An explosion occurred at the Baptist Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday evening, resulting in reports of hundreds of casualties, as stated by the Gaza Health Ministry, which is under Hamas control. The Health Ministry accused Israel of targeting the hospital, but an IDF investigation quickly concluded otherwise.

The IDF said that based on its intelligence, “a failed Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket caused the deadly blast at the Gaza hospital.”

“An analysis of the IDF’s operational system [found that] an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed in the vicinity of the hospital when it was hit,” the statement added. “According to intelligence information from several sources we have, the PIJ organization is responsible for the failed [rocket] fire that hit the hospital.”

In previous conflicts, rockets fired by Hamas and other Palestinian factions have occasionally fallen short of their intended targets, striking buildings in Gaza. Such incidents have led to numerous casualties in past rounds of conflict. For instance, during Operation Breaking Dawn in August 2022, two individuals lost their lives when a rocket from Gaza landed near a clinic.

New video shows rocket launches during the time the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza was destroyed. The video shows 1 rocket either being intercepted or failing followed by two explosions on the ground. The second explosion appears to be at the hospital. The IDF says a PIJ failed rocket launch hit the hospital.

While there was confusion at first about the origin of the blast at the hospital, the lack of clarity didn’t stop Egypt and anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib to immediately pin the blame on Israel – without a shred of evidence.

Meanwhile, marches have broken out in the West Bank and Jordan, with demonstrators also blaming Israel for the hospital explosion – again, before any evidence has even been shown as to who was behind it.

Below is video from ongoing protests in Chevron and Jordan, in which the latter demonstrators are heading to the Israeli consulate.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. There is footage now seeming to show that it was a failed hamas missle. This is unconfirmed as I write this. Saw it from Hillel Fuld’s tweet.

  2. It is bound to happen. Hamas fires rockets in close quarters from residential areas and hamas leaders hide in the hospital basement every time israel invades or bombs so the hospital needs to have an iron dome or be reinforced with hardened concrete but its too bad hamas uses this to build tunnels for its army

  3. Don’t believe anything from Hamas or their supporters the gazans

    All ppl cheering the hostages coming into Gaza are all legitimate military targets

  4. A baptist hospital in Yishmaelistan?
    Hopefully it was a lot of their own rockets that they store in hospitals as well as below hospitals blowing everyone up. I hope and pray proof can be shown that this was the case because otherwise Palywood will have fun with this.

  5. IDF reports that it definitely was not an Israeli bomb. It appears to be an errant Hamas Rocket.

    I believe that a major explosion resulted from the ammo dump stored on the hospital.

    The question s will the abysmal Israeli PR be able to counter the Hamas declaration that it was an Israeli bomb?

  6. Israel told them to leave Gaza City. This is a war. 500,000 people left their homes in Israel as a result of the war. It is not a pleasant event. These people killed in the hospital had no business being in a war zone. In addition, whether Israel fired a missile at the hospital because Hamas was shooting rockets from there or if Hamas blew up its own hospital with a filed launch, Israel is not to blame, Hamas is completely responsible. Israel is in the process of hunting down Hamas WHEREVER THEY MAY BE. Full stop.

  7. Seems like Hamas needed a lifeline, they’ve been trying everything. Threats of killing hostages haven’t worked. Hostages for prisoner exchange hasn’t yet produced results. So they go and blow up a hospital, intentional, minor work accident, rocket misfire. Whatever happened there, it seems to working for them.

  8. Notice how the antisemites (EU, WHO, Arab League, Arab leaders…) immediately blame Israel without any proof and when a failed terrorist rocket is a very possible cause. The many dead bodies are likely staged. These demons have and will use and even create any opportunity to hurt Israel’s image. I’ve no doubt they committed this recent atrocity believing that they’d set the world against Israel soon enough and limit Israel’s response. I expect much of the support for Israel to wane, making it difficult for Israel to meet its goals. Even Biden is conditioning his visit on Israel allowing aid through with nothing in return from the terrorists

  9. We should really all point out that the AP published the story of the hospital and under it put an image of a lot of people crying. The only problem was that one of the people had a yarmulke and Hebrew on his shirt…

  10. The Syrian presidency described it as “one of the most heinous and bloodiest massacres against humanity”; words echoed by Saudi Arabia, which called it a “heinous crime” – WHAT A HYPOCRITE! A DICTATOR WHO MURDERED HALF A MILLION CIVILIANS LECTURING ABOUT HEINOUS CRIME!

  11. Its interesting its owned by The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem (Arabic: أبرشية القدس الأنغليكانية) is the Anglican jurisdiction for Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. It is a part of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and has diocesan offices at St. George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem.

  12. What may have happened is the Palestinian Authority wanted an excuse not to meet with Biden, so Hamas blew up the hospital to blame it on Israel.

  13. “These people killed in the hospital had no business being in a war zone…”

    I think its obvious that Hamas was responsible for murdering hundreds of Gazans at the hospital, whether intentionally or accidently, but HOW do 2 million people in Gaza avoid being in a “war zone”

  14. فضيحة
    Even without Hamas storing their explosives cache in hospital grounds, the massive O2 and nO based massive gas tanks can lead to explosions when triggered by an errant missile.

  15. Hamas is not enjoying the whole world turning against them.
    Russia also not enjoying whole world turning against them, but is powerful to ignore being blockaded by the world, whereas hamas is too flimsy & small & impoverished to be able to withstand being blockaded by entire world. Hopefully this shall force hamas to capitulate & release EVERY hostage IMMEDIATELY

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