America Says “No” to an Israeli Attack Against Iran

iaf.jpgAmerican officials are unwilling to cooperate with a senior Israeli request to provide logistical and other support towards enabling Israel to launch a military offensive against Iranian nuclear facilities.

According to a report in the daily Haaretz, Washington has ruled out such a move at present, one that is contrary to American interests, with American officials warning Israel not to surprise the White House – adding any offensive against Iran must include prior notification to the Bush administration.

America promises to continue providing assistance to Israel to improve Jerusalem’s defensive capabilities against surface-to-surface missiles but remains opposed to an attack at this time.

In response, Jerusalem announced to senior officials in Washington that Israel reserves the right to operate with a free hand should international diplomatic efforts and sanctions fail.

Officials in Jerusalem are hopeful that President Bush will order an offensive against Iran prior to stepping down from office, realizing America’s ability to successfully carry out such a mission is far less complicated than for Israel, in addition to which it would not result in Israel dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat alone.

Israel’s fears of carrying out such an attack are not unfounded, realizing that an offensive would result in Iran launching a counter strike, as well as ordering Hizbullah, Hamas, and perhaps even Syria to join in. Thousands of missiles might be launched against Israel.

Israel realizes that even if an offensive is successful, the move would only set Iran back a number of years but it may also “legitimize” continued nuclear enrichment efforts as Tehran would portray Israel as an aggressor, thereby seeking to justify the need to protect itself against future attacks, Haaretz reports.

In Jerusalem, senior officials appear to be waiting for now, permitting the international sanctions to play out, realizing that in actuality, Bush will most likely not order an attack prior to stepping down from office. Officials also realize Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may temporarily suspend uranium enrichment efforts temporarily in response to sanctions, to permit Bush to complete his term before resuming the operation.

During President Bush’s recent visits to Israel, he met with the prime minister and defense minister, at which time Israel requested certain intelligence information as well as military and political support from the White House.

Following the visit of US Chief of Joint Staffs Admiral Michael Mullen, the US commander stated an attack against Iran would compromise American regional interests and result in turmoil in the region. He feared what he terms “destabilization of the region”. America also reportedly told Israel that she will not permit Israel to fly over Iraqi airspace as a route towards Iran, further complicating an Israeli offensive.

During Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s recent visit to Washington, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressed his adamant objection to such a move, while Vice President Dick Cheney, a hawk, seemed more supportive of the move following Barak’s presentation based on the Israeli intelligence assessment. Mr. Barak explained Israel fears that under the cover of ongoing international sanctions, Iran will reach the point of no return.

Gates supports significantly improving Israel’s monitoring and defensive abilities, including the Arrow 3, Kippat Barzel system, connecting Israel to American’s satellite surveillance system and even supplying nine super Hercules transport planes capable of flying longer distances and armed with sophisticated surveillance equipment. Nevertheless, from America’s point of view, an offensive is not being approved at this time while reports still hint that Israel may strike in the coming months, possibly without White House support or approval.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. Israel will, should and can do whatever is needed to preserve it’s security and survival with or without the blessing of the United States. I as a supporter of President Bush and his administration cannot imagine them not helping Israel to survive!!

  2. And when bush steps down – together with olmert the jerk. And Iran begins it nuclear bomb again.
    What will happen, is that the Navi has told us not to worry – DO TESHUVA! Read about the dreams Rav Zohn had of the Chofetz Chaim.
    We will watch as the world begins to suffer the fate of “כוס התרעלה”. And ALL THE ERUV RAV running this country will suffer the same fate, unless the also repent (very slim chance on that happening!).
    Let’s all pray that Hashem brings Moshiach speedily in our days, so we should not have to go through all these hard times! “ייתי ולא אחמיניה”.

  3. Another example of how Israel is either having it’s arm twisted or being left out in the wind by her arrogant ally; America.

  4. Speaking al pi derech hateva, it should be pointed out that were Issrael to attack Iran, Israel would need at least tacit, if not explicit, US approval and aid. Iran would retaliate against US targets.

    With wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US cannot afford a third military theatre in Iran.

  5. I am very bothered by this. It seems that Israel is called upon to perform military, even secret military missions with the US when it suits the US. America has been nothing more than a fair weather friend rather than a true ally. This is not a good development.

  6. Oh gosh, #6 – you said it. The remaining “bad guys” of the world will continue to grow stronger as the US continues to avoid new conflicts now that they find their economy nearly bankrupt from a series of battles that has so far lasted for 7 years. How’s that for a run on sentence? And I agree with your first point too

  7. #8 – America has never been anything less than a true ally of Israel. I suppose that you were the type of kid who said your parents didn’t really like you every time they said you can’t have that piece of candy right now.q

  8. #10, squeak, hello, I dont agree with you that America has “never been anything less than a true ally of Israel.” If you want to attach some sarcastic or rude speculative statement to our disagreement, then who is really being childish?

  9. If this is being reported than I can only imagine that its all false. We ounly know .01 percent of the truth behind israeli army and the bush administration. This whole article is a bunch of hot air.

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