GO TO GAZA: Neturei Karta Baby-Killer Supporter Unceremoniously Tossed From Jewish Community [VIDEO]

(Getty Images)

A terrorist-loving Neturei Karta Hamas terrorist dressed as a Jew who went to Antwerp, Belgium, to ostensibly collect money for his family in Israel found himself unceremoniously tossed out of an apartment building by an actual Jew who was, correctly, furious at him.

As can seen in the video below, when the pro-Hamas Jew-in-name-only knocks on a door asking for a donation, he is asked, “Who is your family? Hamas?”

He goes on to tell the “meshulach” that “everyone” in the Jewish community knows exactly who he is, and that he should get out of their city. He then chases the man out of the building, hurling venom at the rasha who supports baby killers.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

79 Responses

  1. It’s heartbreaking to see a frum Jew being abused, but sadly it must be done. If they haven’t had a soul searching after Simchas Torah, they have it coming.

  2. With friends like these…
    This sad NK movement all comes from hate and needs to be rehabilitated back into the brotherhood. Not sure how, but with a hateful response back does not seem to be the way.

  3. rabbosai! lets make a ceasefire agreement! please so i can relocate my funds I’ve raise so far and redisguise myself better…. i beg you…for a innocent, poor and elderly human being 😉.

  4. This is wrong in every single way!
    Nothing justifies this, it looks like it was physical as well, the way he’s standing without kappel…
    (not saying he’s right either)
    I’m embarrassed to be associated with such people (both).
    Shame on you YWN for posting such shameful stuff…

  5. neturei karta got what they deserved in this story but this story does not make me happy. it makes me sad and i wish i did not have to see it.

  6. Didn’t ask the rabbi and get the wrong prospective
    What if he davened in the shul would it hurt anybody
    They see themselves as actually saving the Jewish people
    The Zionist are not
    Telling the world that the Jewish religion is not that of war for self honor
    Accusing them of wanting to kill Jews
    Not liking the view of satmer Torah that they caused the Holocaust
    Saying that the Hamas people are just not human and have dirty blood
    Denying world politics that the Gaza is an actual prison not a camp
    Not asking him if he spoke to the rabbi

  7. This should not be posted. The old man is a jew no matter how misguided or corrupt his opinions. Another Jew cannot be treated in such a way, clearly his yarmulke and hat were thrown off, as he was chased out, and I’m not saying he shouldn’t be chased out, but this is inexcusable. People in the comments will disagree with me and that is fine, but vhavata lareicha komocha applies to all Jews, even the ones that tick us off. Naturally, we are all acting very emotionally and if I bumped into a NK I don’t know how I’ll react myself…. anyhow besuros tovos!

  8. Disgusting. The man seems like a baal teshuva and may be misguided. He is visibly shaken in the 2nd video and is in a strange place collecting money for his family.
    It is terrible to watch ywn glorify this behavior and further embarrass this man

  9. I’m not the smartest guy and I agree that he should not be supported and should be chased out of town. I’m not sure the sharing of this video on the #1 Frum news website helps further our cause.

    No,,,, this is not how we jewish ppl behave to others who do not share our opinion or shita

    We need to love a fallow jew, regardless his opinion or way of life

    What a chilul hasham

    Yes he is wrong ( in my opinion) but it dose not give anyone the right to physically attack a fallow Jew

  11. What a sick example of Israeli “culture”.
    Yisrael, af al pi shechata, Yisrael hu. Even if he felt the NK is doing something wrong, there are halachos of how to approach that.

    The NK, while some of their methods are improper, do not love Jew-killers. They are trying to protect all Jews by telling those killers and the rest of the world the simple fact that Zionists do not represent Jews.

    YWN should be ashamed of themselves.

  12. It’s despicable what this guy is doing

    However maybe there is a nicer way to first try and convince him to stop doing it
    Everyone can do תשובה


    I am really surprised by some of these comments. I too had a momentary feeling for this fellow, but let’s be clear… what is he? He is someone, misguided or not, who puts the lives of EVERY Jew in danger. He is someone, misguided or not, who gives support to Jew haters and killers. In Halacha there is a name for people like that no matter how “Frum” they look. This is very mild treatment to people like this. BTW, the Satmar Rav was nuanced enough and smart enough to know where to draw the line… he would have been the first to throw this walking Chilul HaShem out of the building. Question… if he was a drug dealer or child molester, would you feel the same way? This is no better.

  14. The lesson to learn from NK is that if you have to hate, make sure it does not take over your whole outlook.

    Always seek to love your (Jewish) opponent. Once NK became a political voice, it lost it’s genuine side.

    If you don’t want to end up like this fellow keep your worldview from the political side of things.

