IMPORTANT UPDATE: US to Offer Evacuation Assistance for its Citizens in Israel

(AP Photo)

Chaim V’Chessed reports that efforts of Jewish organizations to assist Americans stranded in Israel have seemingly borne fruit. In recent moments, the US state Department contacted US citizens abroad with a surprising message:

In the coming days, the Department of State will be assisting with transportation of US citizens seeking to exit Israel. These options will include air and sea travel. Citizens will be not be transported to the USA. Rather, they will be deposited at various locations, presumably in Europe. They will need to make their own way home from there.

Messages announcing this scheme were sent to those citizens who had registered with the State Department, as recommended by Chaim V’Chessed on Monday. Those receiving the emails are instructed to reply to the message if they are interested in participating.

Chaim V’Chessed has learned that details of this plan will be finalized in the coming hours and days.

16 Responses

  1. I beg of you whoever does not have to come back should stay there, it is not better in America or anyplace else, you can not walk the streets so freely anymore, there are incidents happening every single day.
    Am Yisrael Chai…

  2. Mexico is sending planes
    Canada is sending planes
    Many countries are sending planes to rescue their citizens
    US tells me they will LOAN me money to put me on a boat or a plane – NOT to America but to some other country where I can find my own way home at my own expense. Incredible

  3. Can’t even get to the USA, with the help of the USA. Just get stranded somewhere in Europe and make your way back home from there somehow, sure. Big thanks to the USA goverment for helping it’s citizens get back home safely, and also a big thanks to the Agudah for nothing, and who gets absolutely nothing accomplished, as usual!

  4. hi i love the fact past replies were deleted. @itchik it would have been smarter if the state department would have acted sooner and just because thye emailed you it will take a very loooong time for them to do the next step

  5. Baltimore Maven

    Canada and Mexico have official flag carriers who can be directed to send their planes by the government.

    The USA has never had a flag or government owned carrier. If the State Department would charter planes from American, United, Delta, they would have to pay top dollar and with the House not functioning because of stubborn Republicans the expenditure would not be approved.

  6. This is so ridiculous and laughable…why would we want to leave our home ..our land…the best ppl on earth and come back to the land of anti semites …constant random violence ..serial killers…exporter of every kind of immorality?? Stop the hypocrisy already. So sick of it…how about some emunah in HKBH?? There is nowhere to run especially not to shmutz larets.

  7. By the way…on another note…Why is anyone surprised by lack of help or planes from the US…?? Please wake up already and understand this p-g, the lie it has been perpetrating to the entire world…

  8. Baltimore,
    I agree that ai would like to see more US Government action in this matter.

    But we are hampered by the House Republicans who have paralyzed our government.

    We don’t even have an ambassador to Israel at this time because their internal fighting has stopped them from legislating.

    Our armed forces are short most top officers because disgusting Tuberville has stopped the approval of military appointments.

    We see Israel caught flat footed by the attacks last Shabbos, I fear the US is also unprepared and at risk at this time.
    We make all 18 year old males register for a non-existent draft. Yet we have no draft boards in place to process draftees should they be needed. The joke is that we have regional Draft Appeals Boards in place. I know because I have been appointed to one for the past 12 years

  9. CTL

    The British government is facilitating evacuation of its citizens.

    British Airways is not owned by the British Government. It is wholly owned by Spanish IAG, and Qatar owns 25% of it.

  10. @ctlawyer Let America send some troop transporting c130’s for the job. Or whatever plane they can use. It’s not a legitimate excuse, just an excuse to leave our brethren stranded.

  11. Ctlawyer, Biden doesn’t need Congress for him to send troop transporting planes to bring back American citizens. He sent 6 billion to Iran without discussing with congress. He removed Trump southern border policy without congress. he allowed Iran to do business without congress.

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