URGENT UPDATE: Agudah Working With White House To Evacuate Americans From Israel

(AP Photo)

In the few days since the onset of Hamas’ terrorist atrocities, many Americans who had traveled to Israel for the Jewish holidays have reached out to Agudath Israel offices around the country to request guidance on how to return home to the U.S. In the wake of the hostilities, flights to and from Ben Gurion Airport have been severely restricted, resulting in travelers being stranded in Israel for days and perhaps more.

Many of the cases that have been brought to Agudath Israel’s attention involved American citizens facing specific hardships – large families forced to seek new accommodations as their holiday reservations had lapsed, individuals in need of medical treatment back home, employees needing to return to their workplaces, and other pressing reasons that required them to come home immediately.

Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel’s Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director and Counsel, as well as members of the Agudah’s government affairs team, have communicated directly with White House officials and members of Congress to apprise them of the difficult situations many community members are finding themselves in and to raise the matter of accommodating the need with more flights.

In a White House briefing today, Administration officials indicated that the problem has been put on its interagency agenda and that it is committed to working on helping Americans return home safely and in a timely fashion. Specifically, the White House has indicated that the State Department and the Department of Transportation are working with domestic airlines to increase flights from Israel. They are also exploring other options via air, land, and sea travel, and hope to have more information on that in the next few days.

“There are many officials in the White House and in government agencies who are putting significant effort towards resolving the difficult situations of Americans in Israel,” said Rabbi Cohen. “We are very grateful to President Biden and his administration, first and foremost, for standing by Israel, but also for their dedicated efforts towards American citizens seeking to return home.”

“Additionally, Agudath Israel thanks the Representatives and Senators who have raised the issue with Secretary Tony Blinken, including the 144 House members who joined Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) in a letter urging government action on the matter.”

Since the crisis began, Agudath Israel has been advising Americans in Israel as to how to comply with the State Department’s requirements that will enable them to be in contact with the U.S. Embassy and receive updates and advisories, and receive U.S. assistance if and when needed.

Agudath Israel continues to urge American who have not yet filled out the U.S. State Department intake form, to do so immediately by clicking here or by calling 833.890.9595 or 606.641.0131. Americans who do not wish to leave Israel at this time should still complete the form, as the information provided will provide the State Department with an accurate accounting of Americans citizens present to assess the situation.

The questions in the form include:

  • I plan to stay in the country and want to continue receiving updates from the Embassy.
  • I plan to leave the country on my own.
  • I plan to leave the country and may need assistance to leave.
  • I am confirming that I have left the country on my own.

It also gives an option to receive responses by phone for those who don’t have access to email or WhatsApp.

8 Responses

  1. Stop the pandering. The State Department hasnt and won’t do anything. Plus why is the Agudah all of a sudden putting this out now. This should have been sent out Sunday Night. Please Agudah stop acting like you have alot of connections the White House nor State Department care. i.e. Chaim v Chessed said they aren’t helping

  2. Kudos to the agudah for getting involved,
    They do in fact have connections with the White House even if @5towner a war expert -probably previously an infectious disease expert as well-
    For the agudah to give the White House suggestions on how to handle with crises such as this one is unprofessional and unproductive as well.
    Waiting to see what the response of the state department is before commenting on how it should proceed is the correct response and the professional approach too.
    We should be lauding the agudah for their efforts and leadership instead of nitpicking.

  3. @ashi obviously you don’t get it. the State department numerous times has been very unhelpful in getting Yidden out. I believe Chaim V Chessed over the Agudah that mostly wants to be on the politicians good side. The Agudah acted to late and there will be nothing the State Department will do mark my words. The fact that you are waiting from a response from the State Department let me help you you will be waiting a very long time.

  4. @ashifromrockland. Agudah did absolutely nothing. They sat on their hands for 3 days. In 1941, Rav Gedalia Schorr ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, on a Shabbos did the following. He left his wife and 2 very young children and went to Washington DC, hoping to maybe get an audience with someone, anyone from the FDR administration. He had no protecia that anyone would even give him a second. Agudah today with protecia didn’t even think of doing anything until after yom tov. chuyzpah

  5. @Ashi the State Department has done very little I trust Chaim V Chessed over the Agudah. Especially in the past they don’t care about American Jews. The Agudah should involve itself in getting supplies to the IDF and start a proper compain to delvier supplies to them since many indivudals groups are getting incorrect supplies.

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