  15. Dear TorahTruth,

    If the drug dealer or child molester came to my neighborhood and wasn’t an actual threat, I wouldn’t treat him like this. If you think that NK is an actual threat just by their existence, than you a similar thought process to them. Shame on you.

    Though I understand why people are so upset by NK.

    But let’s not loose control of ourselves.

  16. To all commenters who are uncomfortable:
    I don’t think anyone lost control or got ticked off.

    The world doesn’t differentiate between religious Jews, and the Jew-haters and murderers are ENCOURAGED by the NK to KILL JEWS. When it comes to non-frum Jews, we can easily say that they don’t represent Jewish values, after all, they don’t keep kosher, Shabbos etc., so they have no say on Jewish matters.

    However, when people go with a shtreimel and bekeshe and promote the murder of Jews, we MUST use extreme (and painful) measures to disassociate with them.

    Thank you so much YWN for putting yourselves in this tough position to help protect klal Yisroel!

    P.S. Newspaper clipping from JTA 1967:
    *Hassidim Who Place Newspaper Ad Attacking Zionism Forbidden To Enter Synagogue*
    NEW YORK, Feb 10 [1967] (JTA)– Twenty young followers of the Satmar Rebbe have been forbidden to enter the Satmar synagogue, Congregation Yetev Lev, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, as punishment for placing an advertisement in the New York Times two weeks ago calling Zionism “the greatest enemy” of the Jewish people… The names of the young Hasidim were posted in the synagogue on Sunday following an investigation ordered by the Satmar Rebbe… One of the 20 came to services Saturday and the reader refused to proceed with services until the youth left. When he refused to leave, he was carried out bodily, the JTA was informed. The suspension will stand until the youths formally repent of their actions to officials of the synagogue.

  17. Every talking head has some chochma to spew; my queston i s” What is Daas Torah” regarding our behavior towards them ??? 🙁

  18. I think know the person. He is Baal Teshuvoh. This behaviour is wrong. And wrong for so-called ‘Yeshiva World’ to post it. I sincerely hope this is NOT indicative of the Yeshiva world!

    P.S. He may be misguided but he is merely doing what he understands to be right. This is not the Torah way.

  19. I think we all condemn a person who acts as NK does. But do Jews hit other Jews? I see many people agree with the way those people acted in the videos, but personally I was very disturbed. I don’t believe a Yid does that, and even when it must be done our hearts should be breaking.
    I urge YWN to please at least ask their Daas Torah if such videos should be posted

  20. Stop this ahavas yisroel business how many frum Jews were pushing drugs and were not thrown out of the Shuls all in the name of Ahvaz’s yisroel meanwhile the kid that took the drugs is dead from the overdose he bought from him let’s stop calling a dirty shovel a spade they are rashaim period we have to learn to stand and stop being so squeamish and be mature Torah adults

  21. Embarrassing someone is like killing a person.
    I don’t agree with NK but I think that this is not only Lashon Hara but also embarrassing another jew.

  22. Many years ago I entered the main Satmar Beis Knesses in Wiliamsburg and saw that every siddur had the following message stamped in it:
    Everyone should be mechaven upon praying the berachah of Velamalshinim etc that the Zionist State should cease to exist with no harm to any Jew.
    That included Zionist reshaim!

  23. daas torah should not be bothered with these reshayim and murder enablers
    sometimes as an adult you need to use your own g-d given mind and not everything needs daas torah

  24. if he is indeed someone who supports hamas and other terrorist groups that it is a davar pashut tthat it is a mitzvah to be mevazeh him amd make clear that he is NOT JEWISH AND DOES NOT REPRESENT US particularly as many of these people specifically support terrorists while dressing up as orthodox jews and pretending they represent us. they are endorsing and encouraging the mass murder of jews and attempting to undermine those who wish to protect jews and they are RODFIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and should be opposed by all methods INCLUDING BEING MEVAZEH THEM BERABIM AND CHASING THEM OUT OF ANY JEWISH COMMUNITY (however for various reasons i do not think it would be appropriate to kil them)

  25. What an outrage and utter shame on these Antwerp Frum Zionists, for 3 weeks now preaching Achdus Achdus, is it meant only with secular Sabbath desecrating Jews . . .
    These Frum Zionists are signing of the life of 360.000 children of Klal Yisroel to be thrown to the wolfs . . . This is Torah? This is Judaism? This is Hareidi?
    Yes it’s wrong to support the Arabic terrorist, and it is wrong to support the blood thirsty Zionist vengeance machine . . .

  26. I love all the comments here that beg us to be dan l’kaf zechus, and claim that even though he sins, he’s still a Jew.

