A Heartwarming Sight: Tefillah On The Streets Of Tel Aviv


Following the appalling events on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv, when leftists “protested” against Yom Kippur tefillos and prevented them from taking place, a heartwarming sight took place on the streets of Tel Aviv on Wednesday morning, Chol Hamoed Sukkos.

HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Tzfas, held a mass tefillah at the Beit HaKnesset HaGadol in Tel Aviv.

Following the tefillah, the mispallelim spilled out on the street of Tel Aviv and danced with their lulavim and esrogim.

Watch the videos below:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. But without a mechitza! That they could have done on Yom Kippur too. The Misyavnim don’t object to dancing, or even to davening in public, so long as it’s mixed.

  2. Goldpen, nobody spits at Christians. They spit on the ground at the sight of avoda zara, which is the authentic Jewish practice, minhag avoseinu hakedoshim; you should also be doing it, and certainly you have no right to disparage it. But there’s no need to see videos of it, any more than we need videos of people saying asher yotzar.

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