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DOUBLING DOWN: Jew-Hater Rashida Tlaib Still Lying That IDF Bombed Gaza Hospital

When Rashida Tlaib wants to see an anti-Semite, all she has to do is look in the mirror. On Wednesday, Tlaib continued to spew her contention that the IDF bombed a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday, despite a mountain of evidence showing that 1) the IDF didn’t bomb it, 2) the rocket was almost certainly fired by terrorists, and 3) the rocket didn’t even do the damage Hamas claimed it did.

Tlaib accused the Biden administration of funding a “genocide,” weeping bitter crocodile tears as she addressed a crowd of protesters at the Capitol who were calling for a ceasefire.

“That’s what’s been really painful — just continue to watch people think it’s okay to bomb a hospital where children. You know, what’s so hard sometimes is watching those videos and the people telling the kids, ‘Don’t cry.’ But like, let them cry! And they’re shaking, and somebody — you know this — they keep telling them not to cry in Arabic. They can cry, I can cry, we all can cry. If we’re not crying, something is wrong,” Tlaib said.

Of course Tlaib said not a word about 1300 innocent civilians slaughtered in cold blood just because they were Jews, not a word about the nearly 200 Jews being held captive by Hamas terrorists, and not a word about the decapitation and abduction of babies, burning people alive, torture, and assaults that Hamas carried out.

Tlaib was the first to echo Hamas’s assertion that Israel targeted the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City. However, video evidence and a U.S. National Security Council assessment indicate that the damage and fatalities resulted from a rocket launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Hamas claimed the blast killed 500 people – a very dubious number, given photographic evidence that the rocket struck a parking lot, leaving little more than a 1×1 crater and damaging a few nearby vehicles.

“Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients) just like that,” Tlaib wrote on X on Tuesday.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. Why are you continually quoting a Hams supporter who emigrated to the US from Gaza and was elected by her kind of voters ???? Who cares what this Hamas congresswomen has to say ?? She most likely voted in the Hamas government in the 2006 Gaza elections before she emigrated to the USA.

  2. why is still in office now cmon give me a break let her rot in prison and all of those like her and are supporting this terrorist of why not blame the jews that caused this to happen right

  3. To Lakewhut: what kind of ridiculous and nasty comment is this? If you align all Democrats with Tlaib, then You must be aligned with the Republican nutcases MTG, Santos and Boebert. I am so glad that I do not know You. Because by your way of thinking, all Orthodox Jews would be considered as narrow-minded , uneducated and unintelligent as you present yourself to be. I think that these past two weeks showed that most Democrats are behind israel and that they do not take orders from the Squad.

  4. Fake phony cry 😢

    She knew it was Hamas, so why doesn’t she scream Hamas, why are you committing killing your own children?

    Another thing not talked about, these rockets could have c”V landed on an Israeli hospital and c”v killed many children, why is there no screaming about that?

    Thank G-d that these thousands of rockets and missiles miss. But we can see how much death and destruction they can cause.

    Hashem yishmor

  5. Riv MTG Santos and Boebert haven’t been card carrying Hamas supporters. Tlaib and Omar are and represent a significant portion of the Democrat base. I’m more educated than you.

  6. Unfortunately she’ll never lose in her district. The demographics of her district’s population, including the self-hate liberal Jews will continue to vote for her.

  7. Rashanta Tlaib should stop with the fake tears. I am sure if should would admit to the truth, she wouldn’t care the slightest, its not the death of Palestinians she “cried” about its only her vile antisemitism. What a dispicable creature!!!!

  8. Huju, yes, you ARE on her team. And so is Rivsam. There is NO SUCH THING as an innocent Democrat. All decent people have left the Democrats years ago.

    As for MTG, Santos, and Boebert, what about them? Santos is stam a con man; mostly harmless. MTG is just not very smart, but I’m not aware of anything actually wrong with her. She hasn’t done anything wrong, she hasn’t said anything wrong, she’s just a person of about average intelligence. Boebert’s a little smarter than average; I can’t think of anything she’s said or done that I have a problem with, she’s just not as smart as the average reader here, or the average person in a beis medrash.

  9. Milhouse,

    The party the brought us an insurrection and then kicked out any member that wanted to hold hearings on it, wants to destroy healthcare and social security and medicare, loves destroying the environment for corporate gain, cannot do a single thing in congress because they can’t agree on a Speaker, sends death threats to members that voted against Jordan, and is about to nominate a man indicted 4x and convicted of rape, who is probably going to jail, as their nominee for President does not get to wrap themselves in the flag of being decent.

  10. Jackk, go back to your pit where you wallow in your vile Democrat lies. There are NO decent Democrats. You are not a decent person, and not a good Jew. The only insurrection was the BLM/Antifa one that YOU SUPPORTED. The Jan-20-2021 protest was no worse than DOZENS of protests that YOU SUPPORTED, including the takeover of the Wisconsin Capitol.

    nafy7227, what are you talking about? Tlaib is a nazi and a Democrat, but why are you telling lies about her? She was born in the USA; where did you get the idea that she immigrated from Gaza?! She’s probably never been to the Gaza strip in her life, and probably neither has anyone in her family for generations. For better or worse, this is her country as much as ours. She’s our nazi, not anyone else’s.

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