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Why Has The Ground Operation In Gaza Been Delayed?

Israel’s Army Radio reported on Monday that the reason for the delay of the ground incursion into Gaza is due to a US request to wait until it can send additional American army forces to the Middle East.

The request is due to the fear that Iran and its proxies will increase their attacks against US forces and bases in the region amid the war between Israel and Gaza. Israel apparently agreed to the request.

However, according to the report, Israeli officials clarified that there are additional reasons for the delay of the ground incursion, including exhausting the possibility of negotiations for the release of hostages held in the Strip.

Of course, Israel also has a vested interest in the deployment of additional US forces to the region, especially in light of the possibility that the war could spread to additional fronts.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office on Sunday denied the existence of US pressure, stating: “There is no US pressure, only US support.”

A CNN report on Sunday claimed that the US is pressuring Israel to delay the ground operation in order to allow time for negotiations to release additional hostages.

Additionally, there are many reports in the Israeli media by former defense officials warning against a ground incursion into Gaza at all, pointing to the fact that Hamas has a vast array of subterranean tunnels [dubbed the “Gaza metro”] in the Strip, where hundreds of terrorists are hiding underground and can launch attacks on Israeli soldiers. Defense officials fear that a ground incursion can chas v’chalilah lead to an unbearably high death toll among IDF soldiers, with some even saying that Hamas purposely attacked Israel on October 7th in order to lure soldiers into entering the Gaza Strip, where they will be waiting with “surprises” for the troops.

In fact, on Sunday evening, a 19-year-old IDF soldier, Cpl. Tamir Barak, H’yd, who was carrying out an operation near Kibbutz Kissufim, near the Gaza border, was killed, and three soldiers were injured when a terrorist came out of a tunnel and launched an anti-tank missile at them.

Cpl. Tamir Barak, H’yd, from Nir Eliyahu.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. There’s also the real likelihood though that delaying the ground assault gives this barbaric group of vicious alligators and crocs the time to plant mines: רחמנא ליצלן

  2. Today October 23rd is 21st anniversary of the Moscow Theatre siege, and this Thursday October 26th, is 21st anniversary of the gassing of the Moscow Theatre when many hostages, myself included {I am alive today thanks to this gassing rescue and am able to give tremendous accolades for this brilliant idea of the Russian Police}, were liberated by the Russian’s ingenious gassing of the theatre, and overpowering the gassed & hence temporarily incapacitated gunmen.
    This week in honor of this 2st anniversary, Israel has to emulate Russia & gas these tunnels & release all 222 hostages.

  3. This is bad news. If the US wants a military surge in the Middle East right now they probably feel that there is a credible chance of the conflict widening. I hope that does not happen.

  4. If you notice carefully it is Israel’s enemies that demand that Israel not go in and finish off Hamas.If you checkback you will see that the first excuse was the weather, then they had to wait for Biden to leave, then the British PM and now the hostages (never mind that they are still murdering Jews with rockets from Gaza. Israelis never allowed to win. Time is not on their side. THe more they wait (Chas VeSholom) the more the pressure grows as does the morale.

  5. Gassing the tunnels is a great idea although there are probably many hostages kept there R”L.
    I’m surprised the IDF doesn’t have remote controlled or robot / AI controlled tanks and other weapons

  6. Israel Forces introduce new semi-autonomous weaponized tanks to Gaza Border
    Israeli Forces have fortified their siege of Gaza by adding a robotic tank to the arsenal of weapons and stationed military personnel further fortifying their siege of Gaza.

    The tank is called the Jaguar and has the ability to transport itself to preset destinations, is armed with a machine gun that can deploy lethal and non lethal projectiles such as regular bullets and those coated in rubber, cameras, and the ability to self destruct if in the hands of anyone not authorized to control it. The tank is also capable of navigating terrain, bypassing bumps and obstacles using sensors and an advanced driving system. According to the Eurasian Times New Agency.

  7. Also, according to the Israeli press, the reserve units who now consist of the bulk of the armed forces, and ill prepared and not properly equipped and need time to get ready (similar to American reserve units, most of whom are not ready to deploy when mobilized, and UNLIKE the Israeli units in 1967 and 1973 who were fully trained and equipped). The Israelis have to assume that a full scale attack on Gaza will in a worst case scenario, mean heavy fighting in the north and the West Bank, involving Iranians and perhaps ever Russians.

  8. The REAL truth is because Americans care about bloodshed unlike the Israelis. Bibi doesn’t give a hoot for Jewish blood. Its רק בדם. revenge is oh so swt untill its not.
    (UN)fortunately there are American hostages and America CARES for their citizens by trying their utmost to prevent additional trauma or killings to the hostages by not allowing the IDF to blanket the region.
    G d bless the 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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