IN THEIR OWN WORDS: Hamas Animals Admit To Horrific Atrocities Against Israelis [VIDEO]

Hamas terror group.

Israeli officials released a video montage of captured Hamas terrorists confessing to the awful and barbaric acts they carried out against Jews in their sick attack against Israel on Simchas Torah.

The terrorists can be seen in the video below admitting to what they and others did to the hapless residents of towns near Gaza, brutalizing, torturing, and killing innocent civilians.

Many of the details are graphic and difficult to stomach. The video should be viewed at your discretion.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. This is a crucial video. Bibi needs to play this at his next press conference emphasizing the clip of the Hamas monster saying that he had found a JEW to murder. This belies the canard that the Hamas monsters are merely beset people of color rising up against their colonial Zionist oppressors.

    This was a POGROM of gargantuan proportions, funded and organized by Iran with aid from Qatar and Turkey, enabled by a propitiatory American administration, tacitly approved by the West, and justified by Hollywood, the Academy, BLM, the prime minister of Canada, and the secretary general of the United Nations.

  2. @jewgut that’s because they know they will have a much better life and conditions in the Israeli “prisons” rather than I’m their own territory. They will be treated humanely and request wha they like.

  3. @rightwriter,
    We are not H’, but the only understandable form of ‘proportionality’ I can see here, is to shoot these guys dead, they’re only going to get let out/escape and ch”v….

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