Palestinians inspect the rubble of the Yassin Mosque destroyed after it was hit by an Israeli airstrike (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Hamas’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson, using the alias Abu Obeida, has declared a threat of executing civilian hostages in response to Israeli airstrikes in Gaza that lack prior warnings, as reported by Gaza’s Shehab news outlet.

They stated that any attacks on their people in their homes, without warning, would result in the execution of these hostages, with video and audio broadcasts.

“From this hour, any targeting of our people in the safety of their homes, without warning, will be met with the execution of civilian hostages, which will be broadcast with video and audio,” says the spokesperson, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Obeida.

The previous IDF “roof knocking” strategy, which involves warning residents of impending strikes through methods such as text messages, phone calls, or an initial strike on a building’s roof, is not the predominant tactic in use at present.

Basically, if you live in Gaza, you will no longer be warned of a pending airstrike.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Bibi needs to announce that for each execution there will be 100 apartment buildings razed to the ground with the inhabitants if you can call them such. That’s speaking their language.

  2. Israel needs to do the same. Don’t take any captives. Kill everyone. Those that Israel captures should be executed on video.

  3. #Yochy for PM. Totally agree to such concept!

    I feel bad so bad for all those family members, who has loved ones captured. However I don’t think such a threat should stop the IDF bombing them. It would be a major hit for Klal Yisroel, but there will be no end to how much Israel would have to give to bring our brothers and sisters home. Israel security is messed up big time, and the only measure that needs to be met out, is a guarantee to citizens of Israel that Hamas will be punished so severe that they never will be able to get back up again. Meaning they need to be destroyed from Gaza from inside out!

  4. After killing a staggering 900 innocent civilians and wounding thousands more, hamas should not be allowed NEAR the negotiation table.
    Hamas is the scum of the earth.
    Israel should do whatever is necessary to obliterate them as Donald Trump did to isis when he was president.
    It’s time Israel took off the kid gloves and let America know in no uncertain terms that it will do WHATEVER is necessary for its safety, America on the other hand should not stand in its way in the slightest.
    This is Israel’s crisis, American diplomacy is only warranted when Israel requests it. Until then it should support as an ally whatever Israel’s decisions may be.

  5. @yochy plus 100 Palestinian prisionera should be executed by shoving a pig knee down their throats and their executions should be also broadcasted.

  6. I guess that leaves just one alternative – carpet bomb the entire Gaza, so there’s no-one left to retaliate. No loss to the world. Just do it already and be done with these subhuman monsters.

  7. They only understand one language for every hostage killed 10,000 will be killed in their buildings which will be used as a grave stone

  8. i’m not saying they shouldnt do any or all of that but if they do isreal will be the one in the “wrong” for killing hundreds of thousends of “innocent” civillians. big problem with what to do next but watch this space!

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