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Rabbi Berland Refused Entry To Ukraine, On Way Back To Israel

Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the leader of the Shuvu Banim kehilla, tried to enter Ukraine on Thursday but was denied entry and turned away at the border.

He is now on the way back to Israel.

Berland spent the past week in Romania in order to cross the border into Ukraine and travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. However, his name is on Ukraine’s blacklist due to comments he made in 2022 that the Russian invasion was a punishment to Ukraine for preventing his chassidim from visiting Uman during the COVID pandemic.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. this is outrageous that a country that claims to support democracy and is being backed by the USA is taking such action for simply being vocally critical about their covid policy!

  2. SomejewIknow: You obviously don’t know or don’t care that this dirtbag is a convicted sexual abuser who spent years running around the world trying to evade arrest and extradition. Not sure why Romania or any other country would allow him entry. Look through the YWN news archives to find more information about the pain and suffering he caused to many women.

  3. A country is not required to admit foreigners whom they don’t like. Even in the USA, with the first amendment, the administration does not have to admit a foreigner if it doesn’t like his opinions. That’s because he is not a US citizen or resident, and is not currently in the USA, so the constitution doesn’t protect his rights.

  4. This has nothing to do with free speech but rather because he is a “offender”. I wouldn’t want him visiting my house that’s for sure.

  5. Frumshmurda718 – there is no remedy because none is needed. The individual is an admitted and convicted rapist and swindler who preys on the most desperate members of society. Yesh din v’yesh dayan – this thoroughly evil man will unquestionably have to pay after 120.

    an Israeli Yid

  6. Oy the cockroach is coming to my land? Terrible.

    Sorry, just had to post that because I felt like not posting it since it’s erev rosh hashana but then I caught myself and realized that that would basically constitute apikorsus since several mainstream batei din paskened he is an apikoros… and the chofetz Chaim writes that for people who are muchzak k’apikorsim (ayein relevant beer mayim chayim) — mitzvah leganosam ulevazosam bein bfanav bein shelo befanav bchol mah shehu roeh oh shomeia alav. So, last I checked, no matter how falsely holy I want to feel on this solemn day, I am not absolved of keeping mitzvos delineated in the heilige Sefer chofetz chaim
    Ayein several of my posts on this topic from years past for full sources.

  7. Are the negative ones here telling me the $1,800 I sent him for a “Special Bisamin container” (that he personally Benched when they blew Shofar this morning) promising all kind of Yeshuos was a waste of money?
    What if when I sent the money I didn’t know he was a fraud? Am I still (based on good faith effort) entitled to the Yeshuos? & If they don’t come true can I sue him for false advertising?

  8. Kuvult – if you want to sue him for his promised “yeshuos” not happening, you can join the line. One of the most disgusting things he has done (which has been widely documented and publicized) is take advantage of desperate people – including ones with relatives in dire medical conditions. He’d promise that if they gave him tens or hundreds of thousands of Shekel, he’d give them “special medicines” that only he knew about al pi kaballah that were guaranteed to cure them. Needless to say, these did not work – and when they were analyzed as part of the police investigation into his fraudulent activities, they were found to be Mentos and tic tacs.

    Tha man is a rasha gamur, and there is a special place in hell reserved for him.

    an Israeli Yid

  9. I agree 100% that the Ukrainians needs a punishment. Now they they might face complete destruction after refusing to let in a rabbi.

    Wish Russia the best

  10. so the ukrainians who are fighting for democracy dont allow people to have an opinion?

    Israel banned Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from entering. Same idea.

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