Some people have questioned Yeshiva World News’ decision to post the horrifying events of the Hamas massacre in Eretz Yisroel. We are well aware that some of the posted footage was extremely graphic and we are not oblivious to the profound effect it has on our readers. It should be clear, however, that YWN consults its Rabbinic advisor whenever such questions come up. Such footage always falls into one of three categories: 1] Do not post at all 2] Post with a warning of Viewer Discretion 3] Post with no caveat of Viewer Discretion.

In this particular situation, we were instructed to pursue the Hamas attack as a Category 2. The rationale for the decision is two-fold:

1. Firstly, our ability to empathize and to be noseh b’ol chaveiro with our brethren in Eretz Yisroel is determined by actually seeing the unfolding horror. There is a world of a difference between merely hearing about tragedies and actually seeing what Klal Yisroel is going through. The Maharsha explains that Moshe Rabbeinu did not throw down and break the luchos until he actually had witnessed the hashchasa of Klal Yisroel in the Chait HaAigel. This is true even though Moshe had heard about what they had done from Hashem Himself.

Our Posek believes that we should be empathizing with our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel much more than we are doing now.

There is a halacha that one should not engage in P’ru uR’vu when there is a famine elsewhere. In Megilas Rus, Elimelech and his sons, Gedolei Olam, were punished because they did not empathize with their brethren in Eretz Yisroel. The Seforno explains that even Yitzchok Avinu needed to place Rivkah Imeinu in a position next to him, in order to empathize with her more so that he could more effectively daven for her to have children.

In a world steeped in gashmius and mosros we could use a nudge to ensure that we are davening day and night for the victims of these horrific attacks as well as the safety of Klal Yisroel.

2. The Jewish media is now the default go-to source of the secular media in matters that pertain to Eretz Yisroel. When the secular media and the secular government pick up on the material that the Jewish media posts, and see what we care about, it has far-reaching ramifications. The government of Eretz Yisroel now needs more political support then ever in order to accomplish true protection. Experts have told us of how invaluable this information is to their work.

As with all information and footage, some people are positively affected and some negatively. It would unquestionably be incorrect for a parent to show a graphic video to a sensitive child. On the other hand, we should see it, and we should cry and daven. Moshe Rabbeinu himself had done this Mitzvah when he went among his brethren as the Pasuk tells us, “Vayar b’sivlosam.”

It should be noted that this has been YWN’s policy for the past twenty years. Despite accusations that YWN publishes such images and footage for “clicks,” the reality is that our advertising dollars are not tied to an increase in “clicks.”

YWN has, and will always, follow its Rabbanim’s guidance on what and what not to post.
Hashem yevaraich es amo vaShalom.

– YWN Editors

25 Responses

  1. Thank you YWN for sharing with us your postion on this sensitive topic… I wholeheartedly agree with your stance on this. May YWN always have only good news and good pictures to share with its large audience…

  2. Oh wow YWN doing something COMPLETELY for the sake of Shamayim! You are all big tzadikim! Let’s not talk about the fact that when anyone (not only “children”) see these videos it will be engraved in their minds FOREVER and will affect their Emunah negatively FOREVER. If there were videos coming out at the time of the Holocaust of Jews being shot into ditches or videos of a Nazi taking a screaming kid out of his mother’s arms and sending him and other children the gas chamber, would YWN post that too?? Of course! We need it in order to REALLY feel the pain of our brothers and sisters!!!

    YWN….Get a real “Rabbi”.

  3. “Despite accusations that YWN publishes such images and footage for “clicks,” the reality is that our advertising dollars are not tied to an increase in clicks”.

    Do you think we are stupid?? You think

  4. I am personally well aware of who YWN uses as a posek and Daas Torah for many reasons it isn’t appropriate for YWN to publicly state who this Rav is, but I can assure all of you that most of YWN readers have heard of him previously and he is known as a tremendous adom gadol and a well respected Daas Torah. You’ll just have to trust me on this one.

  5. Children shouldn’t have access to the internet. Period. Adults… is a big issue. Any adult who already looks at this site obviously can see any graphic image on the likes of Twitter.

