YWN EXCLUSIVE: El Al Gives Statement On Flying This Coming Shabbos To Bring Reserve Soldiers Home

El Al Airlines

For the first time since 1982, El Al Airlines will operate its planes on Shabbos in order to bring reserve IDF soldiers who received a Tzav 8 (emergency reserve duty order) back to Israel.

El Al gave the following statement exclusively to YWN moments ago:

“El AL will be flying four flights THIS Shabbat to bring soldiers, rescue and medical personnel back to Israel to serve on the front lines. El Al has NOT flown on Shabbat in over 40 years.

The Israel Security Service has requested to bring soldiers back emergently. As Israel is in a state of Pikuach Nefesh, as determined by the highest level of Rabbinic and Halachic authorities in Israel – The Rabbonim have determined that these flights are a Chiyuv, and it is a Mitzvah for El AL to be Doche Shabbos for it.

Strict parameters were put in place and only those soldiers who present the Tzav 8 (emergency call up notice for soldiers) as well as the emergency call up of rescue and medical personnel will be aboard these 4 flights returning to Israel.

Over 1000 soldiers will be returning on two flights from Thailand , and one each from the USA and Spain this Shabbat.

May it be a zechus and a shmira for Medinat Yisrael and Klal Yisrael.”

Earlier this week, an anonymous Chareidi resident of New York funded 250 tickets for reserve soldiers flying back to Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. They didn’t fly under the Elal banner but those planes were flying under a “different airline.”

    If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.

  2. Jersey jew, what’s your specific point?

    PilotYoni, Are you saying this isn’t a case of pikuach nefesh? Which Rav would say that?

  3. PilotYoni, why would this situation be any different than Hatzallah running to an emergency on shabbos? Without even asking a Rav, it’s an elementary understanding on pekuach nefesh docheh shabbos to realize that it’s permissible to send IDF soldiers, medical and behavioral health staff, resources (including medication and food) even on Yom Kippur if it results in saving the life of a Jew.

  4. Shmendrik
    What jersey is saying is that hilchos shabbos requires that you don’t rent out your animal to be used on shabbos. And (acc to Jersey) elal rented their planes to other companies that flew them on shabbos.
    I personally am not choshed that the current frum owners ever did any such thing and I am sure they followed daas Torah on this as well.

  5. @Jersey Jew @Pilot Yoni
    Israel is United at the moment
    Am Yisroel is United in Tefilos.
    Are your silly comments really necessary???
    It is unimportant who the Rabbanim who gave the psak are and just take a tehillim and pray for all your Israeli Brothers that are going through a tough time!

  6. Not getting involved, I’ve received bills from frum practitioners treating my wife during labor and delivery on shabbos. Hatzallah has billed our insurance for a shabbos service. I’ve received payment for being a mashgiach over shabbos. Why not? Again, we are finding such elementary-level questions on this topic with ElAl.

  7. Many of these arguments could have been avoided if the statement had said that El Al was operating these four flights at the request of the Chief Rabbis as thehighest level of Rabbinic and Halachic authorities in the State of Israel the State of Israelhe Chief Rabbis are the

  8. Many of these arguments could have been avoided if the statement had said that El Al is operating these four flights at the request of the Chief Rabbis as the highest level of Rabbinic and Halachic authorities of the State of Israel.

  9. I don’t get it!
    they released this on Thursday that that plan to fly on Shabbos.
    Why don’t they bring them all today or Friday????
    Planning if officially for Shabbos??!!

  10. the owner of elal presently Kenny Rosenberg a shower shabbos refined Jew I am sure that no need to go any further gedolim traveled on shabbos in the time of the Holocaust to save yidden not sure what the point is here

  11. truthalways: i dont know if you realize this if they leave the US on Friday they would have to fly on shabbos as it takes approximately 12 hours to fly to EY so depending where in the US you leave from.

  12. @lowerourtuition11210,
    that is totally irrelevant.
    They wanted to make a whole bang bang about the fact that they are going to (insert fake sincerity) have to fly on shabbat,
    and they managed!

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