WATCH: HaRav Zilber Cries As He Warns Of Risk To Klal Yisrael ON EREV SIMCHAS TORAH

HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Michel Zilber (Screenshot)

For decades, Rosh HaYeshivah HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Michel Zilber makes a siyum every year on Kol HaTorah Kulo on Hoshanah Rabba, hours before Simchas Torah.

This year, for reasons that ordinary people only understood the next day, HaRav Zilber burst into bitter weeping twice as he spoke about the great danger that Klal Yisrael is in, especially Bnei Torah.

Read [and watch] his incredible words below:

“Klal Yisrael needs yeshuos, it’s impossible to even guess what danger Klal Yisrael is in, what danger Chareidi Jewry is in, and what danger Bnei Torah are in,” HaRav Zilber said.

“כל הקדוש מחבירו חרב מחבירו (מכתב הרמב”ן) [The more kodesh a place is in Eretz Yisrael, for example, Yerushalayim, the more destroyed it was. (From a letter the Ramban sent to his son about the situation in Eretz Yisrael.)]”

“The rampage of the reshaim is unfathomable, unfathomable. There’s no doubt that a flame intensifies a bit before it fades completely and the time has come that their light be completely obliterated, and the light of Yisrael ‘יגיה חשכי’ – like the lashon of Dovid Hamelech (Tehillim 18:29) ‘כי אתה תאיר נרי, ה’ אלוקי יגיה חשכי.’ [For Your light my candle, Hashem Elokai, lights my darkness.] What is יגיה חשכי?: All of us are standing in the darkness – because behold it is coming, in the darkness literally – with tzaros of ‘עקתין דנפישין’ – that I don’t know how people will be able to withstand it – but ‘הנותן ליעף כח’ will give koach for this also.”

HaRav Zilber continued: “Undoubtedly now is the time for all of us to unite, on the day of the Ushpizin of Dovid Hamelech to be mekayeim ‘ויתחזק דוד בה’ אלוקיו.’ Dovid HaMelech endured all the ‘עקתין דנפישין’ but nevertheless he was mekayeim ‘ויתחזק דוד בה’ אלוקיו’.”

“Everyone should be mechazeik and believe with an emunah sheleimah that Hakadosh Baruch Hu will help us and save us from all the tzaros and all the עקתין נפישין. Each one should think about his tzaros and realize that there are people with much worse tzaros than him and daven for him and one who davens for his friend is answered first and then Hakadosh Baruch Hu will undoubtedly heed our tefillos and save us.”

Rav Zilber concluded: וכולנו יחד נאחל לעצמינו שנה טובה ומבורכת שנה טובה ומתוקה, שנת גאולה מכל עקתין דנפישין ובעזרת ה’ תהיה ישועה גדולה.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I hope everyone understands who the “reshayim” HaRav Zilber is referring to are, and what he means by “unity”. Certainly he doesn’t believe we should have unity with the Erev Rav who cause our tsures

  2. @somejewiknow
    I don’t know the rav at all but when I was reading that’s the impression I got all. I thought he was referring to the gentiles.

    Besides which I don’t what could be gained from the fact this said prior to the war

  3. two points:
    1) Who is this Rosh Yeshiva, basically everyone I ask has never heard of him before, (no stupid responses please, I just want to know who he is).
    2) Why is it, these video’s surface only afterwards, is it just because people only have the urge to share it once unfortunately it has come to be and therefore an interesting bit of news? If so, it should have DAVKA have been shared beforehand, to warn people of what they are saying (not to create panic but for chizuk)

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