    You do realize, that him and his ilk don’t consider ANY Zionist to be Jewish, so much so that he’d sooner have Hamas at his house for a meal than any Jew with an Israeli flag. He’s written all of them off, but you shouldn’t write him off.


    This is not what Hakodosh Baruch Hu and His Torah dictate.

    Of course this man can do teshuva, like any of us.

    But until then, it’s assur to drink his wine.

    It’s assur to eat his meat.

    He may not be counted for a minyan.

    And any community that supports the NK (looking at you, Monsey, KY, and BP) is complicit in the crime of supporting murderers.

  27. Why didn’t they drag him on the streets? Or at least stick rats in his underpants?
    Anyone else not sure if his yarmulka fell or if he simply doesnt have one.
    His face looks like Hitlers. He should die ASAP

  28. I think if all of you would be honest with yourselves for a moment and calm down, look into your heart and hear what its yelling you, you would know that this is very, very wrong.

    It makes me very sad to see how an elder yid was treated so horribly, and he looks very scared.

    THINK: Does Hashem have a naches ruach from this? You all know the answer.

  29. I dont agree with NK, I do however have the common sense to know that this person does NOT make a Lchaim and dance when he hears about babies being murdered.
    I KNOW IT.
    YOU ALL KNOW IT. (yes, even chugibugi and 147…;)


    There was a big leftist protest in Tel Aviv today. Plenty of secular jews waving palestinian flags. Do we have the same hate towards the blonde chiloni girl waving the flag as we have toward this old man? Just a thought…

  31. @n0mesorah a very appropriate name, I should say. When someone marches and gives comfort to the enemy and makes the world believe that Jews support this distorted view, it put ALL of Klal Yisrael in danger. If you can’t understand this, well, there is nothing that I can do.

  32. He is a Moser. It makes no difference that he’s a Jew. If you see him pass an open manhole cover, you can push him in and take the ladder.

  33. Fixed autocorrect. Please print this one.

    I’m very much a supporter of Israel and decry Neturei Karta. That said, the humiliation and attack on this man is sick and uncalled for. YWN writing that they don’t consider him Jewish and the sick comments of pure hatred by posters are the very reason we’re still in golus. Guess beating up and chasing misguided people is far better, in your twisted eyes, than educating people. How dare some vigilante do this to an elderly impoverished person and what kind of chotim umachtiey harabim are those that cheer this on?
    No supporter of Israel is proud of this shameful display of hatred and what do you think it does to promote our side? This is what destroyed the Beis Hamikdash and no rational person would suggest doing this to opponents. This stupidity doesn’t help our cause, it hurts it.

  34. Are 100% certain that this is the same individual from Netura Karta?
    The glasses are definitely different and it is possible to mix up someone who looks similar.
    Also he doesn’t seem to be arguing against the yidden in the short clips whereas they would usually dig in there heels rather he seems to be denying it..
    Please verify, because if they were wrongfully accusing him it would be tragic.

  35. Yes…. here in Williamsburg and Munroe they going after money and the are making loots of money they give them $10-$20 i saw even giving them $100 with BIG thank u’s for going out in the streets saying Judaism is not Zionism and we don’t have nothing with this Zionism,
    asking somebody do u support them he told me YES i want to go on the streets and not be afraid that every non jew should thing im a part of the Zionism ad for this i will giving lots of money,

  36. I personally know this man (whose name I will obviously not say due to the terrorists who love blood being spilled whether it’s Jewish or not so as long as it is in line with their sick agenda), and can tell you that he is a harmless man, who as many here have said, doesn’t even know Yiddish, and is a ba’al teshuva who has some funny idea’s in his head but has NEVER harmed anyone.
    He in fact does a lot of chesed (suprise suprise) for people who are not necessarily ‘kano’im’ ‘like’ him, and I personally will carry on supporting this chashuv askan, especially now that he has been subject to anti semitic abuse.
    In fact, his face should be smudged in the video because of the busha it brings him, but the terrorist(s picture) who terrorised him should be hung up everywhere and excommunicated from every shul in the world.
    Shame on him!

  37. Menachem Shmei
    The Satmer Rebbe personally asked Rav Avigdor Miller to publish a statement on the front page of the NYT decrying Israel. (i think it was about a mixed swimming pool to be opened in Jerusalem) Please dont make up stories. (lie)

  38. OK, so the character is actually a French baal teshuvah who found religion quite late in life. He carries around a raft of quite wacky ideas, and appears to enjoy spouting them. He is not so happy to hear them refuted or disputed.
    He spends his days traipsing around European cities collecting money for who knows what. An earlier poster suggests that he redistributes it. Could be.
    Since the group that refer to themselves as Neture Karta have no registration or membership list, any wacko can refer to himself as such and, of course any zionist can refer persons to the group simply because they disagree with their ideas. It cuts both ways.
    The outpouring of vitriol is however disturbing. Since no one can debate with him in a civil manner, simply posting hatred in a place that he will never see is not going to help anyone. It does appear though that those who have posted such consider their right express to hatred outweighs their obligation to behave decently. It makes one wonder what yardstick the moderators use, knowing the posts that they do not allow.

