EPIC: NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger Takes On The “Congressional Hamas Squad” In Floor Remarks

Following a vile speech by New York City Councilmember Shahana Hanif in which she called for a “ceasefire” to protect Hamas terrorists, Councilman Kalman Yeger took to the floor of the Council to lay out the harsh truths and realities of the situation in Israel to Hanif and other terrorist apologists.

Councilman Yeger referred to Hanif and the “Congressional Hamas Squad” as supporters of a “ceasefire” and questioned why they never called for a ceasefire following the daily barrage of missiles fired by Hamas into Israel. In his impassioned remarks, Yeger said there would not be another Holocaust because this time the Jewish people are protected by a defense force.

Concluding his remarks, in an historic first on the floor of the City Council (and possibly any legislative body in the United States), Yeger recited the Mi Shebeirach for the IDF, authored by HaRav Shlomo Goren zt”l in 1956.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Correction:
    There won’t be another holocaust because Hashem is going to make sure 1 million percent that there will not be another holocaust period.
    End of story
    Thank You Hashem
    I only trust in You Hashem- the Israeli army is your messenger-Hashem-I trust only in You Hashem-nobody else-all the armies (Israel-USA) are simply your messengers.
    We trust only in You Hashem.

  2. the problem with israel being able to defend itself is that people dont look at them as victims rather even portrayed as bullies like the david and goliath metapher. the world was so quick to believe they bombed a hospital… so no we arent in a vulnerable holocaust position, but we lost alot of sympathy now that we are a “superpower”.

  3. Well said Councilman Yeger!! It’s these little things that when well said makes an impression on people that watch it and are otherwise undecided about what to believe in this conflict.

  4. Unfortunately he is wrong. He forgot 2 things
    לב מלכים ושרים ביד השם

    The other thing is that we should never ever ever ever ever ever say כוחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל הזה!

  5. Sorry Kalman, but you don’t get a pass for kefirah, no matter how much good you do for the community. The army doesn’t prevent Holocausts. Hashem does. He causes it and He prevents it.

    And goren has the honor of being the only person ever to be thrown out of rav moshes house. He was marbeh mamzerim and worshipped avodah zara in his nationalism.

    You can do better.

  6. This machaifa Hanif represents a sizeable part of Boro Park. Since she’s my council member I get her emails. She is so far left and WOKE she puts AOC to shame if that’s possible.

  7. Kalman,
    May Hashem bentch you with Kol Tuv B’Gashmius U’Bruchnius and may you continue being a shining light for all of Klal Yisroel!

  8. Goren has the honor of being the only person ever to be thrown out of rav moshes house. He was marbeh mamzerim and worshipped avodah zara in his nationalism.
    And Rav Sh’Z Auerbach signed a public letter saying that he is not a rav .

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