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VIDEO ROUNDUP: See The IDF Fighting Hamas Inside Gaza – Footage of Soldier Making Kiddush Friday Night

Kabbolas Shabbos inside an armored personal carrier inside Gaza (For those asking, this video was taken just before Shabbos actually started – right before Shekiya).

IDF fighters identified terrorists coming out of a tunnel shaft and directed an aircraft that eliminated them:

IDF soldiers identified a terrorist squad that came out of a tunnel shaft to which IAF aircraft attacked and eliminated the squad.

A terror tunnel uncovered

Terror tunnels being destroyed

IDF says fighter jets, combat helicopters and artillery, directed by infantry forces of the Nahal Brigade, struck and killed several Hamas terrorists during overnight ground operations in the Gaza Strip.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


5 Responses

  1. They must hsve a way to jam electronic signals from the atgm like toophan or the trophy is that good because the arabs onky have the pg7vr and ieds working ?

  2. From an email:

    At least two ways biased reporters in media wil phrase the Nov/3 terror ambulance that was rightfully attacked by defense forces

    1. Emphasis on attacking the ambulance drama, then trivially mentioning the IDF as a supposed “version only.”

    2. Mentioning Gaza-regime jihadofascist Hamas as some kind of equal side in credibility.


    Israel Defense Forces on X:
    “A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance.

    We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.
    Nov 3, 2023

    The 28th day of the war – […]
    20:16 – Significant attacks in the Gaza Strip are felt in settlements in the Shefala region. The Palestinians reported an attack on a convoy of ambulances that left the Shifa Hospital located in the west of Gaza City, but an investigation by News 12 indicates that it was an attempt by Hamas terrorists to get out inside the ambulances and under the auspices of the Red Crescent. Several Hamas fighters were killed in the attack. The IDF spokesman said that he has information that Hamas uses ambulances to transport terrorists and weapons.

    An ambulance that was attacked in Gaza after Hamas terrorists tried to hide inside it


    IDF says ambulance attacked in Gaza transported Hamas terrorists and weapons
    IDF says several terrorists were killed and that it holds information that Hamas the uses ambulance for transport; The military also reports that intelligence was recovered from a captured Hamas base inside the Gaza Strip
    Yoav Zitun, Einav Halabi, Reuters, Lior Ben Ari, Elisha Ben Kimon, | November 3, 2023 updated:11:27

  3. gotta go down into the underground tunnels and bunkers and totally destroy them. No other way! Otherwise Hamas will come out and continue to try to kill us.

  4. yeah ur all doing a gr8 and much needed jobso please keep it up and continue 2 do so don’t ever stop and and rest even 4 a second even at the expense of ur life and those around u do u understand and please will u listen 2 me 4 a change and until u have finally gotten rid of them 4 once and 4 and may all the hostages be finally free and get 2 finally see their family 4 once and 4 all and may this be the last war we will have 2 fight 4 ever so how can we ever thank u 4 a job well done from the bottom of all the hearts of every single jew no matter where they are living in around the world and not only in america and may we finally get 2 see moshiach in the very near future already with the beis hamikdash be finally be rebuilt already amen

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