  39. Dear TorahTruth,

    Do you honestly think that even one of our enemies came to be because of this ridiculous fellow? They hate us the same much without him. The viewpoints is not the issue here. The fact that he doesn’t feel for his fellow Jews is his main problem. And while it is definitely a case of justice being served, I would not want it to come through my hands.

  40. Rav Avigdor Miller on We Are All Neturei Karta
    What should be our opinion of the Neturei Karta in Eretz Yisroel?
    You mean in my opinion? Well, my opinion is not important. But anyway, this gentleman asks what should we say about the Neturei Karta in Eretz Yisroel -about the shitah – the derech of the Neturei Karta in Eretz Yisroel? Now that’s a question for which I am not suited. The truth is that the Neturei Karta have choshuveh talmidei chachomim among them. But it’s true that among those who are not Neturei Karta there are also very choshuveh talmidei chachomim. So you really want me to stick my little head between them – between Rav Amram Blau, zul’zein gezunt, and between, let’s say, Rav Chaskel Abramsky, who’s not Neturei Karta?! Or HaRav Shach, the Rosh Yeshiva in Ponovizh. He’s also not Neturei Karta.
    In general, though, we must know that there is no question that almost everything that is fundamental is germane to all of them – to all of our Torah leaders. They really have the same ideas. They just differ on minor points. The truth is that these points are very minor. Like someone once said, and he was right, “All yeshiva people, all over the world, are really Neturei Karta.” It means that we all agree with the Neturei Karta – the only question is should we do exactly this or that. For example, when it comes to voting, some Gedolim say that we should vote in the elections in Eretz Yisroel in order to give more power to the Orthodox – to the Agudas Yisroel party. And others say that by voting you are signifying your consent to the atheistic regime. So this – and other minor points – are delicate questions and it is up to greater people than me to decide.

    But in general, we have to know, that more or less, everyone is in agreement. Among the good element everybody is in agreement.

    TAPE #61

  41. Rav Avigdor Miller on Neturei Karta and Dirty Laundry
    The Neturei Karta recently published an advertisement in the New York Times protesting against the State of Israel. Do you think it’s right to air our dirty laundry in public like that?
    This gentleman is asking me if the Neturei Karta did the right thing by advertising against the Zionists. Look, there’s no question that there is a necessity to clarify public opinion. The State of Israel today is headed by atheists, right? You don’t doubt that, do you? Who are the people who have power in the State of Israel? Atheists! Apikorsim are the ones in control!

    Now, listen to me. Golda Meir was invited by President Nixon to a very big dinner at the White House. And they served there every kind of treifeh food. And as Golda Meir sat there, representing the State of Israel – she was the Prime Minister after all – she was fressing all the tarfus. And together with her, all the big people of the State of Israel were there. I don’t want to say that the Mizrachi were present; no, they wouldn’t eat tarfus. They do a lot of things, but that they wouldn’t do. But they had plenty of people who are more powerful than Mizrachi – Mizrachi is not powerful – I’m talking about the really powerful people in the State; and they were sitting there gorging themselves on kol minei tarfus.

    The State of Israel, you have to know, has more abortions than any country in the world – except for perhaps New York State today. New York State maybe has already topped the State of Israel in abortions per year. The State of Israel has no longer any proper censorship on the movies. And they are producing the very “finest” movies today – movies that can be accepted even in Scandinavia and other filthy countries in Europe.

    So all over the world people are looking at the State of Israel and they’re thinking, “That’s the Jewish People!” Because these resha’im heading the State claim to speak for the Jewish People! Which means that the Jewish People are represented by atheists who do not believe in Hashem and who do not believe in the Bible. Because the Bible says that it’s forbidden to eat chazer; and Golda Meir ate chazer at President Nixon’s dinner.
    So we have to speak up and tell the world that there is a Jewish religion and that these apikorsim don’t represent us. That’s all! There’s a Jewish religion and those who keep the Jewish religion do not approve of these people. And therefore there is a certain necessity for such an ad.
    TAPE # 29 (May 1974)

  42. אהבת ישראל means loving every Jew regardless of what you think of him,,

    והדרת פני זקן means to be מכבד “every older person no netter his way of life and this goes on a non Jew as well,

    This post is a big חילול השם בפרהסיה

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