“Israeli Leftists Are Trying To Torpedo Israeli-Saudi Deal”

Leftist protesters rally at Union Square as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visited with businessman Elon Musk on Monday, Sept. 18, 2023, in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Godofredo A. Vasquez)

Middle East expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar told Israel National News – Arutz Sheva (INN) that Saudi Arabia has been receiving messages from the Israeli left urging it to halt the efforts to reach a normalization agreement with Israel until the Israeli left is in power.

Dr. Kedar told INN that according to a Saudi source he spoke with, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received messages from the Israeli left that they will concede much more to the Palestinians than Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will.

“This is a message which reached me, regarding the fact that in Israel, there are people who sent messages to Mohammed bin Salman, urging him not to advance too far with Netanyahu, because, ‘We will return to power at some point, and we will give a lot more to the Palestinians,'” Dr. Kedar said.

Dr. Kedar added that bin Salman is fixated on the issue “because that is what is bothering most of the Arab world and most of the Islamic world. If he wants to preserve a leadership position, he cannot act against what is considered consensus in the Arab world – that Israel needs to be weakened so that one day it will be possible to eliminate it. He cannot swim against the current.”

“What interests him is creating an image of a strong Saudi Arabia for the Americans, so that the Americans will agree to make security deals with them. And if Saudi power means that it can subjugate Israel, then Israel pays the price of convincing the Americans of the Saudi strength and that Saudi Arabia is a leader and leading.”

Regarding the messages from the Israeli left, Dr. Kedar said that their intentions are clear – they support the creation of a Palestinian state, a step that even the Biden administration has admitted is not currently a viable option.

“Their intentions are well-known,” he said. “It’s clear what [Labor chair MK Merav] Michaeli, [Yesh Atid chair MK Yair] Lapid, and [National Unity chair MK Benny] Gantz want to see happen.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Dead People can’t do a thing, imagination can’t work a switch…this evil of goyem in our wonderful Israel and the filthy of Missionaries or the reckless behavior of most of us, still dead people can not harm nor can they breath

  2. Similar thing happened back when Menachem Begin made the treaty with Egypt. Jordan was also to join but the “left” bullied/scared Jordan away from joining.

  3. Snakes.
    If these snakes were alive during the Holocaust they would’ve been among those fighting R’ Michoel Ber Weissmandel and causing more Jews to be killed by the Nazis.
    They would’ve been from the group who sunk the Altalena.
    They would’ve been from the group who murdered Yaakov DeHaan (a Dutch diplomat assassinated by the hagganah in 1924. He was serving as an envoy from the rabbi’s of Jerusalem to the rulership of Jordan to negotiate Jewish autonomy in a post British mandate Jordanian controlled Palestine. This directly led to many Jews dying regardless of who would’ve taken over from the British)

  4. They dance and celebrate on Yom Haatzmaut while on the other 364 days, they burn the country.
    No, they don’t want a Palestinian state, they want to come back to power to create a completely non-Jewish secular anti-religious [non-]state!

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