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SICKENING AUDIO: Hamas Animal Calls Parents In Gaza During Massacre To Brag “YOUR SON KILLED JEWS!”

During his brutal slaughter of civilians, a Hamas terrorist called his father to sickeningly brag that he had killed 10 Jews, audio released by the IDF shows.

The audio and a transcription of the animal’s call was released Tuesday. The call itself was made using the cellphone of an Israeli woman who the Hamas terrorist had killed just moments earlier in Kibbutz Mefalsim.

“Open my WhatsApp now and you’ll see all those killed,” the terrorist is hear telling his father. “Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!”

The terrorist asked to video call his family so that he could show them the gory brutality he had just wrought on innocent lives as his father could be heard weeping from bloodcurdling joy.

“Dad, ten with my own hands!” the Hamas miscrean said. “Their blood is on my hands.”

“Oh my son, God bless you!” his father responds.

The terrorist’s brother and mother also join the call, with his mother saying, “I wish I was with you.”

“Mom, your son is a hero,” the terrorist replied. “Kill, kill, kill!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Now this has me thinking, if they where able to tap their phone how can it be that they didn’t see the simchas Torah Tragedy ???

  2. And yet all we keep hearing over and over and over again ‘innocent civilians are being killed’ ‘innocent civilians shouldn’t have to suffer because of the terrorists’ ‘humanitarian relief for the innocent people of Gaza’…. well here you have it- this bastard’s father and mother (who would probably go in the category of innocent civilians) could hardly contain themselves over hearing that their son just killed 10 people.. Just goes to show that they’re all terrorists one way or another as such if we kill along the way some mothers and children really no harm done at all!!

  3. 2m Gaza residents are NOT innocent civilians – they all encouraged their children to kill Jews and teach little ones “once I am big I want to….” – they all bear responsibility for the Simchas torah massacre and the day of reckoning has finally come.

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