Trump: Hamas Attack On Israel Would Have “Never Happened” If I Were President

(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday said that the Hamas attack on Israel “would have never happened” if he were still president.

“The attack on Israel – if I were president, Israel would not have been attacked,” Trump told reporters outside a New York courtroom. He was there to attend his ongoing business fraud trial.

“It was viciously attacked; it would not have been attacked,” he continued. “Ukraine would not have been attacked.

Asked whether he would visit Israel, Trump paused for a moment, and say he “may go,” but “I believe in letting them to do what they have to do, they have to straighten it out.”

He then reiterated that the Hamas attack would have never happened under his watch, adding that “even the Democrats admit that.”

17 Responses

  1. There was never wars when trump was president. The world knows that he is a strong powerful leader.
    They take advantage of Biden’s weakness

  2. @DuctTape

    1. those were four years of world relative peace & quiet – especially including Gaza.
    2. He did cut off all Gaza US funding as well as their their “easy-money” flow from Qatar.

    Give credit where it’s due because at least he did something about it. For the rest:
    Oh please …G-d help us!
    אנא ה’ הושיע נא

  3. I don’t know if it wouldn’t have happened had he been president but what I am sure is that he would’ve allowed (and perhaps cajoled) Israel a much tougher response.

  4. I believe him. If he were still President, the Ukraine war wouldn’t have happened, the Gaza war wouldn’t have happened, COVID wouldn’t have hap- oh, wait…

  5. This factually 100% correct, and now that these 2 atrocities have occur & are ongoing, President Donald Trump שליט”א is the only person who is capable of meditating these 2 wars including the safe return of all the hostages, and the world would be so much a better place, if President Donald Trump שליט”א could bring these 2 conflicts to a swift conclusion, instead of being bogged down by kangaroo sham court cases all about nothing.
    Likewise, if Netanyahu wasn’t being bogged down by his own kangaroo sham court cases, he would have had time to stay focused on the intelligence warnings 🇮🇱 did have & would have acted upon it ahead of שמיני חג העצרת

  6. The capitulation in Afghanistan and the feeble American aid to Ukraine, which is what gave Hamas the “green light” are policies initiated by Trump and implemented by Biden. Being for “America First” – meaning isolationism and saying who cares what happens in some foreign country, today just as 90 years ago, is an invitation to criminal regimes to expand with impunity. Biden seems to have realized the mistake, but based on his remarks, and what his supporters advocate in the Congress, Trump is still the “isolationist”.

  7. You all have valid points. My problem with Pres. Trump is simply this: he is your friend until he isn’t. He even started this disaster by bad mouthing Netanyahu. Regardless how you feel about the PM you don’t do that on a war footing. So he was a friend, then he wasn’t, then he is again. (Which to Netanyahu’s credit I can’t think of anyone Trump has made up with once he threw them under the bus.)

    This is no way to run a railroad.

  8. qliq cmon lets face reality maybe shall we not 4 get that these things happened way b4 trump was elected president he moved the embassy to yerushlayim and freed rubashkin from prison or have u 4gotten that already so how are u so stupid and these things would have never happened at all

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