IS THERE A FUTURE FOR JEWS IN UK? “We’ll Find Jews There, We Love Death!”

Scenes in London on Motzei Shabbos. (Screenshots)

Is there a future for Jews in the UK? Judging by videos posted on social media following the huge pro-Palestinian protest in London on Motzei Shabbos, the future seems bleak.

Political commentator Caroline Glick reposted one video on Twitter on Sunday, commenting: “Hunting Jews in London. No police. No arrests. Not even hiding their faces.”

“We’ll find some Jews there!” a man can be heard screaming on the video. “We want the Zionists. We want their blood. ”

“The difference between us and them is that for them, they think life begins,” a man yells in a megaphone. “For us, we believe that death begins. We believe that life begins at death. We don’t care about death. We love death. Allahu Akbar!”

About 100,000 people participated in the virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel protest in London on Motzei Shabbos, at which calls for “Jihad” were openly shouted, with the police doing little or unable to control the crowd.

The videos below, just two of many, are from protests prior to Motzei Shabbos:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

25 Responses

  1. The picture clearly is Regents Street just off Piccadilly Circus, and less than 1 mile from Parliament Buckingham Palace.
    Probably also the end of the British Empire:- Maybe why Prince Harry has already sought refuge in California.

  2. Very scary, I think another question is “Is there a future for the U.K. itself in the U.K. And the same disgusting stuff is going on here in the U.S. just miles from large Jewish communities as seen here in YWN. This was a slow process over many years in many western countries. Why on earth were these terrorists and terrorist sympathisizers allowed in, in the first place. This is what happens when liberals are so open minded that there brains fall out. But of course when it comes to Jews and Israel there is no open mindedness. Only vicious hate, old fashion anti semitism disguised as anti zionism.

  3. I love when they say that-by them everything begins at death! Why don’t we help Omar and Tlaib realize that their belief is what’s getting them exactly where they wanna go! We can help them all get to their goal!

  4. Same for right here in NYC
    Crown Heights riots will look like childs play compared to when these guys start acting
    History does indeed repeat itself
    Never Again are just empty words
    The world loves dead Jews the UN celebrates Holocaust memorial day but if a building goes up in yerushalayim it to a standstill and total condemnation

  5. hashem should please watch over my nephew that lives there and let him move back 2 the states safely with his wife and 2 kids and her entire wife’s family as well we are not safe anymore no matter where u live even not safe in ur own house at all anymore may moshiach be here already with the beis hamikdash rebuilt amen

  6. There hasn’t been a future in the UK, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, for decades, ever since they started importing Muslims by the tens of thousands. Not to mention that UK cops are disarmed and impotent.

  7. One day the liberals will wake up and realize the problems created by being tolerant of radical Islam. They are the enemy of the free western world. Let them all die, if they love death. We love life, because we love G-d. Let us live, and let them die. Everyone will get what they want.

  8. There is no future for the Yidden in UK and that is true for the USA as well. Wake up Yidden. Don’t wait until another Kristallnacht. Your place is in Eretz Yisarel.

  9. “with the police doing little or unable to control the crowd.”

    Please YWN! Don’t join the lying back-stabbing whitewashers. The police was more than able to control the crowd. A lot more than able. Despite not having any guns.

  10. mister ploni we are not safe anywhere anymore no matter where u live not safe in ur own house yes ey isn’t safe at all
    how could u write such things what world are u living in the fake world or are u sick in the head
    where is moshiach when we need him so badly beis hamikdash rebuilt already

  11. 147: The British Empire ended 75 years ago when India and Palestine were partitioned and became independent, and Ireland walked out unopposed. The issue in the article is the survival of Jews in the United Kingdom (though arguably also in any western democracy that tolerates a large Muslim minority that regards being anti-Jewish as a a core tenant of their religion).

  12. Mister Ploni:
    Only a hard-core idolatrous Zionist would write that, just as the Zionist State is at war and in existential danger even more so than always.

  13. Too bad that the gentiles didn’t get NK’s message that Zionism is diametrically opposed to Judaism rather than believing the Zionist lies that they represent Jews.

    Gentiles should not target Jews regardless of the Zionists’ wars with Hamas and anyone else. That makes them, the gentiles, Zionists, as they are believing the Zionist lie that they represent Jews when, of course, the Zionists do not represent Jews.

    The Zionist State is Zionist, not Jewish.

  14. There was a time in Germany when people said, “Nothing will happen here. This will all blow over. This is Germany, after all.”

    The UK and the US are at that point. Know what matters. Have an exit strategy. Know what you can and can’t leave behind at a moment’s notice. And don’t be afraid to leave behind the status quo. Hashem yishmor aleichem.

  15. The question is whether the left wing of the political spectrum, which has already embraced “cancel culture” and deliberate contrary to fact ideologies (e.g. the biological gender has nothing to do with human reproduction), will either be widely rejected and marginalized, or will back down from its radical positions even if it risks losing elections (though more likely it will broaden those parties support among the rest of the country). To see what is happening, watch to see if the Labour Party in Great Britain, and the Democratic Party in the United States will expel those who endorse the Palestinian mass murders. Look to see if institutions (such as mass media and universities) treat those who endorsed the Palestinians “right to genocide” find themselves out of their jobs and blacklisted. For a quick litmus test in the USA, now that “Black Lives Matter” endorsed murdering Jews, see who still supports it.

  16. NaNachIsntBreslov:
    There was a time in Israel when people said, “Nothing will happen here. This will all blow over. This is Israel, after all.”

    Israel is way past that point. Know what matters. Have an exit strategy. Know what you can and can’t leave behind at a moment’s notice. And don’t be afraid to leave behind the status quo. Hashem yishmor aleichem.

  17. You think elsewhere is that much better than Paristan & Londonistan? Have you lately seen Bay Bridge in Brooklyn and Lake Shore in Toronto?

    Technically the only think that separates the USA is the right to bear arms. Take advantage of it while you still can.

  18. stupidity.
    The comments here are the perfect proof of what media/news etc can cause and create by describing things in a certain way to bring out specific feelings in people.
    I live here in the UK, and there has been no anti-Semitic behavior WHATSOEVER, besides for some troubled teenagers which can a- hardly be called anti-Semitism, and b- happened/happens long before/not withstanding the current situation.
    IN FACT, the only anti-Semitic behavior I am aware of is young ruff violent youths dressed in balaclavas and zionist flags terrorizing our streets, running up to cars yanking peoples doors, smashing windows, lighting fires and unfortunately much more…..

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