Iran Announces Fighter Jets Capable of Reaching Israel

Not detailing the specifics to back up his statement, Iran’s Gen. Ahmad Mighani announced fighter planes are now capable of flying 3,000 kilometers without refueling, more than enough of a distance to strike Israel and return to Iran.

In the statement released Sunday, the general did not state what type of aircraft are capable of such a mission, without refueling, but did make his message clear – that he was referring to Israel as a possible target without mentioning Israel by name.

Experts report that the move is possible by strapping fuel tanks to the wings of certain jets, extending the plane’s range without refueling.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Last week America (Bush) says “no” to Israel regarding an attack.

    So, how strong does Iran have to get so that it would be “fair” for Israel to defend itself?

    I love how the arabs complain to the UN when they say Israel is fighting back with “disproportionate” levels of defense. Bush has the same policy in Iraq by wanting to fight a “compassionate” war there, too.

    America is really putting Israel in a bind and it can be a matter of life and death. heaven forbid.

  2. If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you. If you want to get excited about the news try working on real problems, factual problems: Like an over 50% intermarriage rate; Like helping kids who aren’t making it in our educational system: Like being a big brother or sister to the many kids that need it.

  3. #6, Dovie, Why is this story not believable, according to you? Also, please dont assume that people concerned about this type of news are not also concerned with the problems you are concerned about. If you are seeking volunteers for Big Brothers/Sisters, there are better ways to try to recruit. If you are involved in that agency, may you be blessed for the wonderful and critical work you are doing with/on behalf of youngsters. Your impact can affect generations for the good.

  4. Dear #7,
    There are several reasons the story is not believable:
    (1) Iran has not purchased jets that can fly that far, and they lack the technology and know how to do so.
    (2) Many of their military might claims are not substantiated–and further have been disproven by failed missile tests and doctored photographs.
    (3) As all governments do, they raise the rhetoric to try to intimidate the enemy, even though no specific details are given.
    (4) Research Janes (a British military reference group) and other organizations to get a real feel of the military might of Iran and other Mideast nations.
    There are things closer to home to put fear into your heart. For example, since I am opening my mouth again: women, please learn about early breast cancer detection—it could save your life.

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