MI K’AMCHA YISROEL: Locals Step Up For 100+ Jews Stranded In London After Flight To Israel Is Turned Back

In yet another iteration of the awe-inspiring Achdus that Yidden across the globe have demonstrated since the awful Hamas attacks in Eretz Yisroel, more than 100 Yidden who became stranded in London after their flight to Israel was turned back just prior to landing were put up at hotels and provided warm, nourishing food by local Jews.

The passengers, who had been looking forward to land at Tel Aviv before their flight was ordered back to London’s Heathrow Airport just before the flight was to touch down on Israeli soil, were tired and starving by the time they returned to the United Kingdom. But waiting for them were local Askanim, who spent hours running around to restaurants picking up food and booking rooms at various hotels.

Nobody knew each other, but they were bonded by thousands of years of shared history and an inextinguishable love for their fellow Jews.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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