In an interview with CNN on Sunday, Israeli President Issac Herzog revealed a frightening discovery made by Israeli security forces when clearing the dead bodies of Hamas terrorists who rampaged Israeli communities in southern Israel last Shabbos.
Many of the terrorists had Hamas guidebooks in their possession called The Warrior’s Guide – Jihad Version. The booklets contained instructions on how to take Israelis hostage, torture them in various ways such as via electric shocks, and execute them.
The terrorists were also instructed to use captives as human shields if necessary and livestream their executions [which, in fact, at least some terrorists did].
Additionally, the guidebook had instructions for the terrorists to control the areas they conquered with snipers, car bombs, suicide bombings, and ambushes.
“We are faced with an extremely cruel, inhumane ending enemy which we have to uproot with no mercy,” Herzog said.
“This was found on the body of one of the terrorists, this booklet is an instruction guide, how to go into a civilian premises, into a kibbutz, a city, a moshav, how to break in. And first thing what do you do when you find the citizens – you torture them. This is the booklet – it says exactly how to torture them, how to abduct them, how to kidnap them.”
“So, therefore, the story is not Israel versus Palestinians or Judaism versus Islam – the story is about humanity, are we with good or with evil. That’s where humanity should stand – in the battle that we are carrying out now, as a nation rising up as a lion against evil, and we will uproot evil so that there will be good for the entire region and the world.”
Herzog also spoke about the civilian hostages Hamas abducted to Gaza: “Who are these hostages? Babies, pregnant women, elderly people with dementia, even with caretakers, families, innocent civilians, from 36 nations — people were killed or abducted from 36 nations.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
3 Responses
They actually published handbooks about it and IDF Intel, ShinBet, Mossad, et al… still had no clue?? Such a bizayon! This government cannot be relied on for our security.
אין לנו למי להישען אלא לאבינו שבשמים
We gotta be careful with the message other than:
אין לנו למי להישען אלא לאבינו שבשמים
It’s unfortunately too common to forget this most important and only protection when we think that it’s the shin bet, army, navy, USA, etc… Of course I understand their lack in intelligence and preparedness but maybe it’s a wake up call (I don’t know Hashem’a ways), that we rely ONLY on him!
No doubt, but a basic hishtadlus is required. Their reputation just went from “best in the world of intel” to “the emperor has no clothes”.
Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.