SPONGE BOMBS: How The IDF Plans To Confront Massive Network Of Hamas Tunnels

Israel is reportedly exploring the use of a groundbreaking weapon system referred to as “sponge bombs” to confront the troubling obstacle of massive Hamas networks of underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip. Handheld sponge bomb devices could potentially play a crucial role in sealing and blocking off these underground passages, as Israel continues its assault on the terrorist stronghold.

According to reports, the primary objective is to neutralize hidden fighters within these tunnels.

The “sponge bombs” are crafted from chemical compounds built around a liquid emulsion. Once deployed, these devices can be thrown into a tunnel, where they promptly expand and harden, effectively sealing off the passage. This tactic would leave Hamas fighters with no means of escape and enable Israeli commandos to secure safe routes as they search for potential hostages or navigate through the network.

The Hamas tunnels are believed to extend for hundreds of miles underground, despite the Gaza Strip itself being only 25 miles in length. To prepare for potential deployment, the IDF has purportedly trained soldiers in the use of these “sponge bombs” at the Israeli military’s “mini Gaza,” an underground tunnel system mock-up located at the Urban Warfare Training Center in the Negev desert.

One key feature of these innovative devices is a barrier that separates two volatile liquids. When this barrier is removed, the liquids combine, triggering an immediate and irreversible reaction. The use of this dangerous material during training reportedly resulted in some Israeli soldiers experiencing blindness.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. I cannot help but wonder why the IDF does not use tactics similar to the 2002 Moscow theatre hostage crisis, where they pumped a sleeping gas that rendered terrorists and hostages unconscious? True, the gas rendered a number of fatalities and some hospitalization of some hostages, but likely there is a safer sleeping gas available two decades later.

    Of note, the Russians shot dead all sleeping terrorists who were found unconscious. LEARN from the Russians!

  2. @RebbitzenGoldenpickanicerscreennameyournameiswaytoolong I don’t think we should be learning from the Russians how to conduct warfare, thank you very much.

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