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UMAN: Israeli Citizens Detained in Ukraine Following Fatal Pedestrian Strike

Reports have emerged from Ukraine regarding a severe road accident in which a vehicle carrying Israeli citizens en route to Uman for Rosh Hashanah collided with a local girl. Sources tell YWN that the victim passed away from her injuries.

The incident took place in the vicinity of Vinnytsia, a considerable distance from their intended destination – around an hour and a half from Uman.

Local residents immediately alerted the authorities, leading to the detention of the Israeli citizens by Ukrainian police. Fortunately, the individuals involved did not require medical attention. Askanim in Uman are now working to provide assistance to those affected.

The circumstances surrounding the accident are under investigation, and more details are expected to emerge as authorities continue their inquiries.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Hopefully, there was no liability on their part and they will be released soon but this again is a reminder of the risks of going to the Ukraine where there is still a high level of latent anti-semitism.

  2. I thought Israelis in Ukraine took local drivers. Was an Israeli driving or a local? If it was a local why are any Israelis in custody and if חו”ש an Israeli was driving why are any of the other passengers detained?

  3. Let’s hope the askonim have cash to get them out before Rosh Hashanah. That is the way Ukraine still works. Innocence or guilt are irrelevant factors. The police are paid very low salaries but still need to eat. If the Jews have enough money to come to the Wunder Rabbiner, they have enough to help us out as well.

  4. The compassion that yidden have for another human being is truly amazing.

    No one really seems to care that in this story a girl got killed and her parents are suffering.

  5. May the Almighty help out this family who lost a girl. May the Almighty help out this family during this difficult time. This family should merit that from now on, only good things should come their way.

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