The survival of the two Israelis who were injured in a shooting attack near Huwara on Tuesday evening was a huge neis as although dozens of bullets from an automatic weapon hit their car, they were not directly hit, suffering only slight to moderate injuries from shattered glass.
One of the victims is Meir Dovid Kahane, the son of Rabbi Binyanim Ze’ev, H’yd and Talia, H’yd, Kahane, who were murdered 23 years ago in a shooting attack near Ofra, and the grandson of Reb Meir Kahane, who was murdered by a Muslim in New York in 1990.
The second victim is Achiad Libman, the son of the Rosh Yeshivah of Pri Haaretz in Rechelim and the nephew of Eliyahu Libman, the head of the Kiryat Arba-Chevron council.
Libman spoke to Reshet Bet from his hospital bed on Wednesday morning, explaining that they were on their way to a Yishay Ribo concert in Har Bracha: “Traffic was slow. About 150 meters before HaBeitot Square, they opened fire from the right with automatic gunfire, over 30-40 bullets, at an indescribable level.”
“All the windows shattered and shards flew everywhere. There were three seconds of silence. I was debating whether to go out with the gun but then there was another blast of bullets and I felt like I had been hit in the head. I was sure it was a bullet. I realized that our only chance was to keep driving. In a neis, the car responded. I couldn’t see anything and I was dripping blood but the car continued to HaBeitot Square.”
“When I arrived, I immediately told Kahane that we found some sort of shelter. We got out of the car and I shot four-five bullets. The thought crossed my mind that they would come finish us off. Suddenly I saw two soldiers crouching behind a concrete block, I was a little shocked. One of them pushed us under the engine cover. I told him to bandage Kahane because he was completely covered in blood. The soldier called MDA.”
Libman concluded: “My entire body was covered in glass shards. My head was injured from a larger shrapnel and I have a skull fracture.”
An update from Beilinson Hospital on Wednesday morning said that Kahane was released overnight after being treated for his injuries. Libman remains hospitalized in moderate condition.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
2 Responses
bless this recovery….
Huwara delenda est.