HaRav Zilberstein’s Grandson: “2 Yishuvim On Gaza Border That Remained Safe – Shomrei Shabbos”

HaRav Zilberstein with a list of missing Israelis the day after the assault. (Kol B'Ramah)

In recent days and months, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein has constantly stressed during his drashos, shiurim, and sichos about kedushas haShabbos and the terrible punishment for those who are mechallel Shabbos or lend a hand to chillulei Shabbos by not acting against them.

The Rav even promised before Yom Kippur that those who take it upon themselves to regularly study hilchos Shabbos “will have a good year, a year full of yeshuos in ruchniyus and gashmiyus, a year that Hashem will fulfill all the wishes of his heart for good.”

On Monday, it was publicized on the Siach Yitchak hotline by HaRav Zilberstein’s grandson, HaRav Chaim Malin, that according to reports, there were two yishuvim in the Gaza border area where the residents were largely spared from harm by Hamas terrorists – Kibbutz Sa’ad and Kibbutz Alumim – the only two yishuvim in the area that are Shomer Shabbos. Kibbutz Sa’ad is right next to Kfar Aza, where a massacre occurred.

A video of the terrorists arriving at the gates of Kibbutz Sa’ad can be seen below:

Additionally, the frum residents of the moshav Yachini, which is near Sderot, had requested in the past to close the main gate of the moshav to traffic on Shabbos. Following a debate on the matter, the non-frum residents of the moshav agreed. According to reports, the Hamas terrorists came to the moshav but when they saw that the gate was locked, they continued to other areas to carry out their murderous spree.

HaRav Zilberstein was very moved by the reports and instructed that the stories be published, quoting the passuk:”הודו להשם קראו בשמו, הודיעו בעמים עלילותיו, שירו לו, זמרו לו, שיחו בכל נפלאותיו”

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein said on Sunday after davening at the neitz minyan that he couldn’t sleep all night “due to this paper.”

The paper, which he showed to the mispallelim, lists the names of the missing and their families.

HaRav Zilberstein said: “People came to us in the middle of the night, devastated and on the point of emotional collapse, and described their suffering and grief due to the lack of information about their loved ones and asked us to daven for their safe and sound return.”

Rav Zilberstein’s letter promising yeshuos to those who learn two hilchos Shabbos a day.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. Perhaps the difference was (as the article clearly states) that their gates were locked, not the mystical protection of Shabbos.
    Unfortunately, plenty of Shomer Shabbos yidden were killed in Ofakim and Sderot, even while osek b’mitzva, on their way to shul.

  2. Rav Zilberstein שליט”א is a fine Rov with a good heart.

    He wasn’t saying that the others “had it coming” (like one comment claimed). He was saying by keeping Shabbos HaShem will protect us.

    אמר רב יהודה אמר רב אלמלי שמרו ישראל שבת ראשונה לא שלטה בהן אומה ולשון שנאמר (שמות טז, כז) ויהי ביום השביעי יצאו מן העם ללקוט וכתיב בתריה ויבא עמלק

    שבת קי”ח

  3. the difference was locked gates and armed guards. without those, there couldn’t have been a miracle, shomrei shabbat or not.

  4. I have to say this really bothers me. It doesn’t bother me that it may be the situation; it bothers me that you are writing about it, proudly, people who (with some exceptions) for the most part don’t put your lives on the line like others who are willing to fight and die for Am Yisrael.
    We are not the accountants of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. There have been enough Jews who are shomrei Shabbat who were murdered by terrorists (I’m not even going backwards in time to the Shoah etc.) and we also don’t know what value Hashem puts on which mitzvot.
    I think that even if it’s true, it’s appalling to advertise it now. Also, you are writing about two kibbutzim that are dati leumi (religious Zionist), where everyone does the army, so seriously? The website ‘yeshivaworld.com’ is boasting about kibbutzim whose ideology calls for everyone to go into the army, when most of you do not?
    You should cry to Hashem to save all of Am Yisrael and you should thank all those holy soldiers who have fallen in battle, and who are still in battle, whether they are shomre Shabbat or not.

