HaRav Zilberstein: “Bomb Shelters Must Be Emptied, Even If Neighbors Object”

HaRav Zilberstein. (Photo: Kol B'Ramah)

The IDF’s Home Front Command has issued instructions that all residential buildings in Israel should ensure that their bomb shelters are cleared out and ready for use.

However, in cities like Bnei Brak, where b’chasdei Hashem, rocket hits are rare, many bomb shelters serve as storage rooms and if there are sirens, the residents of the building take shelter in the stairwell. Apparently, in some buildings in Ramat Elchanan, the neighborhood where HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein serves as Rav, there have been arguments among neighbors about clearing them out, with some residents saying they have nowhere else to store their belongings, especially large ones such as sukkah boards.

A shailah about the matter was sent to HaRav Zilberstein, who responded unequivocally that all bomb shelters must be cleared out.

HaRav Zilberstein wrote: “To my dear brothers and friends – I heard that there are bomb shelters that are filled with various belongings, including Sukkah parts. In our many sins, the Midas HaDin is dominant now and bomb shelters must be available – it is a matter of pikuach nefesh.”

“Therefore, I turn to you, dear brothers, at the order of the Mara D’Asrah, to immediately evacuate the bomb shelters – within 24 hours – and it will be pleasant for those who heed this. And if [some residents] chalilah don’t do so, the Vaad HaBayis [building committee] has permission to clear the shelter against their will.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Its really sad, and borderline beyond belief, that some idiots would object to clearing out bomb shelters storing their succah boards and other “stuff” because b’h they haven’t been hit yet by a rocket. Kol hakovod to R’ Z for reminding us that even among yidden, there are those that need to be protected from their own stupidity and selfishness.

  2. neighbors I do so hope that many of this group find a way to not be selfish ….not criminally involve their neighbors in law suits and ugly liberal ways, we have a DIN TORAH for all….

  3. B”H during this critical & dangerous time we have Gedolim with Daas Torah that can lead us on the correct path Hashem wants from us.
    I’m sure this will be difficult physically as to where to store these items.
    But ideologically don’t think of it as following orders of the Zionist govt, think of it as following Daas Torah. May the merit of following our Gedolim be a zchus to protect all Yidden.

  4. It’s pretty shocking to me that you need a psak for this – it would seem self-evident. Is there more to the story?

    an Israeli Yid

  5. Thank you for posting stories and daas Torah from Gdoley Yisroel instead of just the standard news we can all see on other sites.

    That’s what we need now.

  6. why not do as the arabs have done? put your valuable possessions on the roof of the building – if there isn’t a hit, they’ll be safe, and if there is, has v’shalom, they will help to protect you!

  7. Seriously! You need Harav Silberstein to wrote that protecting a Jewish life in more important than protecting your Sukkah? A Miklat (bomb shelter) should never be used for anything else ever, and especially during war time.

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