TRYING AGAIN: Biden Calls For Two-State Solution To Israel-Palestinian Conflict

FILE - President Joe Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

President Joe Biden on Wednesday urged world leaders to collaborate in pursuit of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His statement comes at a crucial juncture as Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas reshapes the region and raises questions about the future of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

It marks a sharp turn for Biden, who had initially refrained from initiating U.S.-mediated negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians aimed at achieving a two-state solution since taking office. Instead, his administration had adopted a strategy focused on managing the conflict by supporting security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, President Biden emphasized that there is no possibility of returning to the “status quo” that existed prior to Hamas’s unprecedented attacks on Israel, which began on Simchas Torah.

In his remarks preceding a press conference with Australia’s Prime Minister at the White House, President Biden stated, “That means ensuring Hamas can no longer terrorize Israel and use Palestinian civilians as human shields.” He went on to underscore the need for a comprehensive vision for the region beyond the current crisis, emphasizing that all parties, including Israelis, Palestinians, regional partners, and global leaders, must make a concentrated effort to pave the way for peace.

While Israel has pledged to eliminate Hamas, the question of who will govern the Gaza Strip, home to over 2 million Palestinians, remains unanswered. In 2007, Hamas took full control of the Strip after forcibly ousting the Palestinian Authority in a violent coup.

Biden disclosed that he’s had discussions with leaders from Jordan, Egypt, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, all aimed at ensuring a better future in the region.

President Biden speculated that Hamas launched its attacks, which may have been in the planning stages for months or even years, to disrupt the progress made toward normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia. He acknowledged that his instinct led him to believe that this was a significant factor behind the timing of Hamas’s attacks.

“I’m convinced one of the reasons Hamas attacked when they did—I have no proof of this, just my instinct tells me—is because of the progress we’re making towards regional integration for Israel, and regional integration overall, and we can’t leave that work behind,” President Biden stated.

Building on the Trump-era Abraham Accords, which fostered improved relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, President Biden emphasized the importance of advancing regional integration while ensuring that the aspirations of the Palestinian people are considered as part of this broader future.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Why is this called a two-state solution, there already is a Palestinian state, JORDAN. That makes it a three-state solution.

  2. It is truly enticing to seek discussion today about the long term goals. But these cravings must be resisted. There are too many unknowns. Additionally, it is not beyond Hamas y”sh to play the game and ready themselves for yet another conflict after a period of lying low. They cannot be trusted with anything. If we start such talks now, Hamas will worm their way in. They must be exterminated to the last one. Then maybe there can be room for discussion.

  3. Dear President Biden,

    Stop with the narishkeit 2 state solution garbage. It’ll never happen. Be realistic. Where did these lost souls originally come from? Jordan. Correct. Send them all back to Jordan. Jordan is Palestine.

  4. Great idea -reward aggression! Poor Gazans. Now if they would have their own state they would be busy building infrastructure and focusing on the prosperity and welfare of its citizens. Health and education for the masses would be a priority. Oops. Forgot. The world tried that one about 20 years ago when Gaza became independent and judenrein. The billions that poured in from world benefactors went to create a maze of underground tunnels rather than independent electricity and water generation. Yup. They built lots of hospitals because they are convenient places to install rocket launchers. Kindergartens and schools also can do double service – launch rockets and teach little kids to kill and hate.

  5. I don’t understand why a two state solution will necessarily mean the end to the conflict. There’s no reason why that after the creation of a Palestinian state, Hamas wins an election and the jihad continues.

  6. yeah president biden please stop burying ur head in the sand already and are u so blind 2 maybe see the writing on the wall what type are u or has the dementia already gone 2 ur head now

  7. Palestinians – every single one of them – are soaked up with a lust for Jewish blood. There is no way to peace with such a “people”. Their “leaders” have shown time and time again that anything other than the complete eradication of Israel will not suffice for them. Arafat ym’s and Abbas have been offered, more than once, literally everything they’ve asked for previously and yet they still walked away. Because they don’t really want peace.

  8. If there needs to be a new location for the residents of Gaza, what about somewhere on the Sinai Peninsula. Gaza is really part of Israel and should be returned.

  9. Jonathan S. Tobin said:

    “As our Evelyn Gordon wrote in a prescient
    COMMENTARY [magazine] article published
    in January 2010, by signaling its willingness
    to withdraw from some territory, the Israelis
    did not convince anyone of their good intentions.

    To the contrary, such concessions reinforced
    the conviction that Israel was a thief
    in possession of stolen property.

    The reaction from the Palestinians and hostile
    Europeans was not gratitude for the generosity
    of the Israelis in giving up land to which
    they too had a claim, but a demand
    that it be forced to give up even more.

    Land-for-peace schemes and a belief in
    two states on the part of Israelis has
    always led most Palestinians to believe that
    their goal of forcing the Jews out of the
    entire country was more realistic, not less so.”

    SOURCE: article titled: Israeli Peace Gestures
    Not Only Don’t Work. They Make Things Worse
    by Jonathan S. Tobin, 2015 March 31, Commentary Magazine

  10. “People tend to forget that the doctrine of territories
    for peace was used by [Adolph] Hitler in [year] 1939,
    when he declared that he would leave Europe
    in peace if territories in Poland that Germany
    lost in World War I were ceded to Germany.”

    SOURCE: Moshe Arens, former Member of Knesset
    and Israeli Minister of Defense, HaAretz, 2004/1/22

    Retired Lt General Tom Kelly
    (Chief of Operations of the 1991 Gulf War) said:

    “I cannot defend this land [Israel] without
    that terrain [the West Bank]…

    Without the West Bank, Israel is only 8 miles wide
    at its narrowest point. That makes it indefensible.”

    SOURCE: The Jewish Connection Magazine,
    2012 January 6 edition, page 14, article titled:
    The 2012 Arab Street Driven Security Requirements
    written by retired Ambassador Yoram Ettinger

    “J-Street and Peace Now and practically the entire
    Democratic Party and all of Western Europe
    take it as axiomatic that a new
    State of Palestine would bring peace.

    Voices who point out that Israel concessions
    in the past to Palestinians has brought less,
    not more, peace have been drowned out.”

    SOURCE: article titled:
    Large majority of Palestinians say the conflict
    should continue even AFTER they get a state ElderOfZiyon dot blogspot dot com

    Abdul Hameed al Ghabin [Saudi writer and political analyst] said:

    “How can we achieve peace if the Palestinian people
    remain without a place to call home? The answer is simple:

    Jordan is already 78% of historical Palestine.
    Jordanians of Palestinian origin constitute
    more than 80% of the population,
    according to U.S. intelligence cables leaked in 2010.

    Jordan is essentially already the Palestinian Arab state.

    The only problem is,
    the King of Jordan refuses to acknowledge this.”

    SOURCE: A new Saudi perspective for peace
    by Abdul Hameed al Ghabin, 2019/8/21, www dot JNS dot org

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