    Your arguments are sound for publishing… except the sentence “The government of Eretz Yisroel now needs more political support then ever in order to accomplish true protection.”… which means what?

    What type of “political support” do you and your “Rabbonim” suggest?

    Will you be suggesting frum yidden start enlisting?!

    There are no Rabbonim of ours that would make such a suggestion… so the question arises… who exactly are your Rabbonim?

  6. Please note the error: Peru urvu is permitted and obligatory in times of war. Only someone without a son and daughter is forbidden in tashmish.

  7. Whoever is constantly complaining about how things are done, a news website is not a democracy, go check the news elsewhere, start a new one for all I care, and just stop moaning for no reason, are you depressed or what?

  8. DEFEND- YO do not have to agree with the Rav, but they have a Rav and he paskined and is guiding them. We dont shop for Rabbnim based on our taste

  9. @Defend the Gedolim

    They have holocaust museums and books to retain and distribute graphic photos and accounts of how 6 million Jews were killed so no one forgets. If you choose to put your head in the sand and not see what Klal Yisroel is going through, then it’s your prerogative, but seeing the images and videos is necessary so we can all daven better to Hashem since our salvation will only come from Hashem

  10. In your explanation of your editorial policy, you drew on a comparison to the halacha of pru urvu during a famine. While the message of empathy is very important, your comparison implies that a similar restriction applies during a time a war. I am wondering if this was checked with a halachic authority as it has serious practical ramifications.

  11. As a frum outlet with a large frum following consider the following, said with the utmost sensitivity, some of the pictures of the Kedoshim are women dressed not tznius, is that “ltovusum achar mesosom” as a frum publication don’t publish those pictures!

  12. @mannygreenberg
    You write;
    “ Your arguments are sound for publishing… except the sentence “The government of Eretz Yisroel now needs more political support then ever in order to accomplish true protection.”… which means what?What type of “political support” do you and your “Rabbonim” suggest?
    Will you be suggesting frum yidden start enlisting?!
    There are no Rabbonim of ours that would make such a suggestion… so the question arises… who exactly are your Rabbonim?”

    I too wonder who the rabonim of YWN are, and I would appreciate a response from the editor as well.
    What bothers me about your comments is, you decide that the only political support our Rabbonim can give is the support you would like to see.
    The reason we ask rabbonim questions is for the answers THEY will give.
    In all probability if asked said question the answer they will give will have nothing to do with Frum people enlisting.
    We should not be answering questions best left for our leaders.

  13. I have a very close kesher with the gadol who paskens for YWN, I know him personally and he paskens hashkafa for large portions of klal Yisroel including litveshe Benei Torah. The reason why YWN doesn’t mention who he is, is because he is makpid that they do not say. It is a bezayon Hatorah for a chosheve Talmid chacham to publicly be the one behind an internet news outlet (even a kosher one) this is a role that is much more appropriate to be played privately. So pipe down children and let YWN listen to their very valid Rabbinic guidance.

  14. With all respect to those demanding that the YWN editors disclose who they rely on for daas torah, or for that matter disagree with other editorial decision a simple decision. Take you business elsewhere. No one is forcing you to log on. Many of us rely on YWN for news stories and visuals that aren’t available elsewhere and are totally comfortable with these editorial decisions.

  15. Shalom u’vrocha @Ashifromrockland!

    Thanks for being mityaches to my comment!

    My problem with the statement about “political support for the government in Erets Yisroel” is that is is very deceptive.

    If it would have said stam “support for our fellow Jews in Erets Yisroel” it wouldn’t have bothered me. In fact that’s what it should have said!

    When whoever wrote this article inserted that sentence it became treif. Instead of supporting Jews b’eis tsora it became some sort of patriotic rah rah rah political shtik.

    Every true Ben Torah knows that the government in Erets Yisroel isn’t according to the Torah. We also know that we’re (Heredi parties) in the government to protect our interests (l’shem shamayim). There’s no place for “supporting the secular government in it’s secular decisions. They don’t accept daas Torah.

    What’s more confusing about this article is that in the same breath it mentions the “secular government!

    Either way, you and Am Yisroel should see only yeshuos m’tsad rachamim.

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