Leftists Force Channel 14 To Move Out Of Their Sukkah

Channel 14/Screenshot

Israel’s conservative Channel 14 built a large and elaborate sukkah in the studio’s parking lot in order to broadcast its programs there during Sukkos.

However, when the show’s most popular program, The Patriots, began, leftists protested outside the sukkah and made so much noise that the show had to be moved inside.

The deafening noise began just as panel member Yedidya Meir recited the Ushpizin tefillah.

In response to the protest, show host Yinon Magal said: “Today, there’s one channel in the media that doesn’t think as they do and they’re trying to silence us. That’s Bolshevism. They won’t silence us. After they blew up the Yom Kippur tefillos, they can’t stand the fact that we were in a sukkah.”

Following the incident, the channel issued a statement saying: “After a handful of violent people prevented a tefillah on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv, now those who want to silence us are protesting to prevent a broadcast from the sukkah. We are sorry that the legal adviser of the Israel Police chose to allow this.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The left doors protests in a manner that is more effective than the right or the religious do.
    We should take their cue and bring the protests somewhere that will disturb our adversaries. I am not well versed in the game theory behind each model, but protesting at Kikar Shabbat never made any sense to me.
    If the minister of the interior (or whichever person) is responsible for drafting Yeshivah students, the protests should disrupt his press conference where he is gloating about some other accomplishments. Although that may serve to taunt the bear and make things worse (back to the game theory questions)

  2. The leftists are terrified that the religious are growing in number and will over power them. Maybe they’re afraid that Mpo shiach is coming and they will cease to exist completely and they want to stop that from happening. They’re a bunch of losers.

  3. One chillul hashem after the other. This is demoratia ffrom the left and Lapid Liebermann and Ganz are quite.
    They are allowed everything even on Succot. This are goyi, jews haters and should be sent to Iran.

  4. Kikar haShabbat :

    They have no boundaries
    Protest activists vandalized three Sukkots in Ness Ziona, graffiti sprayed on the thatch: “reminds me of Germany”
    Sukkahs erected by Chabad emissaries in Ness Ziona at several points in the city were vandalized by protest activists | One of them boasted in a WhatsApp group: “Now the grass on which the tabernacles were erected will be able to grow again” | Chabad emissary Nathai Ariel who erected the tabernacles: “I am sure this will rekindle the Jewish spark In all those who heard about this terror” | All the details (current affairs)
    ( 3.9.23)

    The chain of the Horrifying Harassment of Chabad Houses in Nes Ziona: Over the past day, leftists and various “protest activists” vandalized Chabad Sukkots placed in local parks in Nes Ziona.

    These are three sukkahs, which were set up by Chabad envoys in the city, with the approval of the municipality and in coordination with all the parties concerned, in parks throughout Nes Ziona, for the use and convenience of the residents who make sure to eat and drink in the sukkah.

    The Sukkots, as mentioned, were vandalized and damaged. Part of the thatch they had was destroyed and thrown to the ground in disgrace. Graffiti inscriptions were sprayed on some of the Sukkots. On the Chabad online site COL it was reported this evening that a complaint was filed with the police.

    One of the protest activists involved in the vandalism of the groups, published in the WhatsApp group ‘…

    He added: “From today, the grass on which the Sukkots were erected will be able to grow again and maintain its green color and well-kept appearance. The ‘Natz Chabad’ team was careful to preserve the integrity of the equipment.”

    It should be noted that the meadows on which the Sukkots were erected are often used for picnics. “There are also many trees that shade the bridge,” says a resident of the city. “The municipality said that if the grass is damaged, it will restore it, and on the other hand, damage to the property and the entire public who used the Sukkot, and especially to our feelings, is certainly damage.

    “In addition, if there is a permit from the municipality, as well as a type of general permit from the state housing culture association – it is not appropriate to behave violently. What if my car is parked in a legal place that is not visible to the public, they will break it?!”.

    Rabbi Sagi Har Shafer, the chief emissary of Chabad Lance Ziona, responded that one of the protestors, who according to his testimony was among the perpetrators of the act, contacted him last night and claimed that the grass was destroyed by the Sukkot.

    “I explained to him that the Sukkots are erected every year and all the Sukkots were erected with the approval of the municipality,” Rabbi Har Shafer was quoted on the Chabad website, “and I promised to check whether it is possible to move some of them to paved ground.”

    This is not the first harassment of Chabad emissaries in Nes Ziona. A few months ago anti-Chabad slogans were sprayed on the wall of a school in the city.

    Earlier this year, a passer-by, a resident of the city, was recorded throwing an egg at guys who were operating a tefillin stand on Friday in one of the central points of the city. In this case the resident apologized a few days later – and came to the stand himself to put it down afterwards.

    The media person Udi Ben David responded: “Destroy Jewish Sukkots. This is not about Germany, but it is mentioned, and this thing is encouraged.”

    Related: Haaretzism
    (הסתה, שקמה ברסלר, גזענות, שנאה)

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