Watch: Defense Minister Gallant: “I’m Responsible For The Difficult Incidents”

Elad Malka/Screenshot

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Thursday took responsibility for the “difficult incidents” that occurred on October 7th in the Hamas assault of southern Israel.

Speaking to the press at an IDF post near the Gazan border, Gallant said: “I’m responsible for the defense establishment. I was also responsible for the difficult incidents of the past two weeks and I’m responsible for bringing us to victory.”

“The battle will be a long one – we will be precise and deadly – there will be a price but we will continue until we fully complete the mission.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. By his own admission, he failed. Why give an old general, whose 45 years of experience didn’t teach him how to succeed, another chance? He is entrenched in his old ways; we need new leaders. I don’t trust him.

  2. Hes a loser. A big one. G d wanted to shame the heretic IDF. “Difficult.” Whata easy word when hundreds were hunted down. In The US he wld have long been ousted. Whata crappy place to be defense minister. A sad joke!
    So the battle will be long and deadly? Aha. What is it already?? He sounds pretty satisfied in spilling this bloody battle into regions outside Gaza. Not a hoot for humanity.
    Stop the battle. Its a lost one. Salvage what u have and go home. There r 3 Billion Arabs scattered around the world. We dont want revenge. We are scared. You’re endangering the entire world. Revenge is swt but it turns bitter. We’re long there.
    Stop the battle!

  3. The US is pressuring Israel NOT to invade Gaza. When you have delays that allows the media and the enemy to shut down your plans. Do you believe Gallant? Didn’t he just say that there would be a siege and today only a few days later the siege was lifted to to allow water while they still hold on to Israeli hostages (with all that entails). They lie 24/7.

  4. When Itamar Ben Gvir tried to arm the Israeli population Gallant undermined him tooth and nail and Israel paid a price too steep to imagine. What did Israel’s Enemies Really Offer Gallant?

  5. Biden still believes in the 2 state solution
    So Hamas is bad but the PA is good so please don’t kill them
    Abbas is afraid to hold elections in the West Bank because he knows that Hamas will win
    17th year of a 4 year term
    They are all Hamas

  6. One website I found says the US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan has killed violently over 400,000 civilians since 9-11. When America hunts terrorists, nothing will stop them. If you mentioned
    the utilities would be cut off, I doubt the top generals would care or try to get aid to those civilians. The “collateral” damage is considered a cost of fighting the enemy. Only Israel is held to a super high moral level. (I’m not saying this is OK, just kind of astounding the numbers of people who are wiped out in pursuit of bad guys.) The cost of these wars to the US is $8 trillion dollars or $8,000,000,000,000.
    Not to mention the entire Arab world has made it clear more than once that they are not interested in absorbing more Palestinians or sending them aid. Why should the US pick up the tab for assisting Gaza?

    (I don’t know the outlook of this website, I assume it’s liberal.) Brown University

  7. Miriam, or is it Maryam? Are you even Jewish?! Go home where? To Auschwitz?! Eretz Yisrael, OUR land and OUR people, is in a war, and it must be fought to the full extent until there is absolute victory. If that engulfs the whole world in war, good. Let it. Why should the rest of the world be at peace when we are at war? The whole world only exists for our sake anyway; so let it feel the war, to whatever extent that is necessary in order for us to have a complete victory. Only the IDF must be allowed to try for an actual victory, not a ceasefire or an armistice. 1918 shows us what happens to armistices.

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