the simple basics that are missing, and it takes a ‘katan’ to speak up and state the obvious.

Please Honorable Defense Minister, please, many a time you are quoted as saying, “I trust in the capabilities of our soldiers and commanders to end this war with a victory and to return the hostages home.” I beg of you, can’t you mention the Almighty even once? Only God in Heaven, Avinu Shebashamayim, can win this war for us. Hamas and anything remotely related to it is the Satan himself. The evil is too much to conquer without God’s help.

The holiday of Chanukah is coming up, when we commemorate the Chashmonaim who despite their few numbers won a war against the most powerful nation in the world – the Roman Empire. The only way to their victory was believing that it was the Hand of God who brought this upon them, and it was the same Hand of God that would bring them to victory. Their shields were inscribed with the slogan – Macabi – which stood for – ‘Who is like you, our God?’ I beg of you for the sake of all of Am Yisroel, even if you feel differently – mitoch shelo lsihma ba l’ishma – if you would once insert into your encouraging speeches that it is with the help of God, you will positively change the whole outcome of this war.

Many of your soldiers have already recognized that this is God’s war. They have donned Tzitzis and Tefillin, many for the first time in their lives. They are pictured in Gaza davening, keeping Shabbos – they recognize the might of Hashem. We need more people to recognize the hand of God. If you will add that to your inspiring speeches, you will influence others and enable your IDF to bring an honorable and glorious – and hopefully ultimate – victory to all of Am Yisroel!

Speaking for many of my brothers and sisters,

Mrs. R Friedman

26 Responses

  1. I’m no frummie but its been bothering me too. You dont have to be a giant of a maimon to at least say it as a figure of speech!

  2. Why don’t you ask Hamas to once mention “Hashem”?

    You fundamentally misunderstand Israelis and zionists.

    You think they are like you

  3. Speeches to the public are meant for the press. Israel does not want to be seen as waging a religious war. Also, not every Jew is a maamin. But the zechuyos of sunshine who dedicated their life to protecting the safety of Jews in EY must be remarkable.

  4. Wow!! Finally! A censible, well written, and genuine letter in the Mailbag. Can’t agree more! Thank you for the well balanced language

  5. He ended his speech last night with a sentence including the words Beezrat Hashem, as he, Netanyahu, and Gantz have done in all their public speeches during the war

  6. It’s sad that people are still fooled by the Zionist idol, as if to think that they are “just” being overconfident or something – but that they really know deep-down that G-d is in charge.

    Zionism and therefore its State are all about changing Jews and Judaism from the G-d and Torah-based people to, instead, godless and idolatrous land-based Zionists/Nationalists.

    That’s why he won’t mention G-d. Not because he’s “a little rebellious” or overconfident. Rather, it’s because Zionism. Does. Not. Believe. in. G-d. Period.

  7. Hello. I had given this type of question some thought in the past. I would like to ask you did you judge Mr Gallant favorably? Can you think of a reason or 2 why he may have left Gds name out/maybe even on purpose? I can..can you?

  8. “how are they so strong, brave, resilient, and quite literally unstoppable”

    Not one of these ephitets match IDF soldiers. The only wonder about the simchat torah massacre is that it didn’t come sooner.

  9. Please get your facts straight before you write a public letter. The Chashmonaim defeated the Greek Empire, not the Roman Empire. The Greek Empire was the greatest empire in its time.

  10. This is loshon hara. You are disparaging another jew in public. There is zero toeles in this since this will obviously in no way effect the defence minister. All it does is make people look down on another jew. I would like to continue to use YWN but please be more careful with what is posted.

  11. See today’s headline:
    WATCH: Defense Minister Yoav Galant puts on Tefillin inside a Chabad Mitzvah Tank near the Gaza border today

    So now it’s motzie shem ra. You judge him without knowing anything about him. I think a retraction and apology are appropriate.

  12. Well said. I believe that both he and Netanyahu did mention HaShem. It would be beneficial if they mentioned HaShem more, as even with all the IDF’s efforts only HaShem can bring victory.
    It is interesting that the enemy blaspheme G-d by invoking His name whenever they commit atrocities, even against fellow Muslims.

  13. Macabi-Who is like like you, our G-d.
    Is another Yiddishe Bubba Meiseh. The word Macabi is a Greek word used to describe them. I can assure you the Greeks did not call them this word as an abbreviation of trust in G-d.
    90% of what we know about Chanukah comes from Macabees I & II from the Apocrypha. “Jewish” books not included in Tanach.

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