WATCH: IDF Demolishes Palestinian Pizza Shop That Mocked Elderly Israeli Hostage

The Palestinian owners of a pizza shop in the West Bank town of Huwara apparently found the recent Hamas attacks and abductions of Israelis into Gaza quite humorous, so much so that they had an ad created featuring one of the hostages.

The ad, shared by the pizza shop on Facebook, shows an elderly Israeli woman being held captive in Gaza next to one of their pizza pies and urging people to come buy them.

The IDF wasn’t amused. On Thursday evening, an armored bulldozer showed up at the pizza shop and promptly leveled it to the ground. The pizza shop owner was also arrested by security forces and is now facing charges.

Not such a funny joke now, right?

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

37 Responses

  1. While obviously despicably disgusting flyer ad, what exactly did the pizzeria do that’s illegal?

    Unless Israel is also becoming a kangaroo police lawless society, something seems amiss with this story.

  2. This must become the new normal. Arab murders in Israeli jails live like kings. When they murder they shoot off fireworks during the funeral to taunt mourners with no interference from the Israeli police. When Jews are killed they celebrate with sweets and honing horns. All this must come to an end. They must never be allowed to forget that they are not the Baal HaBatim!

  3. While deeply upsetting, what crime did the pizza shop owner commit? Is it illegal to make fun of someone? Is it not a crime on Israel’s part to flatten his shop? What is their legal justification?! I am concerned as it seems that the Israeli response is primarily emotional, not logical. We have seem in previous wars that acting such is considered to be war crimes, and has hurt Israel severely.

  4. I Know JPA, isn’t it sad that the Israelis became a kangaroo police lawless society? When in a time of war a citizen sides with the enemy?

    So get it through your head, that YES, Israel finally realized, how to deal with Scum & Animals in the shape of humans.
    People that can tie babies together and torch them alive, are not even Scum!

    So when Evil demands that the Law be upheld, we understand exactly whats behind it.

  5. ezriel,

    While the Jewish world is consumed with intense pain for our brothers and sisters, it’s truly remarkable how rational and unemotional your posts are about inhumane atrocities against Jews and the mockery of anti-Semites. Since it’s so “deeply upsetting” for you, please go to Gaza right now for a kumbaya meeting with Hamas to convey the proper legalistic response to their naughty behavior.

  6. To ezrielkatz1,
    Oh, I know, Israrl shouldn’t be using emotions against baby killers.. because lest Israel may be hurt severely.. what??

    The way I see it is that there are baby killers, and there are those that can live with that..

  7. @ezrielkatz are you just out to defend the hamas terrorists? if this is what you are out there. israels response will never be acceptable to the world. we just have to live with it we are in galus. stop saying bad stuff about jews

  8. JPA and Ezriel, imagine it was your grandmother, what would you say then? These animals need to know that this is not a joking matter. To them kidnapping and torturing Jews is a big fat joke, well now they see it isn’t. This is the only language these barbarians understand.

  9. Jpa and ezriel you cannot be serious. Do you think it makes any difference what the Israelis do? They could give each pereh odom a castle and free food and still these losers would want to wipe them off the map.

  10. Although I was also at first surprised, and wondered what actual crime this mamzer committed, there’s no reason he shouldn’t be charged with treason, and incitement to terrorism.

  11. I have to agree with ezrielkatz1. The owners are horrible people but what crime did they commit? They should have at least been issued a warning.

  12. It’s deeply upsetting at some the above comments I’m reading. They have burnt our babies alive, they have chopped the head of our babies off, they have raped our women and children, they have burnt families alive in their homes. They have kidnapped elderly, women and children and are torturing them. And you Democratic Liberal left Jews are concerned about freedom of speech? Shame on you!!!!
    This is not freedom of speech! Imagine a day after 9/11 a business owner in lower Manhattan would celebrate and wave the taliban flag in front of his store. They would’ve destroyed the person. Stop the appeasement! Israel should’ve went after these sub-human, sub- animals from the day they started throwing rocks. Shame on all you liberal Democrats!

  13. ezrielkatz1 – you must have for sure been smoking something funny to make an inane comment like this. We’re not dealing with fellow human beings here. They are evil subhuman monsters who crawl out of gehinnom every day to wreak misery, murder, bloodshed and evil that only the Satan himself could invent. And we have to worry about feelings and legalities??? Sure – as much as they do. Does that make your delicate neshama feel better??

  14. Because It is wartime, Israeli law allows the officer in command of the sector (alouf pikud merkaz) to do what he thinks is necessary to fight the war regardless of regular Israeli law the supreme court has no jurisdiction over him for that reason.

  15. To all the trolls that are kvetching, why would you object without checking Israeli military law as it applies to the west bank? You should know that glorifying terror is illegal.

  16. so called “people” who refuse direct and unequivocal orders to evacuate and instead insist on keeping themselves and their families in a war zone, no man’s land, and danger zone, and offer up their family members as human shields, the blood of their family members are on their own hands.

  17. ezrielkatz1, it’s convincing that the pizza stores owner displayed the actions of Amalek. Of course, we have an obligation to destroy Amalek.

  18. Some are asking what was the crime. How about when the Jewish wedding celebration in 2015 – which was a private event (a TV channel somehow got a video which the TV channel, not the wedding participants, publicized) – was deemed as (alleged) support for terrorism and incitement to violence. Seven Jews (including the groom) were convicted. The difference here is that in this case there is an actual declared war on the enemy, while this pizzeria is publicly showing support for terrorism and incitement to violence AND on top of that giving comfort to the enemy during an actual declared war.

  19. The order was issued by IDF Central Command Chief Yehuda Fuchs.
    The order stated that the decision was made because “the place is used for incitement activity and support for terror operations.” Fuchs determined that the place “shall be immediately closed and kept closed,” and that “anyone possessing the place shall close it immediately, cease managing it and maintain it while it is closed.” The order is valid for a period of five months.

  20. @ 147
    what witch are you talking about
    the lady in the picture is one of the Jewish hostages being held by the palestinians

  21. Asking “What is their legal justification?!” is the wrong question. When you are at war you fight to win. Our lives are at stake and an army does not ask a lawyer how to defend ourselves. Civil law is not applicable in war otherwise we would not be allowed to eliminate (kill) our enemy. It’s a stupid question.

  22. People asking what crime they committed, remember this is Israel, not the USA. In Israel there is no such thing as freedom of speech, or any other fundamental human rights, such as the right to be armed. In Israel it is a crime to say things that the government deems to be giving moral support to terrorism, or to be “inciting” racial violence. They come down hard on Jews who express opinions they don’t like, so it’s nice to see that at least they’re treating our enemies the same way. No, it’s not right, and in the USA it couldn’t happen, but that’s why the USA is the best country in the world; it’s the only place where rights are taken seriously. Imperfectly, but seriously.

    NoNonsense, no, it is not called aiding terrorists. The pizza shop did not assist the terrorists in any way; it only gave them moral support, which in a free country (i.e. the USA) every human being has the inalienable right to do. But since Israel only pretends to be a free country, at least the bad guys aren’t getting treated better than the good guys.

  23. For those asking what crime she committed:

    Regular freedom of speech laws do not apply in a time of war.
    In America during WW2, spreading Japanese or German propaganda could have someone arrested on the charge of espionage.

  24. Well, these Hamas terrorists and their supporters as this pizzeria owner are not people but are animals with the most common denominator to a mankind of all other animals in the zoo. I’m therefore wondering what the question is what he did Illegal. Would you place the same question when the IDF will demolish a cage of a lion or of a tiger ????

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