WATCH: HaGaon Mutzafi: “October 7 Victims Are In Higher Place Than Tzaddikim”

HaGaon HaRav Mutzafi. (Screenshot)

Shortly after October 7, HaGaon HaRav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi spoke to his talmidim about the terrible massacre.

“We need to cry day and night over the Simchas Torah tragedy – on those murdered – the babies whose heads were cut off, the soldiers who were brutally murdered,” HaRav Mutzafi said. “קול צווחה נשמיע, וקול בכי ונהי נודיע, עד כי יתעוררו הצדיקים בגן עדן לבקש רחמים עלינו”.

“The biggest tzaddikim can’t stand [on the same level] they’re at,” the Rav added.

One of his talmidim asked him: “If someone is murdered by cruel goyim, yimach shemam, do their relatives need to say Kaddish since they go straight to Olam Haba?”

The Rav answered: “Your question is justified as there are poskim who wanted to say that השכבה [a special tefillah said on niftarim] and Kaddish aren’t needed as [the victim] is exempt from din in Shamayim.” [Since he was murdered Al Kiddush Hashem.]

“But when they discovered the words of the Ari, who wrote that Kaddish and השכבה are for two reasons – one is to save the niftar from Din and Gehinnom and the second is to raise him to higher madreigos in Shamayim, they retracted their opinions and wrote that Kaddish and השכבה should be said because even if it’s true that the victim is exempt from Din, but Kaddish and השכבה will raise him to higher levels, to be closer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. So somebody who lived his entire life an an apikoris, kofer, didn’t believe in hashem or olam habo. Danced all night in front of a gigantic buddha statue, mechalel shabbos בפרהסיא, avoda zorah בפרהסיא, Giloy Arayos בפרהסיא, but gets killed by force because he was Jewish – higher than the place of tzaddikim. Gets to go to olam habo, next door to the Chofetz Chaim.

  2. So how does it work? Are we talking about a victim that had הרהורי תשובה? Or anyone killed? Even a מומר להכעיס that didn’t change? How exactly is the latter holier then the chazon ish?
    This smells from a mile away.
    Not to minimize: A. if there was teshuva, or a מאמין. B. Not to minimize pain.

  3. קיצור שו״ע סימן ר״א סעיף ה׳ ״אם נהרג בין בדינא דמלכותא בין בענין אחר אפילו היה מומר מתאבלין עליו דכיון שנהרג בידי אדם ולא מת כדרך כל הארץ הוי ליה כפרה״ if that’s the case if he was killed סתם כ״ש if he was killed על קידוש ה׳

  4. To sm77:
    When Hashem sees comments like yours and then a while later Hashem finds out that hamas is planning something very bad, do you honestly think that Hashem at that moment is super excited to stop hamas asap ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    You desperately need ASAP to read the book called, “The other side of the Story”.
    Giving people the benefit of the doubt.

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