  5. A big thank you to ShmieG and Shlomo2!
    For months I have been deciding whether or not to stop reading user comments or not. I am aware that they often are full of Loshon Hara, Sheer ignorance and stupiduty, total bizayon to Daas Torah and to the Gedolim etc etc, and one who read this stuff is definitely transgressing many severe prohibitions! But I just couldnt bring myself to stop.
    In the zechus of your jaw-dropping, unbelivably terrible posts (contianing all the above issurim) I now realise how I actually have no choice but to stay far away from evil comments, and I have taken on (b’n) not to look at any more comments on news sites in future!!
    It is sometimes possible to learn and grow from bad as much as from good!

  6. @ShimieG “So what’s his message?? That the others had it coming??”

    No of course not, chas vesholom! No-one should interpret it that way, but this misinterpretation shows that it was irresponsible of YWN to post this, and YWN should certainly not highlighted the link to R Silberstein as though he himself wanted to highlight that Shomer Shabbos moshavim were disproportionality spared the tragedy – it was his grandson on some hotline that apparently said this and that’s not headline news until YWN makes it so.

    But in answer to your question, all mitzvos and yes, especially Shabbos, provide protection from danger while they are performed. That is stated numerous times in Chazal.

    It’s like a crash helmet, or body armour, it proves a “natural” protection to danger, but it doesn’t mean that another deserved danger because of their lack of shemiras mitzvos. I hope that’s clear.

    It doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed, in times of terrible danger we often don’t merit open miracles and sometimes Heaven has other cheshbonos (we all remember the Har Nof massacre of shul mispallelim), but we all have heard countless miracles over the course of our lives where mitzvos, Shermiras Shabbos, etc has saved from terrible danger.

    Regardless, considering that everyone expects a ground invasion with terrible danger for the Chayal RL, it will mean while while we are learning, the army will be risking their lives for all yidden. And since we don’t have milchemes mitzvah in golus (leaving aside the dati leumi view) we know that this learning will provide protection for the army, the non Shomer Torah Umitzvos won’t understand this, and so it’s very irresponsible for YWN to publicise this article the way it has, and invite comments such as those above which can cause strife when we need every zechus for the coming battle.


  7. Stupid and painful article for those who have perished or are missing. Take this down!
    Have a heart and use your brain pls. Also causes sinas chinom. Think about someone who is not affiliated reading this. Unite not divide!!!!

  8. This is fake news, a lie, and shameful “religious” propaganda. The video going around supporting this story is of Kibbutz Be’eri. The two terrorists initially could not get through the fence. That’s where the propaganda video ends. The rest of the video shows the terrorists killing a driver in a passing car, then getting through the gate easily. The residents of Be’eri were massacred.

    These lies are a disgrace to their memory. And it’s a disgrace to the frum community that is doing so much good. We don’t need propaganda to prop up the beauty and sanctity of Shabbat.

  9. @mosheBinomin
    I rarely, if ever comment online. But, I’m pretty sure that Pasuk menaing is…if you follow the mitzvot, you will see how everything is good and there is no bad.

  10. I am sure there will be a plethora of stupid remarks before the war is over, my grandfather zl use to say, nisht alles vos liked offen tzing darf min zuggen

  11. I’m not feeling good that this is being published now. עת צרה היא ליעקב.

    While I do not disagree with the message, this is not the time. Yiden are getting killed. Yidden were captured and are being tortured. רחמנא ליצלן

  12. If the Ravs son says it, then its ok cuz theyre all ardent supporters of the “Jewish State.” But if a normal thinker says it, ur deemed a crazed anti Zionist.
    So much to thank Zionism.

  13. @shloimeboruch YOU’RE MAMASH A KOIFER!!!!!!! By locking the gates and having armed guards is only hishtadlus, Hashem doesn’t need it to do anything. He could do a miracle with or without it! And if you think otherwise then you’re being koifer in one of the 13 principles of faith and you have no cheilek in oilom habah. Maybe start with the basics of yiddishkeit first, and then put in your 2 cents.

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