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LAKEWOOD: 10,000 Pack Eight BMG Batei Midrashim For Massive Atzeres Tefillah [VIDEOS]

More than 10,000 people packed into eight of BMG’s Batei Midrashim on Monday evening for an Atzeres Tefillah on behalf of their bretheren in Eretz Yisroel who face unprecedented threats.

The Atzeres Tefillah was secured by numerous law enforcement agencies, including Lakewood Police, the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, and Lakewood Shomrim.

Sources at the Yeshiva tell YWN that an additional staggering 10,000 people joined the Atzeres Tefillah via phone hookup.

The massive outpouring of support in Lakewood is just one of hundreds of similar gatherings around the globe as Yidden unite to rally Rachamei Shomayim for their brothers and sisters in peril. YWN be publishing additional events as they occur.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. We should go to Manhatten today and join our nok frum.brithers and sisters to protest Hamas action we can daven and protest.

  2. Why are we not writing comments on anti Jewish sites to defend our brothers and sisters abd expose their lies. Writing comments here doesn’t help anything we have ti daven and defend our people online where the public opinion war is taking place. Online is the place where our further amaerican leaders will get their news and opinions on Israel and the Jewish people. Let’s do our part please!!.it’s very easy today to explain our side on all the nedia oulets twitter accounts etc. Let’s daven hard and do our normal hishdtadlos

  3. youre right we should stick up for our brothers and defend the ant comments on the anti jewish sites against israel
    i have many loved ones iin israel

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