LYING DOG: Hamas Spokesperson Says “We Did Not Kill Any Civilians” [VIDEO]

In a recent interview, Dr. Basem Naim, the Head of Political and International Relations in Hamas, refuted allegations of civilian casualties resulting from their surprise attack on Israel this past Saturday. Speaking with Sky News on Monday, Dr. Naim firmly stated, “We didn’t kill any civilians.”

Dr. Naim went on to dismiss reports of civilian deaths and kidnappings as “Israeli propaganda.” He accused Israel of responding to Hamas’ attack with disproportionate force, resulting in a tragic toll on the Gaza Strip. According to his claims, Israel’s actions have led to the loss of 1,000 lives in Gaza.

Furthermore, Dr. Naim alleged that Israel had bombed a market located in Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp, resulting in the tragic deaths of 100 civilians.

In other words, Naim just told the media that every Israeli is considered a soldier and a target, and they can all be killed.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. Just go to Al jazziria website and you can read and listen to this type of narrative. Unfortunately this is the thinking in much of the Arab media

  2. 1) I guess this stupid professor is not aware that many of the videos of Jews being murdered (including kids in front of their parents) are posted by Palestinians!
    2) It won’t work any more to make claims of, “disproportionate force”. The world understands that this time Israel was attacked unprovoked and the world is not accepting the kidnaping and murdering of innocent civilians.
    3) Captured terrorists revealed that this attack has been planned for a year now and Iran is behind this attack.
    4) I can only bless him that a building should fall on him.

  3. If Israeli children can’t be considered civillians then there are no civilians in gaza just 2 million terrorists or future terrorists.
    And where else should we put 2 million terrorists if not in an open air prison???

  4. Why are we not writing comments on anti Jewish sites to defend our brothers and sisters abd expose their lies. Writing comments here doesn’t help anything we have ti daven and defend our people online where the public opinion war is taking place. Online is the place where our further amaerican leaders will get their news and opinions on Israel and the Jewish people. Let’s do our part please!!.it’s very easy today to explain our side on all the nedia oulets twitter accounts etc.

  5. The Arab world and Islam have never considered honesty a virtue. They have no problem lying, and they cannot keep their commitments, even if signed by their leaders. They are nothing more than a savage species that lives on being bloodthirsty. This is the default. Any Muslim that claims differently has the burden of proof.

  6. the 250 ppl butchered at the concert were settlers?
    The rockets shot all over israel were intended for settlers only or are all israelis settlers.

    but gazans are civilians. and theyre civil too? civilian murderers!
    given the opportunity theyd do the exact same thing. all of them.

  7. These are the same delusional pigs that will deny the Holocaust happened so coming from them nothing can be surprising. In their warped minds victims are aggressors and aggressors are victims. Sad thing is many left wing young people in the U.S. today believe these lies and nonsense.

  8. Just look at how incredulous the reporter was and his sarcastic laugh.
    Not many can look at a camera knowing that every word he says will be recorded and watched, and say downright untruth.
    the sky is not pink it is blue sorry.

  9. Telling lies to non-Muslims is part of Islam.
    I you doubt that this is true then research TAQIYA and KITMAN.

    Daniel Greenfield said:

    “The very existence of people living free and happy, free from Islamic dominion, is blasphemy [against Islam]; Blasphemy that must be remedied by bringing them into Islam, or under the rule of Islamic law.”

    SOURCE: What Drives Islam to be the Religion of War by Daniel Greenfield, 2010 April 14

  10. its so stupid how they act so innocent and they know nice and clearly that this is wats going on and its because of them there terrible people there lower then animals at least take responsibility because that guy knows he is lying

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