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BABY KILLER APOLOGISTS: Thousands Of Terrorist Supporters Rally In Brooklyn [VIDEO]

Some 5,000 people gathered in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, on Shabbos for a demonstration calling for the destruction of Israel and a withdrawal of U.S. support for the Jewish State.

Starting around 2 p.m., the streets and sidewalks of 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue were swarmed with participants of the “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” rally, marking one of the most significant turnouts in one of New York City’s largest Arab and Middle Eastern communities.

“We are calling for full liberation of all of Palestine… to every single inch, from river to the sea,” protesters said, echoing a phrase often associated with Hamas and other anti-Israel organizations.

Chants resonated throughout the streets, with phrases such as, “Say it loud, say it clear, we don’t want no Zionists here!” and “We will free Palestine within our lifetime!”

Some locals took to social media to express their disapproval. One individual commented, “Whole neighborhood are Hamas supporters. Disgusting,” while another pointed to the group’s actions, stating, “This Bay Ridgeite thinks if Hamas didn’t kill >1,000 civilians, including the beheadings of women and children, they wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

The NYPD reported that several protestors were taken into custody. Demonstrations in the city have grown more frequent since the escalation of tensions in the Middle East.

In another instance, a Manhattan rally saw pro-Palestinian supporters displaying swastikas and burning the Israeli flag. Furthermore, on Friday, 139 protesters were arrested in Manhattan during a demonstration organized by the Democratic Socialists of America for blocking traffic.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. they are refugees, forever…shameful resonance of EVIL…..think of how hard it has been for Hashem to move all the terror of these inhumans to Europe Canada Britain Scandinavia and now, lets hope the rest of the 1 million end up in America….think of it…..the largest Hindu Temple, the largest Mosque, in Israel the Bais HaMikdash….perfect…I pray for all of this and more…..

  2. The world is so crazy
    What’s about to free the people of gaza suffering from hamas
    What’s about free Israel from all the terrorists of Palestine ימ”ש

  3. Wake up and smell the Coffee. !!!!!!!
    If anyone believes that we are safe in America just watch how Palestinians protested yesterday in Bay Ridge BROOKLYN …yes BROOKLYN ….
    Hashem yishmoryni that next week the come closer to Boro Park….

  4. Does the world know thousands of isreali Arabs living in Israel that are legal isreali citizens are living a beautiful life in isreal nice cars nice homes all under the isreali economy

  5. It also shows that Naturei Karta participated in the demonstration with signs, and I guess Arabs built an eruv for them there. As seeing the picture of those demonstrations just minutes away from Borought Park I can remember words of former NYC councilman Gentele who had this area in his district. He said years ago that he first run for the office he represented Bay Ridge, after 3 terms of the office he said now it has turned into Beirut!He is right, and these Hnas lovers live next door to us, so don’t feel very safe here.

  6. And let’s just remember their putrid children are getting free schooling on our dollar! We pay the salaries of ill-han and her squad cohorts and we pay the tuition for these animals’ children.

  7. It’s really sad that the terrorists have a script and they know
    how some in the world will respond. “Attack. Wait a few days for outrage to calm down.
    Then the focus shifts to “innocent” Palestinians who have been encouraging hate forever.
    Put Israel on the defensive in the press despite the horrific losses. Demand more
    concessions.” I hope Israel doesn’t make any more deals with murderers.
    No one is paying attention to the thousands of Israelis killed by car ramming,
    shooting, and missiles in the past several years.

    Where is the responsibility of the Arab countries to help Gaza? Jordan came out
    clearly and said they’re not taking them in. Egypt doesn’t want to open the border.
    Is anyone asking why? They aren’t interested in the cause or the terror themselves
    and also not interested in ending the “refugee” myth.

    The achdus and maasim tovim of Klal Yisrael will prevail, let’s keep it up!

  8. “All fifty [50] states permit keeping firearms at home.

    Even the City of New York, probably the least permissive
    firearms jurisdiction in America, permits the ownership
    of loaded long rifles and shotguns, and a twelve-gauge
    shotgun with an eighteen-inch barrel is not only suitable
    for home protection, but specifically designed for it.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter 10, page 107) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    …unlike concealable pistols, long guns require no license.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter 10, page 112) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    “American and Israeli Jews are not much different
    on matters of relative income, class, religion,
    national origin, or political leanings.

    The singular distinction between them is that
    when the chips are down, Israelis are prepared
    to fight those who would annihilate them;
    from all indications, their American cousins
    are prepared to be annihilated.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter 2, page 14) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    “Were we all well-known boxers, or karate champions,
    or at the very least feared as being the kind of crazy Jew
    who fights back, we would have fewer problems.

    It is our very helplessness that energizes those who would attack us.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter 7, page 83) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

    “Schoolyard bullying is part of school life,
    and no matter the target, he or she is always
    picked on for the same reason: perceived weakness.

    When this perception is shared by others in the peer group,
    we are looking not at a one-on-one situation,
    but a situation of all-against-one.

    Thus, the most efficient way of preventing the latter is to forestall the former.

    A Jewish child’s best defense against group violence
    is going on the offensive against at least one member
    of the group. How? By learning to fight, early and well.

    Anti-Semites of any age do not mess with
    the Wrong Jew, the one who is capable of
    inflicting pain and humiliation on his would-be assailants.”

    SOURCE: The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
    (chapter 9, page 96) by Hesh Kestin, published in year 2021
    in New York, ISBN 9781642935844 * ISBN 1642935840

  9. Are they “apologists” or “advocates”.

    If killing Jewish babies is considered by them to be a good thing, should we worry about them attacking American Jews.

    If the Ku Klux Klan marched in New York City and advocated murdering African Americans, would the government had treated them differently than the demonstrators who marched in New York City while advocating murdering Jews. Does the government’s toleration of one, but not the other, suggest we need to be prepared to defend ourselves.

  10. Just interesting to note that NYPD services were not needed by any of the Jewish rallies. While these guys cant seem to get their point across without violence.

  11. @Marxist “I guess it’s better for them to get their anger out through some crazy protests than stabbing Jews.”

    That’s not how it works. Just the opposite, the more they rile themselves up, the more likely they are to go stab Jews. This is true with everyone, especially Arabs.

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