WATCH: “Blood-Stained” Gaza Protestors Repeatedly Interrupt Sec. Of State Blinken In US Senate


At a contentious Senate hearing on Tuesday, protestors repeatedly interrupted Secretary of State Antony Blinken, demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Of course, the protestors only want the IDF to stop bombing Gaza, but are not so concerned with Hamas attacking Israelis.

Some protestors dramatically showed their hands, stained in red, as symbolic gestures, asserting that the administration bore responsibility for the bloodshed due to its continued support of Israel.

The first protester to be removed by police accused the United States of supporting “genocide and ethnic cleansing” in Gaza, referencing the Geneva Convention protocol against bombing densely populated civilian zones – which isn’t relevant when terrorists are hiding among civilian populations.

“The world is calling for a ceasefire!” she yelled. “The American people don’t want to support this brutal war. Stop the war. Ceasefire now. Stop funding this brutal massacre that Israel is doing on the people of Gaza. Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now!”

 Both Secretary Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin provided testimony at the hearing, which included discussions about financial allocations for Israel and Ukraine.

 “All of us are committed to the protection of civilian life,” Blinken later told reporters. “All of us know the suffering that is taking place as we speak. All of us are determined to see it end,” he said. “But all of us know the imperative of standing up with our allies and partners when their security when their democracies are threatened. That’s what happening now, we stand resolutely with them even as we stand resolutely for the protection of innocent civilians.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


7 Responses

  1. This is sedition and everyone must be locked away for decades & then deported to Gaza.
    January 6th was a מלחמת מצוה necessitated by a stolen election.

  2. Sick people.
    They need a hospital.
    I heard there’s a really good one in Gaza.
    They take care of all their needs.
    Including special “live” burials.

  3. Keep in mind as we head the the voting booth, every single one of these rabid anti semites voted for democrat Joe Biden. Not a single one of these fiends voted for the white bigoted racist male Donald Trump. The narrative that Merrick Garland and Chris Wray created, that WHITE supremacy is THEE greatest threat facing this Nation, falls apart to the average 3 year old.

  4. From The Guardian dated June 25 2001:

    The Israeli government said yesterday that it had captured the Palestinian man who stood at a window waving his bloodstained hands after the murder of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah last October.

    The television footage of the Palestinian with his bloody hands being cheered by the mob below went around the world: for most, it remains one of the most shocking images of the 10-month intifada, although for many Arabs it was a cause for celebration.

    Israel identified the man, one of the most sought-after by its intelligence forces, as Aziz Tsalha, 20. It claimed he had confessed during an interrogation.

    Also captured were Mahmoud Nuwra, 18, alleged to have been an accomplice. Both are from a village near Ramallah, the biggest Palestinian town in the West Bank.

    Mr Tsalha strangled one soldier and Mr Nuwra stabbed the other in a police station which had been overrun by a lynch mob, according to an Israeli government statement. His hands quickly became soaked in blood as he held down the soldier while others beat him, it said

    Keep in mind, this is where these democrat “protesters” got the idea of waiving their bloody hands in the air. May all of them drop dead by tonight.
    Now tell me, which party hates Yidden and wants them all brutally murdered r”l and which party supports the Yidden’s right to live????????? The lines have been clearly drawn.

  5. imagine for a second someone kicks me and that persons friend says please dont respond so i listen and then he punches me and again his friend says just ignore and then he threatens my life while holding a gun to kill me, i am about to pull away the gun when i hear his friend again scream “CEASEFIRE”….what should i do… the answer is clear…and is his friend crazy or just purely evil?

  6. I love how all there liberal groups are calling for a cease fire but none of them or the UN made any protest when on October 7 over 14000 Israelis where butchered, raped, burned alive, beheaded, and over 200 were kidnapped. Rabbi Meir Kahane warned on this over 40 years ago.

    They claim they want a cease fire to help the Palestinians. Why don’t they tell Hamas to allow the people to evacuate and stop using them as human shields. Hamas is keeping them from evacuating by gunpoint.

    Since 20006 Hamas has taken all the money that was given to help the Palestinian people and used it to make weapons and tunnels. Where were the protests against Hamas.

    Where were the protests for Hamas taking billions of dollars of building supplies provided by the UN and EU, Concrete, Steel, Bricks. This was supposed to be used to build homes, Mosques, Schools and Hospitals but all of it was used to make tunnels and bunkers for Hamas.

    They are all from the group CODE PINK. According to their website, they are part of a big protest on Nov 2 in Washington.

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